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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Yes, and they pay for these sensationalised (by them) stories. maybe The Mirror could send him a few old copies of their rag that he could tear up to wipe his arse with?
  2. And if you dont have the money in your bank to pay after you have received treatment? Off to the gulag is it? I dont think so, Lou. I agree, no trip to the gulag but, just because a patient doesn't have any money doesn't mean that he can expect to avoid any demands to pay his bill and that can involve the police.
  3. Who's body did the blood come from ? I don't know, doubt that he does either, all the article reports his mate saying about that is "There has been blood on the cover since he got there". Sort of suggests a stained bed cover, not that he has uncontrolled "leaking" blood.
  4. Innocent until proven guilty? I.e Suspected Criminal Surely? As for Red Notice, i believe that's a detain order. there's another colour for what you are referring to. Couple of things. You attributed that quote to me, I did not write that "arrest on sight" nonsense, I was quoting another poster. "Innocent until proven guilty?" Obviously, yes. Interpol's Notices are not "orders to detain", they are advisories. A Red Notice is a request to law enforcement worldwide to locate and provisionally arrest a person wanted either by a country or an international tribunal, pending extradition, surrender, or similar legal action. No Interpol member police forces are obligated to act on them, that decision is down to the discretion of individual police forces, they are not arrest warrants.
  5. And, just as legally, there is nothing the patient can do in that situation to stop the hospital calling the police for doing, or trying to do, a runner on a bill.
  6. There has to be a first time that a condition is discovered so, yes, it could be said that it came out of nowhere if there weren't any symptoms previously but the article doesn't say that leukemia has been diagnosed, his mate just said it could be that and that he is very anaemic.
  7. Only for emergency treatment and only for the first 72 (?) hours, there's no legal requirement for any hospital to continue treatment ad infinitum. And that obligation to treat emergencies doesn't mean that the treatment is free, it's just there to (supposedly) ensure that no one needing emergency treatment is turned away for lack of initial means to pay.
  8. In my bank can do 1m THB transactions, 2m THB per day. No issues. So what? That's not the issue. The issue for the OP is carrying cash into his home country.
  9. Yes, it will be if there is a free shipping offer, there is a deduction at checkout equal to the shipping fee. Took advantage of one last week
  10. "Had to pay 7% sales tax, but no duty". That is because laptops are zero-rated for import duty, regardless of which seller/shipping method/courier is used.
  11. If a value is not declared by the shipper, what else do you expect? Import duty and VAT is determined on the value of the goods, not the price that was paid, which are not necessarily the same things.
  12. But no bank account from that branch which was what he wanted. Perhaps his b0llocks can provide him with the banking he required as compensation for his cutting off his own nose to spite his face.
  13. So you should have "noticed" that this is 2023 (which is the relevant time for this thread) not seventeen years ago! IOs dealing with incoming visitors (and those leaving) all have enough English to be able to interact with the public that they have to deal with.
  14. Not at all. What "inequality" are you referring to? You're not suggesting that the successful rich should give their assets to the unsuccessful poor, are you?
  15. You're just as irrelevant as the time waster I was responding to. Go and troll another thread, preferably one started by @bigstooge or @nob smith. Thanks for the confirmation that (a), I didn't miss anything and that (b), your comment didn't add anything, either, even though you chose to berate another poster when you, subsequently, did the same thing!
  16. It does, but you're just not as clever as you think you are and therefore don't understand it. No, the part of your comment that I quoted does not add anything. If you think that it did, then you're not as clever as you think you are. Perhaps you could point out what I missed in that quote ("...your pointless comment adds nothing to the discussion") that adds something to the discussion?
  17. "...your pointless comment adds nothing to the discussion". Ironically, neither does yours!
  18. Complete nonsense. Even if it wasn't, a POA can be cancelled by the donor at any time and new bank accounts can be opened with (and the balance kept at) a few hundred baht.
  19. Nothing like cutting off your nose to spite your face, eh? What was the premium going to be?
  20. Which one?...wouldn't something specific be more useful? If you meant "Thai Visa Expert" I got a "risky, suspicious site" warning for it.
  21. You have to love clowns that attach laughing emoji to topics they know nothing about.. To use your own disrespectful choice of words, you have to love clowns who are even the slightest bit concerned about an inconsequential emoji! Perhaps they were "laughing" at your suggestion that the OP checks out an agent that no longer offers the specific service about which he asked!?
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