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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I was making a statement about the futility of removing trees to stop road accidents. It applies everywhere.
  2. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-03-16/tree-hits-car-in-fatal-crash-in-adelaide-hills/13253876 https://www.9news.com.au/national/aldinga-car-crash-man-dies-after-car-hits-tree-and-catches-fire-in-adelaides-south/912f253b-849b-4c54-bcd8-27ce10c29228 https://www.news.com.au/national/south-australia/19yearold-man-killed-in-adelaide-hills-crash-after-hitting-tree/news-story/5c53e17bc4d5cfa1e5e97b5619e8a2d7
  3. People are killed running into trees every week in Australia. If they removed anymore we wouldn't have any left.
  4. Coincidentally there are massive reported riots as well. They are in the mainstream news publications. https://apnews.com/article/europe-protests-virus-restrictions-netherlands-austria-italy-bea60fffc55590d0b956752274ddfb88 https://www.newsweek.com/netherlands-europe-mandatory-vaccine-coronavirus-protest-riot-1651762
  5. My mother is 93 and has no chronic illnesses whatsoever. Furthermore she drinks a bottle of wine every 2 days. If she died of coronavirus it would definitely be attributed to coronavirus and not old age. Unless it can be proved that a terminal chronic illness was about to kill her anyway the death must rightly be attributed to covid. This propaganda about other long term underlying illnesses should stop. It's just pure ignorance.
  6. On the other hand the rising numbers have spurred more people to test and get vaccinated. Publishing those numbers is important for continuing that effort.
  7. Any evidence to that effect? At the time that Sinovac was the main vaccination used omicron wasn't around and delta was the main worry. Sinovac undoubtedly saved many lives.
  8. A spokesperson for France's Ministry of Sport has warned there will be no exemption for unvaccinated players at the upcoming French Open in May. The country recently introduced COVID-passes that require individuals to have received two doses to enter many venues, including sports venues like the grounds at Roland Garros. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-18/novak-djokovic-lands-in-serbia-after-deportation-from-australia/100762766
  9. There was a period last year when Sinovac was the only vaccine available in Thailand. It would be fair to say that a few people went to their graves wishing they hadn't waited. Sinovac has proved to be effective against serious illness. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/sinovacs-covid-shot-highly-effective-against-serious-illness-malaysia-study-2021-09-24/
  10. As usual the experts are right and the the low no information bashers produce nothing to support their misinformation. Here is a study which supports what he's saying. Antibody responses were low at 6 months after prior immunisation with two doses of CoronaVac, However, all four vaccines administered as a third dose induced a significant increase in binding and neutralising antibody, which may improve protection against infection. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3989848 https://www.astrazeneca.com/media-centre/press-releases/2022/new-vaxzevria-data-further-support-its-use-as-third-dose-booster.html
  11. It turned me into a newt but I got better. Slightly sore arm for a day
  12. That sounds so implausible that I wonder if he ever had covid at that time. It's possible that the positive covid story was cooked up to get a medical exemption.
  13. In the Philippines they would indicate but usually the horn is the only electrical accessory which works.
  14. Novak Djokovic has lost a bid to stay in Australia after the Federal Court upheld the government's decision to cancel the tennis star's visa. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-16/novak-djokovic-fight-against-visa-cancellation-court-ruling/100759514
  15. It's rather telling that the anti vaxers wanted to wait years before they were confident that the vaccines were safe but we see the same cohort leaping on the let it rip bus now instead of waiting to see the longer term effects of the virus. That's the mind numbing reality of politics and religion before science.
  16. How is it up to me? I think it's up to the medical experts. Neither your opinion or mine will make any difference.
  17. When they get older (reach 5) they can be vaccinated. We are discussing children under 5 who can't be vaccinated.
  18. For children under 5 it's not the end of the world considering that's when school actually starts.
  19. The weak need protection too. Sacrificing the weak is not a position that the world will ever be comfortable with. It has been tried before.
  20. The vaccine dose for children is about the strength of their immune system, not their body weight.
  21. Expect more worrisome variants after omicron, scientists say https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-science-health-pandemics-dc99bc9f769dd6d7cb669e3d185c6261
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