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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. There's an even bigger chance that the vaccination saved you from a worse lung infection, if either was at all implicated. It is ludicrous to claim that the covid specific vaccine caused the problem but other vaccines saved you.
  2. In my own experience, my GP was pretty open as to the generic statin I took. Originally I was prescribed atorvastatin but later read that my favourite foods (pomelo and grapefruit) were off the list for that drug but ok for rosuvastatin. My GP was fine with changing which happened many years ago and recently, when I asked another GP if I should switch statins he told me that rosuvastatin is generally the best tolerated. If you are on a high dosage it may well be advisable to ask about this.
  3. Pretty sure the medical advice was ask for medical advice.
  4. Probably simvastatin. I take rosuvastatin which is expensive and sometimes they don't have a generic at Boots. Crestor costs about 1100 for a pack of 15.
  5. The problem is that several BM's are using the strict dictionary definition of the word "prevent" to imply that vaccines don't work at all. The use of the phrase "vaccines don't prevent covid transmission" is misinformation and is being repeated often enough that it must come from some anti vax talking points.
  6. The more likely cause of inflation is the pandemic itself. Curtailing government efforts to battle covid are just going to make inflation worse. If inflation was caused by US policy choices, you’d expect it to be confined to the US. But supply chain issues are global. So are rising prices. https://www.rawstory.com/heres-the-truth-about-rising-inflation-and-it-has-nothing-to-do-with-spending/
  7. Express.co.uk asked its readers: “Should the Royal Family tell the public where Prince Andrew’s payoff money came from?” The poll, which ran from 9am to 3pm on Thursday, February 17, gathered a total of 1,933 votes, along with dozens of comments on the hot topic of royal funding. In total, 1,238 people — 64 percent — voted “yes”, the source of the money should be made public https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1567768/prince-andrew-payout-poll-settlement-money-taxpayer-queen-spt
  8. Andrew has not admitted Ms Giuffre’s allegations that she was forced to have sex with him on three occasions in 2001 when she was 17 - a minor in US law. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/prince-andrew-facing-call-give-26243490
  9. That's a bit different to you alleging that the sex was consensual.
  10. I never said that, I said that you claimed the decision was hers alone, nothing more.
  11. She alleges that he abused her. Who alleges that the acts were consensual? P Andrew didn't even remember the meeting lol
  12. The suit alleged Prince Andrew sexually abused Ms Giuffre as a teenager on multiple occasions in London, Manhattan, and the US Virgin Islands in 2001 - allegations that he denies. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/prince-andrew-abuse-allegations-virginia-giuffre-b2017340.html
  13. A source who is familiar with the case said: 'Andrew moved so far, so fast from his position of deny, deny, deny. There were a lot of things looming for him. 'Things were starting to come out and Andrew knew what the case was against him. Another well-placed royal insider said that 'no one had much sympathy for Andrew'. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10515637/Prince-Andrew-reached-settlement-principle-Virginia-Giuffre.html
  14. It was open to P Andrew to go to court. He chose not to. You are mischaracterising this as a decision by Guiffre alone. "Giuffre asserted that she met Andrew while she traveled frequently with Epstein between 2000 and 2002, when her lawyers maintain she was “on call for Epstein for sexual purposes” and was “lent out to other powerful men,” including Andrew. Her lawsuit said she still suffers significant emotional and psychological distress and harm. Andrew repeatedly denied Giuffre’s allegations and has said he can’t recall ever meeting her." https://time.com/6148328/prince-andrew-giuffre-lawsuit-settlement/
  15. It was a civil matter. The only reason there were no criminal charges (by the police) was because the statute of limitations had run out, not because no crimes were committed. Giuffre has long said the late financier and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and his then girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell, herself recently convicted of sex trafficking, forced her into sex with Prince Andrew when she was 17. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jan/12/prince-andrew-virginia-giuffre-case-court-trial-testimony-what-happens-next
  16. The point is that the government can open up all it likes but the people will stay away if there are many cases so the government there is doing the right thing. Opening up has had a reverse effect to what was intended because the offline economy is now worse than ever since covid began despite opening up. It isn't about "freedoms", it's about reducing infections. Reducing infections is the only thing that will save the economy
  17. You seem so certain. Wishful thinking perhaps? Not many people are going to believe that.
  18. That's right. I am in Adelaide atm and the annual Festival is dead. It doesn't matter that omicron is less dangerous than delta, the number of infections is keeping people away.
  19. The same could be said for him going to court to protect and prove his innocence.
  20. Added to that is that the phenomenon of women not reporting rape and abuse for decades is now well documented and understood. But apparently not by everybody.
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