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  1. why the scare mongering? russia has no intent... they only wanted to free the local people in the east from the oppression that is going on since 2014... nato has no beeswax being there in the first place defund nato , who, fda, cdc... they don't do anything good
  2. so where were the parents or the guardian ? dangers place full of sickos
  3. don't go to the pier again or bring a knife, or pepper spray? pedo in jail? sadly grown arab men in europe are doing the same to teens
  4. what ends up in patts are used up goods thais no longer want apparently future politician
  5. the yearly extortion around cold season and again around school break in europe, where prices increases with 50 to 100%...
  6. but they got bored of the crying? 11 month old, do they walk?
  7. damn thailand, clear case of murder with intent and free now to run to india if needed
  8. UK , when a person dies, the first 300.000 pounds or so are tax free my home country, will tax starting from a few thousands ... how much did king charles pay again on his free billions? ZILTCH
  9. one half thinks they are the wrong gender and the other half are ok to marry a 9 year old girl
  10. see, not thailand, they dare to say the business name, this case a hospital defamation laws here, man dies because of no CC, and guess which one it was situation... no politicians dare to change these joke laws?
  11. bring in more trash that come deal and pimp, rob and steal...
  12. what is the root cause politicians are like doctors... if you get my drift
  13. hope they have exchange counters in the casino as bad as the scammers at the airport, lol....

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