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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Hardly any strength is needed to move a power-assisted steering wheel.
  2. You conveniently omitted to mention the heart and lung disease complications that were, allegedly, part of it.
  3. But he was in charge when the best part of 3000 extrajudicial killings took place in his "war on drugs".
  4. Prisoners do wear their own clothes (within a stated type) while inside, the brown shirts and shorts that are seen being worn are only required when outside of the prison, usually for court appearances. The haircut only applies on first admittance, after that they leave you alone but most people are happy to be trimmed in the prison's barber shop subsequently.
  5. Because some of Thailand's best doctors work at The Police Hospital. And he's in the custody of the Corrections Department, not the army.
  6. He wasn't being treated for a stomach bug. Why should an upset stomach require helicoptoring to the Police Hospital?
  7. It's a good way to get cash if you are financially straught and don't want to lose the item.
  8. It hasn't gone, it is still there being refurbished and it wasn't "iconic".
  9. Lou, you keep dropping teasers, Story Time please Let's just leave it at I do know what life is like in the same prison that Thaksin was sent to and the information is first hand, not hearsay, nor gleaned from television series, books or some AN posters' misinformed views.
  10. That's B.S. How would you know, personal experience? Got anything to back up your BS "BS" such as naming the prison that shackles all the inmates?
  11. You got to the level of being privvy to the most discreet workings of the Thai Penal system, as it applies to the very highest and wealthiest echelons of the establishment? Yes, I did. If there were such places why are so many convicted, previously influential people in what you would have to class as "normal" prisons and do you really think that it would be possible to keep the existence of those "special" places a secret?
  12. I think exist but the Volks didn't know What makes you (wrongly) "think" that, anything empirical?
  13. This statement is untrue. Personal experience or hearsay? It is not untrue, the general prison population in Thailand is not shackled, some may be when they are taken out of the prison for court appearances, etc.
  14. Hardly surprising, really, it's not their responsibility to keep the pavements and pedestrian bridges clear.
  15. I don't know, the video wouldn't play for me unless I registered with TT.
  16. Ah, I see, you meant "vitally important" for you, not "for foreigners", per se.
  17. Easy to find a condo in Bangkok in that range. Rooms can be condos also.
  18. Try searching the internet, there's loads of them..."Rooms for rent Sukhumvit Bangkok", or whichever area suits you, perhaps? That is all.
  19. Well, he's not going to tell prospective buyers that it isn't legal, is he?
  20. Yes, it can be done and has been done for a long time but incorporating a Thai company for the sole purpose of "allowing" a foreigner to own land in Thailand is illegal. I know that many people have done it without issues but that does not make it legal, if the companies and the land purchases are investigated (as they were a few months ago involving one particular property agency) there could be consequences including losing the property.
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