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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Me too and I don't think I have forgotten how to do it. I have no clue if my girlfriend knows how to iron or not.
  2. You could also read that as I don't know what laws non western nations have on the books. I don't subscribe to moral, that's a religious thing, ethical yes. The ethical higher ground is disdaining hate speech. A majority of developed democracies have laws that restrict hate speech, including Australia, Canada,[23] Denmark, France, Germany, India, South Africa, Sweden, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.[24] In the United Kingdom, Article 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998 expands on the UDHR, stating that restrictions on freedom of expression would be permitted when it threatens national security, incites racial or religious hatred, causes individual harm on health or morals, or threatens the rights and reputations of individuals.[25] The United States does not have hate speech laws, since the U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that laws criminalizing hate speech violate the guarantee to freedom of speech contained in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech
  3. I unreservedly condemn everyone who engages in hate speech in the strongest words possible. It's sociopathic behaviour.
  4. Indeed. I include all those who stoop to hate speech and hide behind first amendment rights. It's cowardly. No other western nation permits hate speech.
  5. Anybody with concerns about illegal immigration is not racist. This is why the left hate the wingnuts so much. The filth in our society want to project these negative stereotypes on and dehumanize their political adversaries.
  6. You're lying. I have never used the words you mention out of their dictionary context.
  7. Can we just get clear on this? I'm not interested in a debate about whether the first amendment should be amended to exclude hate speech. I'm asking if you defend those who engage in hate speech? Antisemitism is hate speech. Is that protected under the first amendment? If so, why all the fuss about Claudine Gay?
  8. If I ever choose a partner based on her willingness to iron clothes or ability to cook, just shoot me.
  9. Why would someone take offense unless the words were offensive? Are you defending people's right to be offensive? Usually that means hate speech. It's legal but it's the domain of scum.
  10. No stranger has ever walked into a soi 6 bar without the waitress asking them if they want a lady.
  11. No wonder Thai women find it difficult to find a decent foreign husband.
  12. Nope, the unlying motive is clear as a bell and it's always hatred. It's used mainly as just another dog whistling code word. Nothing else. Thai women might have a million reasons why not to marry a foreigner that aren't based on racism. This is your non sequitur.
  13. You'd need to draw a line between that comment and racism. You've jumped the shark here.
  14. The mere use of the term racism in non academic social discourse to insult is racist. Only racists do it. In every context it's used there is at least a racist undercurrent and at worst, explicit racism.
  15. garbage. It's the academic study of how racism is pervasive in society., Nothing more than that. The right wing have a problem with sloganeering.
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