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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. which is frequently failing, just like Chip and Pin was going to make everything so safe
  2. Uk House prices have gone crazy..again why refinance why not sell or is cgt too much
  3. Dunno about hanging back but if you rent it expect teanants to not take any care of it whatsoever and plan on a full renovation when you want to move in, most are dirty pigs.
  4. asking only travellers be vaccinated is the ONLY way most will come
  5. Jesus Christ change the locks change the phone and dump the pair of them, if thats how she is, staying with anyone like that you must be nuts, check into a hotel for a month, you owe her nothing, shes had 10 years of freeloading.
  6. Must be why all the villagers are wearing a black armband today
  7. Cant discuss it.....oh wait we can heap more praise, all is well
  8. Never heard of him, guess this is a Thai specific thing that no one else in the world has heard of either
  9. golly gee whizz Im so dumb as to not even think of that, thanks Dad
  10. <deleted>'s he sprayig them with, Ive never seen a farmer here spray 3 tomes a week with anything
  11. Another hub , world class Thailand.....land of the free Thailand is the leading destination for trafficking victims from Cambodia, Lao P.D.R., and Myanmar, according to the Walk Free Foundation's Global Slavery Index 2016.
  12. Will that explain the 25v going down my ground cable everytime their streetlights turn on at night then?
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