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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Of course they can...as long as they don't try to make a business out of it in most jurisdictions.
  2. The industry is regulated but that does not necessarily mean there are any guarantees of returns and no mutual funds offer that, so, just as most investments, it is an (educated) gamble.
  3. And all the commissions are paid for by the clients, taken out of their policies up front.
  4. They have been known to get involved in seminars in Hua Hin, also.
  5. A now defunct company run by Neil Arthur Robbirt called Global Investments, I'll bet. https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=6208 "The SEC, therefore, filed a criminal complaint against Global Consultant and Mr. Robbirt with the ECD Police for further legal proceedings. Anyone who may have been affected by their unlicensed securities business operation can give additional information to the ECD Police at 0-2237-1199".
  6. I thought they were freezing pensions to what they were when you left the country That's right, if they left fifty years ago the pension is frozen at that level, if they left five minutes ago the pension is frozen at that level...same treatment, different levels.
  7. They do get the full pension that they are entitled to when they claim but they do not get any annual increases. Not every claimant gets "the full pension", including UK residents, it depends on the individual's NI contributions.
  8. He's saying to download the form, if you can, when it is required by the DWP and post it back with original signatures in the provided envelope but I believe that it is only available for download if the pension has stopped because DWP didn't get the completed form and you contact them in a panic.
  9. I believe that claimants are advised that pension increases are only payable to those living in certain countries when they make their claim. If they choose to advise the IPC of their move abroad to a frozen country, that is their problem.
  10. Same way it affects those who have been abroad for five minutes.
  11. The people cannot force the current government in power to do so and none of the others will necessarily follow the wishes of the people once they've been elected! No party has ever categorically stated that it would stop all overseas pension freezes so there is no one to vote for on that subject. Every government since the fifties has refused to increase frozen pensions and the UK-resident "people" certainly do not give a toss about a few moaning expat pensioners with self-inflicted financial injuries.
  12. He didn't say that £1000 was deducted from his pension, he just said that it had to be paid.
  13. "Nobody can have their state pension ... stopped..." Bollacks. You might want to check whether refusing to return a life certificate would result in the state pension being stopped!
  14. Then you'll be able to specify the offence of which he has been criminally convicted, yes?
  15. Of course it is One of the first things I was taught in the UK when learning to drive. Do you drive a vehicle? Of course, I drive and I have never heard of anyone being taught to "never anticipate other drivers' actions", "always anticipate other drivers' action, yes, that makes sense, not anticipating other drivers' actions makes no safety sense at all.
  16. Okay perhaps you got me there, perhaps I am projecting a little bit. .... So perhaps he hasn't been convicted yet, but I'm hopeful that will happen. And I really don't think that it's fair, nor honest to use the word decency, nor use the word dignity, in any conversation concerning with Donald Trump. Wouldn't you agree with that, at least? There's no "perhaps" about it, he has not been convicted of any felonies. You used the words ""decency" and "dignity" in connection with Trump, not me, I was quoting your words.
  17. He's clearly a liar, also, judging by that Yahoo! article.
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