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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Back in the mid 80's I went to a property up in the hills behind Pattaya where they were breeding blue heelers. It was near a golf course as I recall.
  2. It didn't https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/flu-cases-rise-covid-19-us-rcna10261 https://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/communicable-diseases/influenza/news/news/2021/12/this-winters-flu-season-epidemic-has-started-what-we-know-so-far-and-what-needs-to-be-done-to-control-it
  3. Clearly 1 in 10 did at least because they had no comorbidities which you claim is mostly down to lifestyle.
  4. We actually have a lot of resources an effort put into convincing the elderly to get flu shots every year when the season approaches.
  5. In almost 1 in 10 deaths the victims had no comorbidities. Do you think that's an acceptably low number? I sure don't.
  6. Ask her what is a "mother car". And a "fire car".
  7. And you are gullible enough to think he didn't know the difference. Joe Biden is not a medical expert. No medical expert has ever said that. Ever.
  8. During the same public appearance, Biden also stated, accurately, that vaccinated people are less likely to catch the virus than unvaccinated people and, if they do catch it, are less likely to get sick.
  9. No, your data is not controlled for deaths among the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated. You can't draw that conclusion.
  10. How many times to I have to repeat, I never mentioned obesity. Nobody disputes that it does. My point was that it isn't just lifestyle diseases and conditions which cause illness and death from covid.
  11. https://www.newswise.com/factcheck/debunking-the-claim-that-vaccines-cause-new-covid-19-variants
  12. Less virus transmission? That was the aim. I'm hoping they do bring it back together with self isolation for vaccinated people. I'll be on the first plane back there if they do.
  13. The Victorian government will issue a statewide Code Brown for it's health service, cancelling leave for thousands of staff. Scheduled leave will be cancelled for doctors, nurses and ambulance staff, with the Australian Defence Force expected to be called to assist. A Code Brown is an emergency setting usually reserved for external emergencies such as natural disasters and mass casualty events. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-18/victoria-code-brown-healthcare-workers/100750920
  14. I really like the Thai noodle soup with shredded chicken. They put spring onions and fried garlic in it. They don't always use shredded chicken and I avoid those that don't.
  15. I never referenced them in any way or at any time. Implying that deaths due to advancing age are relatively unimportant is sociopathy.
  16. Australia reported a record high of COVID-19 deaths Tuesday, and its second-largest state declared an emergency in hospitals to cope with surging patient admissions and a staffing shortage due to the coronavirus. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-health-business-australia-victoria-f14fb8c8819d5d2adb7eaf789b2a8a5e
  17. I never mentioned those things. You will be old soon enough and then your sociopathy will come back to bite you.
  18. Yet another effort to willfully ignore the single most important metric, that vaccines prevent serious illness in all variants of covid.
  19. What I actually said was that age is the biggest factor and that was not lifestyle related. I also said that there were plenty of other factors which were not lifestyle related and I certainly didn't imply or state that type 1 diabetes was age related. I never mentioned obesity or heart disease but neither is necessarily lifestyle related. My point was that any attempt to correlate deaths with lifestyle disease is simplistic and wrong. Dismissing the danger because it mainly affects the age is sociopathy.
  20. And therefore were not available to the population. The same thing happened in Australia where only one vaccine was ordered which then proved to be unsuitable for the majority. Until the vaccines did become available Thailand did well by locking down. As opposed to the UK and USA where the govt were virus skeptics. These days is a different picture but what is appropriate these days was not always the case. Nowadays we have vaccines and a milder dominant variant. That wasn't the case in the earlier days which is when my post was about. Those countries which did lock down fared much better earlier on when the dominant variant was not as contagious as now.
  21. Definitely but it is generally considered that age is the largest determining factor. If you intend to imply that the contributing factors are mainly lifestyle induced you would be wrong. Large numbers of people suffer from cancer, type 1 diabetes and other chronic illnesses which are not necessarily related with lifestyle. especially not advanced age,
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