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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. disgusting .....cave dwellers........... surely
  2. Yeah I mean how could they deny you, play them at their own stupid games, Im gonna I dentify as Black, Transgender, Physically Impaired.......I think when I see forms asking for that from now on Ill put that
  3. But its not because theyve made it "over represenation" to the point where companies are forced to employ inferior workers to satisfy govt rulings instead of the best man /woman/unknown for the job. Thomas Sowell does some great videos but some black people dislike him for telling the truth that they dont want to hear. I followed a bus in the Uk a few years back advertising it;s services, there wasnt a white face in the advert but oh boy they had got everyone else and his dog from disabled to black Chinese Indian, Asian. Inuit you name it.........This is the Uk where only 14% are of non native backgrounds.
  4. Thought for a long time now the world needs a bloody great war, all this krap will then go out the window, and it is krap in most cases, god only knows why govt's pander to this sheite..........not that theyll be any window left.
  5. Yep 100% correct, spent 10 years doing my own house constructions after watching their pitiful attempts.
  6. congrats on your assimilation.
  7. It reminds me of some krap 70s music a 3 year old could write whereas this at this point is very evocative
  8. and I already said I hired the so called professionals who turned out to be KRAP and it wasnt a cheap price either.
  9. and for just a few baht they could add GANZUM (waterproofing) to the concrete............probably dont even know or care, or the very small cost
  10. its pretty simple here, if its not fenced off its a free for all
  11. Ive employed out of town "quality" construction crews before twice, I got rid of both within 2 days, the first were to put in piles for me, sent me a fancy video of pile cutting machines screwing them in and bashing them in....when they turned up it was no machines, hand digging then 8 of them standing on a plank to bash them down, pathetic to watch, they also cut the piles in half claiming it was too stony......the price for a 33 metre length of 2 metre piles at 1 metre spacing was 190000 baht, I paid them a fraction of that and got rid of them. The other was a well drilling company, similar story, fancy brochure shoing all the latest gizmos, none appeared on the day just a normal water blasting knackered old drill. They were both from Bangkok and I am out in Praxchuap. In the end I did my own piles.............. the few piles they put in werent even neatly cut off just smashed with a hammer and half the length they should have been....Id put up their wonderful video and name them but of course you cant do that here and therein lies half the problem with Thailand....similar with architects way back in 2008 hugely expensive price and told me when I questioned it that NONE of their other customers were bothered by the prices and perhaps I should choose a lesser company....designed it myself in the end.
  12. my idea of quality and yours may vary........wildly..........spent 30 years in construction, ive seen it all
  13. Out in the boonies I dont see any of those, they all hire the local villagers where all of them are "changs"..............of the sloppiest kind.
  14. Nonsense many of them are too lazy to work, the works there they just dont want it, In 10 years Ive struggled to find someone to work on our land, I pay one lad 15k a month as I know hes good, 99% of the others who came to work here were bone stinking idle. My lads Burmese and at 41 not so much of a lad.....and before all the TV whiners chip in, about the "poor" YES I have and do work on the land I know EXACTLY what the works like and how hard/easy it is, theyre just bone idle.
  15. There are some cheapish solar stand alone spotlights which will last about 3-4 years and give a fairly good light for about 6-8 hours IF they get full sun, I have about 15 and they held up fairly well https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i1764254952-s5118184249.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1
  16. Saw that you can get reinfected after just 28 days now with ba4-5 report out of Australia
  17. whoever is building is highly unlikely to find any professionals like you mentioned. they will already be working for big companies and often overseas...........under the veneer of those condos and malls is a <deleted>fest of crapp, there is alos the problem if hiring staff who come and go often, the foreman often can only get the dregs locally.
  18. Build it yourself, its the ONLY way to be sure EVERYTHING is correct.........after watching Thais construct anything thats what I learnt, if you want concrete like soup with stones in, water pipes not prepared ie sanded cleaned with cellulose thinner and glued correctly with the correct strong not weak green tin glue, no earths, wrong colour cables, wrong size cables, door stops in the wrong place, <deleted> welding like bird <deleted>, blocks laid without staggered joints, leaking roofs...........then go right ahead and hire Thailands finest. If you do get a crew in you WILL have to be onsite 24 hours a day watching EVERYTHING as they surely will do all of the above if left alone Experience built 3 houses alone with no help as they cant even mix mortar correctly. This one was for my staff...........before they arrived
  19. When selecting a partner (not using that tosh) woman, I use the Eddie and Richie method
  20. Durability will be your main issue, the led strings are junk in many cases. I put 25 lights aroud my land using NYY 1.5mm cable buried a foot down over 200metres length then each light set on a concrete footing a foot deep bolted down with stainless screws. I found lights that have GLASS covers as the plastic one s will go <deleted> looking real fast and brittle and break. Lights were about 1200 baht each, all 3 core earthed and on elcb with earth rod, the lights came from homepro, thai watsadu do a cheaper crapper copy for about 800, the main thing is with the sun they just dont last if plastic, these are aluminium and glass, been in 4 years now. Do it once, do it right, or just keep doing it if you dont, the only thing ive had to change is apart form bulbs is the dusk sensor to turn them on..............the crappy plastic covers break in about 3 years
  21. Ignorance is bliss eh, christ when I get like that I hope Im put down
  22. They might undertsand it like my Dad but if asked to lay a brick wall could never do it, theoretical and practical for me, with both of those thats the genius.
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