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About grantbkk

  • Birthday 12/11/1948

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  1. The idiot police associate violence with MJ because it was used. I maintain it was the meth. 34 Years dealing with people on weed, none were aggressive or violence except once. The MJ was infused with PCP.
  2. This is ???? too funny. 8 years they have promised a single pass for the 3 public transit systems. LOL. The hub of corruption meets someone else’s idea.
  3. This is BS. The Health (weed) Minister admitted months ago there was no law against not wearing a mask.
  4. 20 years ago it was 500 Baht entry fee which in later years became 700 or 800 Baht. This now 300 Baht fee will be on top of that for absolutely nothing. I have a 128 page document detailing what insurance services I receive worldwide. This is a money grab just like the others. People should think of this 1,000/1100 Baht fee for no reason before deciding to come to Thailand only to be ripped off for more.
  5. Indians. Twice last week in two different bars, one group of 4 and one of 5 each ordered one drink and the appropriate number of straws. They were shown the door. These are the high end tourist the Government hopes will save them.
  6. Only when the Thai Pass and insurance scam is gone. Most or many people worldwide dislike the midnight closing times. It is supposed to be a vacation. No one want an old man to order them to bed early in the evening.

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