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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Got a link? The OP quotes Patel as saying the EHCR did stop the flight. Can you point to any legal opinion that supports your view that the ECHR is not above national law?
  2. Nothing wrong with that. It's permissible, unlike abuse of other forum members.
  3. Charlottesville, COVID, Trump and free speech: How white supremacy entered the mainstream https://www.salon.com/2022/06/19/charlottesville-covid-and-free-speech-how-supremacy-entered-the-mainstream/
  4. In interviews with the Guardian's Peter Stone, a bevy of former Department of Justice officials explained that the House committee hearings on the Jan 6th insurrection have already provided enough evidence to file criminal charges against Donald Trump. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-2657531670/
  5. Or maybe it's not true at all because you can't substantiate your claim as required by the rules of the forum.
  6. Right. So, we've established that they can't cut of the tag and disappear and claim benefits at the same time.
  7. I think they will charge Trump because they need to establish who was ultimately responsible for the death of several people as a direct result of the riot.
  8. Did you know there's a whole branch of mathematics called statistics based around poll samples and extrapolating them to predict the mood of the entire nation? Every credible poll also carries a rider which calculates the margin of error or confidence level. You appear to be trying to imply that only 545 people who were directly asked would have answered that way and leave open the (im)possibility that every other person in the population might not agree. Absurd would be the only way to describe that assertion.
  9. The UK has signed an agreement decades ago to recognise the ECHR. As such it does transcend conflicting national laws as was demonstrated recently in the cancellation of the deportment flight to Rwanda.
  10. I love listening to Chinese traditional and classic music. Especially the Guzheng and bamboo flute.
  11. But the same people don't make the connection between anti muslim extremism and wearing of crucifixes. I'm not saying there is a connection, merely pointing to the absurdity of the of the connection. Any excuse to justify bigotry.
  12. The "red pill", whatever that is lol, seems like it's all innuendo and smoke, no facts. If some wingnut like Carlson injects a conspiracy theory into the mix it gives the bubble more fuel so the those with a closed mind can grasp another straw with which to attack the left. What we never see, is cogent, rational arguments laying out facts and evidence and a willingness to debate in good faith. The right are so fearful of a breakdown of white privilege that they will seize on any myth or fantasy to justify fascism over democracy. That's the key message from the Jan 6 riots.
  13. They are not "forcing" you or anybody else to wear anything. They are wearing what THEY want. What you are doing is forcing your dress requirements on them. Freedom of religion includes freedom to dress how they want. How does it hurt you that they dress in a particular way?
  14. 70% of poll respondents think it's very or somewhat important to investigate Jan 6. https://www.foxnews.com/official-polls/fox-news-poll-more-voters-trust-republicans-handle-inflation-crime
  15. I guess it's a real problem for the right to see legal process take its course.
  16. The dot com technology didn't go away, only the speculation did. The same goes for blockchain technology. It isn't going away either.
  17. BTC is testing historical support and no V shaped recovery in sight. I think if it loses 18K then 4K is about where i would start to buy in. BTC isn't going away and many cryptos do have functionality so I think going to zero won't happen.
  18. climate change makes it colder as well. I know you understand the arguments better than this.
  19. climate scientists know and I trust tens of thousands of them to have a handle on the situation.
  20. At what rate ion the past compared to now? That's the real issue here. Additionally, the Earth is in a natural cooling cycle and yet anthropomorphic climate change is warming the planet at the fast rate for a very long time. Atmospheric CO2 levels far above anything experienced since humans have been around and ocean acidity the same. This talking point that climate has always been changing so noth9ing to see here is totally misleading.
  21. Editorial: Pence's jeopardy and Trump's corruption were even worse than America knew The fact that Pence refused to play that role should make him a hero to true conservatives. But instead, polls continue to show that, on the political right, Trump remains the far more popular of the two, with numerous other GOP candidates continuing to support and emulate him. There may be no greater evidence of the deep and dangerous dysfunction that afflicts today’s Republican Party. https://www.stltoday.com/opinion/editorial/editorial-pences-jeopardy-and-trumps-corruption-were-even-worse-than-america-knew/article_3ec97ad4-cdec-5d9e-94f2-114318ba3781.html
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