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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. No, they do not necessarily have a yellow book, a long-term visa doesn't mean that a yellow book is available . I'm on a 'retirement visa' (Dr Jack!) and do not have a yellow book. Maybe your reference to a long-term visa is different.
  2. More likely that she jumped and landed on the first floor (the ground floor here, usually)
  3. How much of that is due to the professional abilities and 'qualifications' of NES expat/backpacker-type "teachers", I wonder?
  4. grammar police english is my 3rd language how many other do you sapeeeek Nothing at all to do with grammar, you brought that up! I just pointed out at the time that you didn't even get the name of the app correct so perhaps it's not surprising that you couldn't work out how to register when others have easily done so!
  5. Because it means he's a wanted criminal = arrest on sight. "...it means he's a wanted criminal = arrest on sight". No, that is not what a Red Notice means. A Red Notice is just an advisory from Interpol to member police forces, it is neither a demand, instruction, nor warrant and certainly does not mean "arrest on sight". It means "this person is wanted", nothing more. As has been demonstrated, numerous times, police forces have the discretion to decide whether they act on those Notices.
  6. actually your wrong again Loey baby, if the RTP knew exactly where a criminal is located they can exersize whats called an apprehension & extradition order under section BE. 2551 of the Thailand criminal code act. This act initiates a request for the arrest and apprehension & subsequent extradition. Please do your research before commenting .... "actually your [sic] wrong again", Stevey baby. As you said yourself, that would be a request, not an instruction, not a demand nor warrant, just a request. Interpol member forces do not have to acede to those requests nor do authorities of other countries. To use your, ill-informed, words, 'please do your research before commenting ....'.
  7. Sorry, but have you nothing else better to do (to use your words)? Where was his OP shown as a "hot topic"? Today, the thread popped up in the column of Popular Posts on the right-hand side of the home page. So? The OP didn't post it as a "hot topic" as petermilk suggested.
  8. It seems that you are confused...do you know what a Red Notice is? It is advisory, it is not an instruction, direction or warrant, no member police forces are mandated to act on advice from Interpol, the individual forces have the discretion to detain those subject to Interpol's notices or to ignore them and take no action. Vorayuth has not even appeared in court yet, he left the country before anarrest warrant was issued and has not been found guilty of anything, yet. He is accused of causing a death in a traffic accident, not "killing a cop".
  9. The OP is about a foreigner located and arrested in Thailand where the RTP have jurisdiction. The RTP do not have any jurisdiction in any country where Vorayuth may be so it is irrelevant whether they can find him or not, if they could they couldn't do anything about it unless he is within Thailand's borders.
  10. No, it does not, and thank fck, Thailand is not 'kin California, where, presumably, there is a frequent need for that kind of facility!
  11. It is easy to change words, i did not say expected, i said it is normal to do so. But some people suck indeed, so it can not be expected. "Normal" behaviour is "expected" behaviour.
  12. I don't understand. You are saying that there are many pick-up drivers on this forum? How many? How many Thai pick-up drivers do you think can speak/read English, let alone understand the innuendos, sarcasm and English inferences? Why would normal Thai pick-up drivers, with few educational skills, be swarming to read what we foreigners think or write? You are maybe confusing 'pick-up' drivers - those who are collecting friends, etc., with the common perception that pick-up drivers refer to Thais and their driving skills. And besides, foreigners would not obtain a work permit - it is job undertaken by Thais -which means foreigners aren't allowed to do it. Good grief. "I don't understand. You are saying that there are many pick-up drivers on this forum? How many?". Yes, I am and, yes, there are. How many? More than a few and less than a multitude. "How many Thai pick-up drivers do you think can speak/read English, let alone understand the innuendos, sarcasm and English inferences? Why would normal Thai pick-up drivers, with few educational skills, be swarming to read what we foreigners think or write?" I didn't say that there were any...no idea why you're asking that. "You are maybe confusing 'pick-up' drivers..." No, it's not me that's confused, I know exactly what a pickup (vehicle) is. "And besides, foreigners would not obtain a work permit - it is job undertaken by Thais -which means foreigners aren't allowed to do it". What? Seriously? You seem to think that a work permit is needed to drive a pickup!
  13. It certainly is not normal to be expected to watch complete strangers' bags.
  14. Sorry, but have you nothing else better to do (to use your words)? Where was his OP shown as a "hot topic"?
  15. So you personally have never seen the drunken state of some Thais at the end of rice harvest riding motorbikes ? No, I did not say that but ezzra and you seem to think that every Thai motorcyclist must be in a drunken state just because they're Thai and it may be the end of the rice harvesting season. There was no suggestion that the man who died was drunk, on his phone or riding irresponsibly.
  16. Top up again with the minimum amount (B50?) from next month, each time you add the minimum credit the validity is extended for another 30 days up to a maximum of 12 months then use it at the end of next year. Prepaid balances can also be transferred to other Dtac numbers if you know anyone who could use it (or pay you for it)... https://www.dtac.co.th/en/prepaid/services/jai-dee.html
  17. There wasn't a suggestion Er, yes it was, it was suggested by ezzra, that's why I commented on how unjustified it was.
  18. To use your words, did you consider the merits of your silly argument?
  19. As the full OP reported by virtue of his organising compensation.
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