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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. If Thais spent as much time working as gawking at their phones theyd be ahead of Singapore
  2. really I couldnt care less about THEM, they know what the ultimate price is, so up to them, the only enforcement should be kids. Any adult injury if found not wearing a seat belt= no free medical care form the state.....or their insurance, let em die
  3. Well I hope YOU paid for that damage then..
  4. Pah theyve only got ten fingers, they cant count that high
  5. Why the ferk do they even bother makng these <deleted> announcements, bunch of morons
  6. Huh wont get me....gouged both my eyes out
  7. dont worry can see how deeply disturbing this is to you...removed all my replies
  8. Yeahhhhhhhh that woman in the brown uniform is doing it for me.
  9. Good to see the Police doing their job............of doing bugga all, as usual
  10. will increase from 944 to 1,394 over the next nine years GASP...shock and awe
  11. Sattahip fire could have been avoided If govt officials actually did their jobs? inspections approvals etc Police involvment instead of Police fund raiding......, doubtless the owner pays them the "monthly fee" They just dont care ...............like most Thais..........rinse and repeat over and over, they learn nothing and never will, see it in their daily driving habits, narrowly avoiding a rear end collison only to repeatedly do the same 100 metres donw the road.
  12. Youre so funny................lets see your work then....nah didn think so, armchair warrior......sure i put an umbrella ove rthe whole land whislt i was doing the stone laying..christ your such a stupid <deleted> Thanks for reminding me why I stopped posting on Thai Visa <deleted>.that should do it
  13. <deleted> me you really are unbelievable Ill remove my head.yeah thats me sanding the ceilings inside the first house.guess i just threw some dust on meself for the photo eh
  14. Goodness yeah just a small 15 rai project that any <deleted> could knock up in an afternoon......... 22.mp4
  15. Wait you want the whole ten years shown...... well ok, well house 6 years ago includes 100metre trench to main house, concreting round the pond by hand, mixed by hand before had concrete mixer,footings for electric gate, footings for ONE of the FOUR houses I built on this plot, building the house for my staff who then left, all they did was mix and tidy still me laying block welding etc.............you want more ok interiror of the staff house after painting tiling etc...........still more , never satisfied eh, talking <deleted> as ususal like many with no idea, one of my two wells all done by me except for the hole drilling, all plumbing by me....... thats just a fraction and then theres the garden 6 rai covered in stone 6 inches deep.yeah that was real fun 20 tons a day spread by hand in a barrow took me months and months, but hey you MUST be right one person could easy do that lot in an afternoon right i mean its only 20 ton a day, day in day out..notice the drainage ditches again did 4 panels a day by hand, re roofing one of the houses with metal sheet..so before you comment feel free to come down and have a look at what "one small project" is.....finally an overview of 10 years almost single handed...4 house 400 trees and associated pipewrok for watering.........yeah easy peasy 10 minutes in an afternoon should do it.............pah you know nothing
  16. TRanslation Fat ........... for the not easily offended pussi generation
  17. So absolutely no change from the last 100 years then, congratulations you pleb
  18. Thats beacsue any decent poster over the years has been weeded out to align with their ideologies...
  19. NEWSFLASH, PM announces end of temporary state of emergency beginning September 2027
  20. looks like it may be almost cleared already, 3hr15 minutes from me past hua hin
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