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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. How hard is it for them .......UP the price , thats gets passed on to everyone, thats just how it is
  2. The rest of the world dictates the price in your little Thailand though
  3. Borrowed it from ANY homeopath "doctor" , one drop in a billion, thatll do it, biggest rubbish out.
  4. unfortuantely these days many "reviews" are subject to ad revenue and a bad review can mean ad revenue drys up. John Cadogan pulls no punches in his reviews though he doesnt do many as manufacturers steer clear of unbiased reviews
  5. well its one way to keep the tossers to keep left FINALLY
  6. You know what Truckers, the rest of the world dont care one jot about what YOU think, the price IS the price
  7. if it persists I suggest OPERA is very relaxing on your own massive sound system right next to his patrons wall, those systems actually are pretty cheap, also leave a concrete mixer going day n night with some gravel in right next to him when they open, stick it on a timer to go off at 12 which is a time they think is ok to make anoise until.
  8. if youcan tough it out I find these ventures often fail give it a year and hell probably be gone,seen this many times, usually karaoke.
  9. genius, thank the lord for this am so happy they have genius like this here in Thailand
  10. Same with me , been on "overstay: since March according to those watts and their hi tech super duper computer system
  11. If there s a Thai driveir driving it then the way they could really keep Thailand safe is by taking it off the road
  12. best was their pathetic chip and pin they introduced years back, yeah going to stop credit card fraud............huh! And now they have the incredible noncontact payment cards that just pay automatically for you in stores.....where people have been swindling you there too
  13. One of my friends in the Uk does security works for the banks and he says you would not believe how bad their security actually is
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