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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Rubbish. It was only ever said they would reduce transmission. The chance of delta infection after 3 vaccine shots is very low. The chance of serious infection is even lower. They are also very effective in preventing serious illness from omicron. People are free to disparage anti vaxers as being irresponsible sociopaths who disdain science and spread conspiracy theories in pursuit of a political agenda. Free speech seems to suit the right until it doesn't.
  2. For a long time there were no vaccines and Thailand was one of the safest countries in the world because of strict policies curtailing the virus. Australia, Singapore, Vietnam and New Zealand are similar examples of strict controls successfully buying time until vaccines became readily available. Unfortunately, many countries heed the populist call and opened up too early believing that omicron would quickly displace delta and would not overwhelm hospitals. Neither has proved to be true.
  3. The destruction of the economy from opening up with high levels of infections is also well known.
  4. There's huge amounts of data out there which provides informed opinions by doctors and scientists. The consensus is that it is a serious problem. Covid is known to damage all organs including the brain.
  5. The delta variant is still very much around. Australia experienced record deaths in a couple of states yesterday. The value of vaccines is very well established and their importance remains. Your qualification of under 60 is meaningless and ageism. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-health-business-bolivia-brazil-52b18ed67f699ca8fd1a0ee5cf992fa2
  6. Those are the realised short term effects. Long term effects in the context of the post I replied to implies potential unrealised and yet unknown long term effects of the vaccines.
  7. Do you really believe that Fauci implied that is was possible to 100% avoid infection? I think you are clutching at straws here.
  8. That is the aim. Wearing masks is obviously intended to avoid infection. Nobody pretends it is 100% effective but it has been proven beyond shadow of doubt that wearing masks, social distancing and vaccines reduce the likelihood of infection.
  9. A very few people will suffer bad effects and even death from any vaccine. We know that. We also know that the risk from the virus is much worse.
  10. I trust nobody unconditionally. On matters of virus control I do Trust Fauci. What statements by Hillary Clinton or Bill Gates are in question regarding the virus?
  11. I think you'll find that the truth and sincerity lie with the person who has been an expert for decades and trusted by several presidents from both parties until the grifter came along exploiting the worst traits of human nature.
  12. another willfully ignorant attempt to imply that the vaccines "do nothing" by failing to mention that they are effective at preventing serious illness.
  13. How do the policy makers profit financially from testing? That's a long bow you are trying to draw.
  14. Doctors and scientists are capable of drawing informed conclusions by observation of inflammation and organ damage. For example, they don't need to wait years to determine that a heart attack can cause long term damage.
  15. There is a concerted effort on this board by the anti vaxers to incorrectly conflate protection against infection and transmission with protection against serious illness. The failure to draw this distinction is tantamount to a wilful attempt to do so. From one of the articles you quoted - "The latest research from South Africa, where Omicron was first reported, suggested that two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine offered 70 per cent effectiveness in reducing the risk of hospitalisation."
  16. The term exploit is very clearly defined as a negative motive "make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand." to use someone or something unfairly for your own advantage:
  17. Any snarky comments I made were not directed at the doctor but at the bashers. I make no apology for that. Stop projecting.
  18. Yes. Please explain what benefit was derived which isn't a benefit accrued to the population as a whole. Here we see politicians acting in good faith and for the benefit of society. Especially do explain how they are benefiting from pushing back against anti vax sentiment in a way which is inimical to the benefit of their populations. Provide references to bolster your story.
  19. Covid did, vaccines didn't. In Australia the economy was way worse after lockdowns ceased because nobody wanted to go anywhere in the face of rapidly escalating numbers despite omicron being relatively milder than delta. It is a furphy that there is some kind of binary choice between controlling the virus and the health of the economy. Until the virus is somehow controlled, the economy will suffer.
  20. They're not exploiting anything. They are reflecting the majority public opinion and medical advice.
  21. Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.
  22. Or not. Apart from death as a consequence there is this. https://scitechdaily.com/what-causes-long-covid-symptoms-new-clues-from-under-the-microscope/
  23. The good doctor is of course correct. I don't understand the spiteful uninformed Thai bashing that goers on here when any article is posted which quotes Thai science. People must have a chip on their shoulder because they are politically motivated and on the wrong side of history and science. Here is some Australian research which supports what this doctor is saying. Unvaccinated people with long COVID – even those whose initial infection was mild or moderate – have a sustained inflammatory response for at least eight months following their infection, suggesting that long COVID is very different to other infections. https://scitechdaily.com/what-causes-long-covid-symptoms-new-clues-from-under-the-microscope/
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