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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. Might kill a few horses Danny and Barbacue them at the same time.
  2. Your not worth responding to chef bye.
  3. Your becoming a Nuisence. Do you actually bring anything to the Table on this Thread.
  4. Im sure your mate Thorgal will slip in a link disproving it Chef. You not busy today with Sunday lunches.
  5. I can bomb them all the way to the Gates of Hell.
  6. For Gods sake give it rest with what Netanyahu said years ago Freeworld were not interested in states were only interested in today 2023 stop deflecting from the current thread.
  7. Why do members on here feel the need to ruin a Topic. If you are interested in it move on.
  8. Its not about fav movies its about History in England. but as the yanks dont have history like we have sums em up changing the thread. they can't go back that far.
  9. His Internet must be down in Walkabout Creek there has been no response yet.
  10. Today in the UK we celebrate a piece of History that could have changed England forever. In 1605 on the Evening of the 4th of November Guy Fawkes was discovered hiding in a cellar below the Houses of Parliament. He was caught with 36 Barrels of gunpowder. It became known as the Gunpowder Plot. A lot of people think it was Guy Fawkes alone but it was over a Dozen plotters. The main plotter was Robert Catesby he devised and planned the attack along with his second in command Thomas Percy. His intention was to kill King James and the entire members of Parliment and House of Lords due to them being Protestant and a hatred for Catholics. His plan was to destroy the lot in 1 go. Guy Fawkes was brought in because of his expertise of Gunpowder. he was caught hours before he lit the fuse. At the Tower of London Fawkes was Tortured to identify the conspirators using the Rack. After 3 days of Torture Fawkes was broken and identified the plotters who had escaped London to the Midlands. In a remarkable piece of history, Fawkes's confession was written and is in the Archives His signature is clearly visible as Guido Fawkes and 3 days after he signed the same document but was clearly unable to write his name. He was due traitor's death hung drawn and quartered and his head was displayed as a warning to others. He had other plans and foiled the gruesome fate. As he stood on the Scaffold he stepped higher up so when he dropped he died instantly. King James ordered everyone to light a bonfire and place an Effigy of a Catholic on the bonfire and today this tradition carries on with fireworks depicting what the plotters could have achieved if they were successful. Children now sing Remember Remember the Fifth of November Gunpowder Treason and Plot.
  11. I finally had enough of his nonsense and put him on Ignore.
  12. Benjamin Netanyahu, 2019 Here we go the carpet bombing mention.
  13. Your way behind in this thread Paddy maybe you should stick to betting Horses.
  14. Rubbish are they on the Ground in Gaza collecting evidence Freeworld?
  15. No bringing Trump into it you best stay away from this Thead Paddy
  16. According to Hamas Nick Hamas are not killing civilians.
  17. I thought AJ was decent but after watching there propaganda pumped out daily its now Anti Israeli thats only the English version the Arabic version is worse but as its Studios are in Qatar its comes as no surprise there in bed with Hamas thats why The leader of Hama has a penthouse pad in Doha.
  18. No Owl once the IDF realised what was happening the Slaughter was taking place. Do you honnestly believe they knew an attack on a Concert was about to take place and did not evacuate it.
  19. Well anything to back up these claims Danny ?? or you just singing from Haw Haws song sheet.
  20. Considering most are starving im Surprised a horse was trotting around. Dont think ive seen horses in Gaza.
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