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  1. Me too and a few others. I rarely have nasal congestion but this one's has lasted weeks!
  2. This is a huge complaint of mine in TH. Both modified motorcycles and tuk-tuks (even worse!). I can never understand what's the resistance to crackdown. Aren't Thais bothered by this also? Stand outside on any main street in BKK and within minutes there will be a thundering roar that forces all conversation to stop until it ebbs. This isn't like air pollution that is complex and hard to stop. Annual inspections already exist. It just needs the PM or Mayor to say "make it stop now!". There's no political downside, but tremendous upside. Police don't need a machine, just their ears. It's an easy way to collect THB 500. Eventually it will lessen when these young men get tired of paying the bribes and realize it's cheaper to replace with a stock muffler. rant over.
  3. I also dealt with their worthless bot. It took about 5 months to get a refund for a flight they canceled.
  4. Bumping this again! I also just moved to a new condo with only "True FiberCable" which has nothing to do with Fiber (except marketing) and is just coax. Also received the Humax HG100RE-02 which is crap. I complained to True and was told they have nothing else in stock and no plans to get any other routers. They did give me a list of other routers they used but most are out of date (old Cisco models), as well as TurboSpeed TCG220-T and Technicolor 7200. Has anyone successfully replaced their cable modem?
  5. Yellowtail, This looks great and it looks like it will work. Thank you very much! It looks like it will improve a lot of other things also. Can't wait to try it. Cheers!
  6. Hi, just moved into a new condo with old Thai-style parquet floors that were buffed to a high shine. Of course, the first time someone dragged a box it left micro-scratches in the polish. Nothing deep or damaging, just noticeable at an angle. I can now see exactly where all the boxes, etc. were dragged. Does anyone know of a wax or other polish that is good for removing these and/or for polishing the parquet floor?
  7. I'd pay extra to ensure that I'm sitting next to a dog on a plane or public transport. Better than 99% of most humans.
  8. I thought the same on the first try, but after a few dozen they get better. However, that's not to say it's good. The European beers are magnitudes better and many (Leffe Brown, Guiness 0) are almost indistinguishable from their alcoholic counterparts. Just saying....
  9. Dear Beer Importers, While you're waiting around for this legislative shenanigan to play out, please consider importing some of the WONDERFUL non-alcoholic (N/A) brews that are currently available in Europe. For those of you scoffing at the thought, I only say "hold your judgement until you try them". Guiness 0.0 sales are skyrocketing in Ireland as are other N/A brands liked Leffe, Brand, Grolsch, etc. throughout Europe. For centuries people have considered that the person who can invent a hangover cure will be King. Well, it's done. Drink to your heart's content and avoid the problems and hangovers associated with alcohol. Unfortunately, the only readily available local N/A brew, Heineken 0.0, remains at the lower end of the N/A quality range -- which is why we need the Importers to step up their game. Thanks, GiveMeAColdOne (preferably a N/A one!).
  10. Another person who doesn't even know what a liberal is. Liberals support personal freedoms and equality, the same thing that MAGA cultists believe in as they wave their flags and plaster freedom stickers on their Harleys. Y'all need to read and think more, and stop watching Fox News.
  11. You are correct. There are so many examples of canal paths that just drop off or not maintained. It wouldn't be budget breaking to a) map them, b) clean/repair them, c) connect them, and finally d) maintain them. They also need to build barriers to allow pedestrians and bicycles but to stop motorcycles. The canal paths are BKK's hidden treasure.
  12. Mine took about 6-7 month! I now avoid AA whenever possible. They canceled my flight and then sat on my money the entire time.
  13. I'd like to know the same. Individual teachers also.
  14. More complicated than you think, but definitely doable. Suggest using Interactive Brokers (although Schwab Intl. will work but less options.) However, as a non-US citizen will be subjected to 20% withholding. To avoid, suggest buying equivalent securities (US S&P UCITS) DOMICILED in Ireland. Google is your friend, especially advice from Bogleheads.
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