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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Trust me the good body won't help. I've been hitting the weights for a year now and If I walk down soi 6 within a stone's throw of any young Asian men I'm like a cockroach in the gutter. Then again, they know I'm not going to splash the cash.
  2. Of course he was. After Rittenhouse was released on bond, prosecutors said he was spotted at a Wisconsin bar flashing the “OK” sign — a gesture that has been co-opted by known white supremacist groups. He was also seen consuming alcohol while being serenaded by a group of adult men who sang the Proud Boys’ anthem, according to prosecutors who filed a motion with the court to restrict him from doing such things. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/kyle-rittenhouse-claims-supports-black-lives-matter-tucker-carlson-int-rcna6311
  3. Stop characterising every member of Hamas as a terrorist and you might gain some insight into why this is not "twisted irony". You are very aware of the divisive and inflammatory tactics employed by the NY Post in order to enhance its readership.
  4. I never said there was. I said I comprehended (understood if you will) why they did it. There is no excuse for the actions by Israel which ensued. Period.
  5. Don't. You'll burn out and backslide. Guaranteed. Decide if you want to live and be healthy or die early. It looks like you have already made that choice for the good. The Buddhist way is moderation. Go cold turkey on the alcohol, walk every day, at least 12,000 steps and go to the gym 2 times a week, not more. Your muscles will not stand every day. And get a trainer. Pay for lessons so you feel compelled to go even if you think you don't need them. Good luck.
  6. I post what I honestly believe. For the record, I have no affiliations with any country, ethnicity or language outside of the UK, and all my ancestors were born in Australia. If my posts are inflammatory to you, you need to do some navel gazing. Look at the post above by rattlesnake to gain a clue.
  7. War is a tactic employed by leaders who wish to remain in power when their number is up if they don't. The Australian PM at the time of 9/11 was facing an election in which he had no chance of winning. He won. Putin knows this.
  8. You'd better make sure my comment matches your terminology or I will report you and refer to this post. Think twice.
  9. Every country stands behind it's military in time of war. During the Vietnam war I was vehemently against our participation but stood ready to do my duty if I got drafted. edit: I came from a proud military family.
  10. Nor am I. 44 dead Israeli soldiers for 11,000 civilians (as at January) is not a hypothetical. Meanwhile, are you going to step up to the plate and answer my question about proportionality or just continue to obfuscate?
  11. You forgot to answer my question about proportionality in the killing of human shields. I knew you would not rise to the challenge. It is irrational to consider that when I say "The Israelis" in the context of this war that I mean each Israeli individually or all of them collectively. That would make no sense. I never generalize. It's especially irrational when I have made it quite clear over and over again that I blame only Netanyahu and his government and other key figures in the administration of Israel. I think you do understand that I am not racist despite continually trying to imply that I am.
  12. Yes I do. Please remember that in future
  13. OK, it's illegal to kill human shields disproportionally. This brings me to another question which I know you will not directly answer in good faith. Do you believe that Israel's killing of human shields is proportionate and reasonable?
  14. "The Israelis" logically means their government in this conflict. I have said many times I have no problem with individual Israelis, only the government. I don't believe I need to repeat that ad infinitum ad nauseum to stop you relying on pedantry.
  15. The issue of proportionality is key. Nobody in their right mind can argue that the proportionality here is reasonable.
  16. The Israelis are led by Netanyahu. He speaks for Israelis and commands them. You continually try this line of pedantic argument on. Try a little nuance for a change.
  17. We'll have to agree to disagree. I believe it's on point and the quote I provided establishes that Israel's reliance on the accusation of human shields exceeds the bounds of reason.
  18. The linked article discusses IHL and the issue of human shields.
  19. It isn't a troll question. Do you acknowledge that the events preceding october 7th led up to the events on october 7th. You know the only rational answer is yes but that doesn't suit your narrative.
  20. Hamas will never be wiped out. Would you sign up to a militia if an invading force killed your family? What's happening now is that the overwhelming majority of able bodied men in Palestine are signing up defend their country. Israel seems content to kill every one of them. When there are no more able bodied men left to fight they might stop. That is genocide and that is what is happening today in Palestine.
  21. I was referring to Neyanyahu and his cabinet. In case you missed it the first time,. Netanyahu is an animal.
  22. In November 2023, Cambridge University Professor Marc Weller stated that "The very fact that we have seen 44 [Israeli] soldiers killed in the [Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip] and almost 11,000 [Palestinian] civilians gives an indication that the calculation of proportionality in Gaza has left the bounds of reasonableness. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_shield_(law) The principle is that it is reasonable to kill human shields to attack military targets if they are attacking. It is not reasonable to kill them just because the targets exist among the human shields.
  23. Try to control your anger and stick to justifying your position. I note that a yes or no answer to my most recent question was too much for you.
  24. On the other hand Israel's objective has always been to make Gaza uninhabitable for Palestinians and the doctor in the SBS video I posted today confirms that is his opinion as well. I note you did not comment on that video.
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