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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Have you ever broken a traffic law or done something when driving that maybe you shouldn't have?
  2. Not having killed anyone does not make you an awesome, safe driver!
  3. Pity not everyone can be as perfect as you clearly think that you are when if come to driving. Have you ever broken a traffic law or done something when driving that maybe you shouldn't have?
  4. The lifts will be fixed, they don't leave them unrepaired for ever!
  5. So why the defamatory OP about something that is in the process of being resolved?
  6. So one incident of your food not being hot makes Malaysians the rudest people? Very odd standard.
  7. Nonsense, there is a private helicopter and "small private plane" industry in Thailand, entirely separate from the armed forces.
  8. Yes, it was and that woman had to pay because she was clearly bringing expensive designer goods into the country that had been purchased overseas and which were liable to import duty that she was attempting to avoid paying. That is not the normal circumstance to which I referred for most people who do not try to evade import duties.
  9. I have only 1 passport, and I have to pay for it, sure if I wanted a second one it would also not for free. Of course, everyone has to pay the normal government fee for issuing a passport that they are entitled to but that, clearly, was not the situation to that was being referred to. The post to which I responded with my question was referring to those who buy second nationality passports for nefarious reasons from countries of which they are not nationals.
  10. In which case everyone who enters Thailand should pay duty. By your understanding. That's not my understanding that's your misunderstanding and it is way off. Those entering Thailand (in normal circumstances) are never charged import duty for the clothes on their back or the normal personal clothing content of their cases. Those who send clothing into Thailand by courier or post should expect to pay duty on dutiable items.
  11. Google...for a start. Of course, it'll be the last time that you engage on this (for obvious reasons) and I'm happy to let it go. You let us know when you find anything that states that "carrying an air gun in public in Thailand is legal".
  12. "...go see the Thai man's commanding officer to get him to pay". In the Thai military also in this case, as you'd know if you bothered to read the full article.
  13. Easy enough for you to check for yourself, carrying BB/air guns in public is illegal, as numerous sources will confirm.
  14. I believe you speak out your anal orifice. At least it is an anal orifice that is correct in this instance and it's interesting that you, so easily, recognise emanations from that area. Carrying them in public (without a licence, obviously) is illegal.
  15. But? ...but... They don't. Maybe.
  16. ...that you read and joined in!
  17. If you're referring to the owner of the CP group, you may, or may not, be exaggerating (how could anyone know when you didn't quote his alleged net worth) but you were lying. The tokens are not "a scam".
  18. He put a 1 dollar pen claiming it was worth 50 dollars in case the parcel gets list. That is insurance fraud. Declaring the wrong amount on a customs form is also a fraud. However, this idiot did it the wrong way around. It would help you if you read the actual article properly. He did not value the pen at $50, he valued the parcel that included legal papers at $360 (This amount encompassed the lawyer’s fee of US$350, the document’s value at US$5, and the pen at US$5). It is not insurance fraud until he commits insurance fraud by claiming for a falsely valued parcel. He did not claim and the parcel was not fraudulently valued. Apart from that, you were spot on.
  19. You really think that deliveries using the postal services are exempt from import duty and VAT?
  20. Golly, I wonder if Kasikorn ever recovered from that dramatic action of moving a whole B1m+ out, the branch must have been devastated.
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