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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. "...anyone know of any inmate at any prison in the world get a physical that he gotten". Yes, I do. Every inmate gets a medical on admission to Klong Prem, if they have existing problems they are taken into consideration and treated accordingly. "...resides with a team of specialise at the royal hospital and suite". Gawd.... He is not in "the royal hospital and suite", he is in The Police General Hospital, a public government hospital and he is kept in a separate room because, (a) he was admitted as an emergency with heart and breathing difficulties and (b) he has to undergo quarantine, as has been reported many times.
  2. Er, which news reports have you been reading, he has been given eight years...pro tem.
  3. All Klong Prem inmates have lots of oxygen as the window areas are not glazed, there's plenty of air flow and when they are confined they have plenty of massive ceiling fans in the cells. They do not spend the days locked inside, they're, either, working in fan-equipped areas or they're free to do what they want in the yard and can have as much oxygen as they need.
  4. Because, being a prisoner, he does not have that choice. The decision about where he goes is made by the Corrections Department but you'd have to have read the OP in full to know that!
  5. C'mon, you're being logical now, that does not go down well with the AN ranters and ill-informed speculators!
  6. Where did you get that information from? Your condition is irrelevant.
  7. The HMCTS website (gov.uk) gives their fees and payment methods. It does not specifically mention wills but does link to a questionnaire regarding contact and asking them how to pay fees.
  8. Well, that was, obviously, not too difficult to work out, I just wanted you to admit it. So what is your point? You posted that photo as a response to my comment that there are no "special VIP prisons in Thailand" (there aren't) claiming that I was wrong and that the photo showed one...it doesn't, you said yourself that it shows a private room in the Police General Hospital. The Police General Hospital is a public hospital, it is not a "special VIP prison".
  9. You may like to explain what that location actually is! It looks as though it could be in a hospital judging by the woman's outfit, she's certainly not a Corrections Department officer.
  10. That figure of 70% suggests the law is completely counterproductive. Don't pay any attention to that figure, he just pulled it out of his 'donkey'.
  11. "...up to 51% impossible or hard to get rid of properties". Where have you heard of that happening, when they've been able to sell the full quota to foreigners? You do know that 99% of the population is Thai, yes?
  12. As BBL debit cards aren't always successful when making online purchases here, where they're supposed to work, I wouldn't rely on it solely!
  13. I did not say that a toddler ripped the wheel out of a grown woman's grip. A toddler could easily turn a power-assisted steering wheel if the driver wasn't gripping it tightly. Spare me your pathetic (to use your word), fatuous false "quotes".
  14. NO, it was insomnia, as per the news report. Only if you didn't read the whole report!
  15. No one ever thought that you would but, out of interest, why would you not?
  16. What is so difficult about his staying out of Thailand? That's all he has to do.
  17. No one has told you that you are a guest here other than as a figure of speech, if they have, be specific. To be a guest here you would have to have been invited...you weren't.
  18. It is not "your truth", it is "your opinion" but your opinion of the Thais with which you associate is not the truth about Thais in general. You can help that.
  19. What if what she reported is true, what would that make your speculative claim (as you know nothing about what happened) that she was "pathetic"? Pathetic, perhaps?
  20. No, you're not reading correctly. The OP made no mention HomePro, nor of her having two more of her own cars there. It did report her colliding with two vehicles parked at the noodle stand, though.
  21. Hardly any strength is needed to move a power-assisted steering wheel.
  22. You conveniently omitted to mention the heart and lung disease complications that were, allegedly, part of it.
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