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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. I like the Tyrant in a Toupee quip the best.
  2. lol your taking this Hook line and Sinker now Johns having a few spliffs to ease his pain what next ? Hey John has just been on the blower to me. Great news Lek's History he has met a charming new lady never worked the bars and has even asked me to meet her parents in her Village.
  3. Do the same as a thai if your out on a bike, be tooled up under the seat any metal for self defense of course.
  4. In my opinion Americans are easily led and don't grasp what Trump is or what he has done. To them it doesn't matter if he lied through his back teeth or paid hush money to a Hooker or attempted to overthrow the Government. Most non Americans see Americans as sheep easily led on. Bit like Thailand ( Tell them what to do attitude and keep banging it into them ) Eventually they believe all the BS.
  5. It is estimated that nearly 40,000 will arrive at the end of the year. The cost per day is 8 Million to feed and house them in Hotels.
  6. Your correct Keeps the one's coming now are not escaping tyranny or wars they know from friends who arrived and were given all what they need see it as there best option most do not speak English .
  7. Here we go again moving from the original thread to the US Election why do they have to bring Trump and Harris into every thread.
  8. For the size of the UK against the size of America id say the UK beats America.
  9. Whats this got to do with Fraud in the US elections ?
  10. One of the problems facing us are the Do - Gooders who welcome Refugees this sends a message that they are welcome and will be given all they need. A few drownings wont and doesn't stop them its accepted. In the report i posted a Vietnamese immigrants reason was he owed money to loan sharks and his life would be better coming to the UK. Until we or should I say the Government realize these immigrants are risking everything for the free handouts Boats will continue. We will struggle our young will not have the chance of getting their first house due to most empty houses now being renovated and given to migrant family's. Think of the numbers coming in Daily 4 to 500 daily every Town or city has hotels housing them the council will simply make way for new arrivals by giving them housing then there will be rooms available again in hotels.
  11. Hell has Trump been in the Tanning Salon or spray on he's looking very Tanned today.
  12. Like someone deciding to settle in the LOS anyone with a bit of Intelligence ( Intel for our American friends ) you require a Back up Plan or a BUP. Trumps BUP is send the guys to the big house to crack some heads of the Winners, and claim we were cheated if he loses, oh and throw in the old Insurrection card too.
  13. What's confusing this happens daily in the UK.
  14. As im not a Yank do i need code book to read these post's ? what's a DVM.
  15. Once here they are given a translator to help them to fill out there benefit forms and for good measure get there appeals in to the Courts of Human Rights for there wife and kids to come because there human rights have been infringed because there apart.
  16. Come om G_Money please do not bring America into this thread its about stopping migrants into the UK. We sadly see do gooders holding placards saying we welcome migrants most are not fleeing wars or persecution they know there lives are better here in the UK do not speak English and most you see arriving are not woman holding children there mostly young men. Lately there are many Vietnamese helped by a Viet forger bragging he has and is still helping Thousands to obtain false documents he was even filmed in an Interview in the UK. instead of him being arrested and kicked out immediately he is now claiming Asylum.
  17. The French Police who have been paid Millions Charlie to patrol the beaches have been filmed standing on the beach watching them leaving, and in 1 case ran away when Attacked by an angry mob about to board there Inflatable. Instead of pulling out there Stanley Knives and Puncturing them before they get into the water.
  18. Didn't Siddiq Khan tell us all anyone Demonstrating wearing Hamas Scarf or covering there face with a mask be arrested ?
  19. October saw the largest number of Migrant crossings over 5,000 in 1 Month into the UK. Its being reported this Morning that Two new hotels have opened to house Migrants one in Manchester and one in Berkshire, the Barge that cost Millions to convert the Bibby Stockholm has been Emptied of 500 migrants and placed into Temporary Accommodation i,e, hotels. The official figures putting out this morning is 31,000. The only reason the numbers will slow down now is the weather. So how do we slow or stop them crossing.
  20. One Poster who says we knock Phuket and better to stay away, well all i can say is a lot that have travelled to Phuket including me will never return like most. Your not made to feel welcome so you don't return. Complain about the service you paid for and expect to be forced to Grovel infront of the Cameras.
  21. The Governor of Phuket is only thinking of the Economic value to the Island that's why there even prepared to kill there Golden Goose as long as Planes carry on landing. A few years ago the Taxi mafia were blocking roads leading to hotels preventing tourists entering or leaving there hotels, wat action was taken ? a meeting between the head of Taxi's, governor, and head of Police were shown the same response " Don't meddle with us " One head of police came and tried to sort out the mafia but was quickly replaced and moved to another province. look at Patong a garbage litter strewn beach due mostly to the food vendors Tourists having to dodge Motor cycles delivering food on the pedestrianized promenade threats and slashing of tyres if you try and park on beach Rd where the Tuk Tuks park. yes the Pearl of the Andaman. Already known as little Moscow and the Taj Mahal.
  22. Go on then mogandave give us a link to the 20-30 Million illegals that have crossed into the US.
  23. I have been watching this Comedy for the past few week's and my mind is clear Trump latest stupid idea of dressing as a Bin Man complete with a brand new Bin wagon with the same old slogan Make America great again complete with a high Viz waistcoat laughable. His Supporters wearing silly hats and outfits they look like clowns and talk like clowns.
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