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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. I take my helmet with me to Udon and when im out and about i always use my helmet cam a go pro. Amazing some of the Antics ive filmed plus if i am in an accident if it wasnt my fault i have the film on the accident.
  2. Thailand's ambassador to the US has confirmed that 34 died at the hands of Hamas and up to 24 are being held hostage Tanee Sangrat has confirmed.
  3. This one is from Turkey which i believe is Foreign owned. ie Not English. Another rule breaker.
  4. Then he comes on here moaning cos were having a go at him.
  5. I like how Hamas have told to Doctors to lie all the babies in a row all facing in the same direction good for Propaganda. Maybe they should give them fuel to run their Generators, instead their allowing them to die to save for Rocket fuel. All they have to do is release the Hostages and their would be no babies dying in incubators end of.
  6. Not interested in your lies anymore.
  7. Hpefully we can move on with the Debate. It is being reported by Sky that firefights are ongoing outside Al-Shifa Hospital will Hamas enter the Hospital and use the Doctors and patients as a bargaining tool to save their Skin and will we finally uncover what Hamas have been hiding underneath it.
  8. He is standing on the Trap door the question is how long he will remain there.
  9. Your a liar and your making up stories you have been caught out and their is only one action that can be taken. You have intentionally misled members again.
  10. I'm waiting for links from you liar on the Apache gun ships you said were used and the special forces you said were on the ground back it up or admit you made it up.
  11. Its not their because it never happened you made it up.
  12. Post the videos of Apache gunships attacking victims and post Tanks in the kibutz your lying and spreading false information Thorgal. Oh and while your looking for them provide the link that shows special forces on the ground in Gaza I dare you.
  13. You wouldn't get a holiday if you played by the rules obviously if you break the rules you know what will happen.
  14. I can just see Chinese Plod wading in with Batons on Soi Bangla and Walking Street with the headline a RTP spokesman can confirm an outside force did this not us.
  15. I am fed up having to open this thread and see your lies. propaganda. misleading members posting material not allowed you have been warned to stop this but you carry on disrupting this thread now your claiming special forces are on the ground in Gaza again a false misleading and spreading untruths without any evidence whatsoever.
  16. I gave you a chance to explain once and for but you won't answer instead you dodged the question again and asked to go back 200+pages back you prefer to call them noncombatants we prefer to call them Civilians stop these lies of crossfire or friendly fire they were slaughtered by Hamas you still refuse to answer these claims i may get into trouble but you need stopped posting this rubbish. Once and for all.
  17. So why did Hamas target them Thorgal give us your reason
  18. IV'E heard enough of this nonsense Thorgal put up or shut up was 250+ plus party goers at a concert a legitimate target don't arse about yes or no.
  19. Another stupid silly statement to deflect and sow false information. How many more warnings does he want for spreading malicious rumours.
  20. what has this got to do with this Topic Paul. Explain to us the Relevance of China, and Taiwan to this. Stop posting nonsense off topics.
  21. You can't soar with the Eagles when your flying with Turkeys. Or one of mine I use on here " You can't Educate Pork "
  22. Why are you even replying to this ozimoron i rumbled hi in his first post. As for Bud Abbot he is just reposting comical posts from AJ he posted a while back.Nothing new move on.
  23. its just our small bunch of trouble makers couchpotato they cause trouble get a short ban then come back causing trouble some of us want to debate the topic but these individuals dont allow us to debate, instead they delibartly attempt to detrail the thread its there game.
  24. Just watched the Laura Kuenssberg programme this morning she interviwed President Herzog he showed us a copy of Mein kampf where it was removed from a School in Gaza. Even in Schools children are indoctrinated by Hams to hate jews its little wonder they grow up hating Israel. The question asked is why is this book allowed in Schools.
  25. Tell that to Hamas when there stashing weapons in their houses.
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