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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. "Across the board and around the country, data reveals that threats against public officials have risen to unprecedented numbers — to the point where 83 percent of Americans are now concerned about risks of political violence in their country," wrote Beauchamp, noting that while the threats have come from every political persuasion, they are most prominent from the MAGA movement. https://www.rawstory.com/threats-maga/
  2. Do you deny that you just made one? Are people not entitled to freedom from personal attacks or are you defending calling those who push back against them "snowflakes"?
  3. What victim card would that be? Easy to throw innuendo which you don't have to explain what you actually mean.
  4. Coming as far as Mexico? You'd need a link to evidence to convince me that that's true to any significant extent..
  5. This is rich considering that Trump supporters want the voters to decide if Trump should be president but the right wing are doing their best to argue that Biden shouldn't be allowed to stand based on his age. He thrashed Trump at the last election so tjhere's no reason to believe it will be any different this time, especially when the calculus is that Trump will be convicted of felonies before the election and polls indicate bad news for Trump if he is convicted.
  6. Another example of right wing extremism and fanaticism might be the level the threats made against public figures who find against Trump. Such threats of violence are far in excess of anything the left serves up. The FBI considers the threat of right wing terrorism to be America's greatest domestic threat. Yet another example might be the level of personal attacks made against lefties on this board compared to their counterparts on the left.
  7. All the medical profession in the world believes knows that gender isn't binary. Another example of right wing extremism.
  8. They don't believe God sent Biden or anybody else. This is a level of fanaticism far beyond anything seen on the left.
  9. This guy was talking to you. “If you can defend this, you can defend anything,” wrote Russell Moore, a theologian who is also the president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), in an excoriating editorial to his fellow evangelicals about the breach of the Capitol. The intruders displayed Jesus Saves signs next to those calling for the hanging of Vice President Mike Pence and, once in the building, thanked God for the opportunity “to get rid of the communists, the globalists and the traitors” within the U.S. government. “If you can wave this away with ‘Well, what about …'” added Moore, “then where, at long last, is your limit?” https://time.com/5932014/donald-trump-christian-supporters/
  10. Fanatics on both sides in the order of believing that a deity sent their favourite politician to do God's work? This is an extreme example of both sides ism. No lefties believe God sent Biden or anybody else to do his work and save America. God does not vote Republican. Are their any libs who come even close to this level of fanaticism? The southern baptists formed out of racism and it hasn't gone away. The GOP is about racism and the oligarchy. https://time.com/5932014/donald-trump-christian-supporters/ https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/13/us-republicans-oligarchs-economics-nationalism https://www.laprogressive.com/election-reform-campaigns/racism-and-oligarchy
  11. The weird thing about the right wing is that they think liberals worship the ground of whoever the dem president is. Unlike the right wing,. dems are party supporters, not "Biden supporters" per se. This is the difference between policy platform voters and personality politics. It's not hard to be a trump hater. The religious right thinks he was sent by Jesus to save America from the lefties. Not just weird but totally insane. They don't get that he just says what he has to to rile up the religious right fanatics.
  12. I'm not talking about losing an election. I'm talking about the rampant non stop criminality which has been the main feature of Trump's political and business life. Right now he's going down for duping investors over a mobile phone. And, yes, it really is an authoritarian thing to praise the dear leader.
  13. Yeah, no problems at all with the remain in mexico policy. Unless you went to mexico and actually looked. The refugees weren't going to go back to their home countries and build skyscrapers.
  14. I would bet that the appellate court rules one way or the other and the supreme court refuses the docket, pitching it back to the states. If the SC were to rule on the issue they would have to conclude that the president can't gun down people in central park and get away with it. The states will be free to do what they want with the ballots since they all mange their own elections and have different rules. So, the blue states will throw trump off the ballot and the red states won't. The effect of that will be trump voters in blue states staying home which will swing the down ballot heavily blue even if it doesn't affect the presidential electoral college outcome.
  15. How would be stop them, apart from my very unambiguous answer which the far right are treating like kryptonite. The right want to build a wall to maybe stop 30% off illegal immigrattion at best, or put machine gun nests along the river or build child killing floating pontoons in the river or separating babies from parents as a deterrent. The whole right wing approach to the problem is sick.
  16. Biden intentionally created a border crisis? That's pretty rich. Why would he do that knowing it would tank any chance he had of being re-elected. That's not really a rational proposition. And you don't address the dramatic effect jailing employers would have on illegal immigration. It's really a no brainer.
  17. The border crisis is such a manufactured crisis. The US needs immigrants. Period. If there was any real enthusiasm for stopping the migration, rich company directors and billionaires would be in jail for hiring illegals. Migration would stop overnight. This has been going on since the 50's. The numbers have risen because populations are rising, on both sides of the fence. Rich countries aren't interested in spreading the wealth around evenly though foreign investment so that poor countries could develop a sustainable economy or doing anything to actually fix the problem. They only want to use immigration as a whipping post in the hope that they can blow the issue into a viote winning formula. Nothing else.
  18. He won the first term, he has a right to stand for a second term and that's a very strong tradition in US electoral politics. There was no groundswell of opposition among republicans for a Trump second term despite his appalling record of authoritarianism, appeasement of fascists and known criminality. I know many Dems are hoping for Biden to stand aside and allow a younger, more dynamic character stand but that's got nothing to do with Biden's track record. It's the red states who are complaining the loudest about rh economy and it's no secret that there's a huge disparity in economic performance between red and blue states. So, who could be at fault there. It hardly seems like a federal problem. https://blogs.cfainstitute.org/investor/2018/03/13/red-states-blue-states-two-economies-one-nation/
  19. Re-education program. New employment opportunities for the population. Now, where have we seen that? hmm Uyghurs. hmm.
  20. 2020 was the same. If the vote had been not been against Trump the down ballot would have been a red wave. If anything, the fact that Trump candidates lost badly in the 2020 and 2022 elections is evidence that the vote really wasn't stolen.
  21. Because Biden is doing what his advisors tell him to do. Plus, it's not human nature to praise people effusively for doing well unless one is an authoritarian or religious or both. It is, however, human nature for everyone to strongly criticise someone who is doing poorly. I guess it seems odd for authoritarians that people don't fawn over the dear leader, I don't know.
  22. I'm an oz and I like both equally. You're spreading BS. There's a lot of sympathy for Palestinians and for Israelis in Australia. That's the problem with the far right. They think everyone shares the same ideology.
  23. The GOP don't want African American history taught. They regard it as too divisive.
  24. She was compelled by law to act on advice of counsel.
  25. 1% of the Gazan population has been killed. Is that small? Do you have a link to any court case which convicted them?
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