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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. Please tick at least one box below to vote as per the voting rules below 1 Prayut 2 no one else 3 no one else 4 no one else 5 no one else
  2. M. Mouse D. Duck and Goofy................choose anyone of those as they are all better than the gross, greedy , money grabbong liars currently or probably in the entire house on BOTH sides
  3. Note his interest in "tableware"????
  4. I think also those 42 years gives you time. you can see yourself changing, things you liked at 20-30 you now dont like, old girlfriends you thought were "it" when younger now seem dreadful in some ways, too much physical attraction when younger and due to the advent of social media you can now look them up and think HELL they really dont look so good now!
  5. didnt get married until 42 years, that way less time to fail.
  6. why a portion, lets say theres 1100 unts as there are at some condos I know. 1100 using min 7kw eeeeeeek
  7. Stay in an overpriced hotel with nothing to do for two weeks spending all your money then go home after being reamed up the nostrils umpteen times.
  8. theres an awful lot of condos already built though
  9. I always thought a fibreglass pool would be best as no place to crack except entry holes. Then again Id want that inside a concrete shell as emptying it anytime might lead to collapse
  10. Swoon and double swoon if he was double jointed he couldnt kiss his own ass any more than his followers
  11. How are they going to deal with the Bangkok Condo problem?
  12. anything but admit electric planes are dead in the water for long haul use and extremely limited for short range. Im waiting to see how condos with 1100 units are going to put in 1100 chargers in Bangkok also. Theres also the long distance driving that ev's are not as good at where range drops dramitically at highway speeds. Anyway keep blathering on or as John Cadogan says praise be to Electric Jesus Musk
  13. Im often thinking pls drive into the next electric pole,,,,,,,,,,,,, sure as day they often do in Thailand
  14. You dont half blather on its almost like a religion.
  15. youd have to establish 1 if it was actually working and 2 if there were any brownouts which seem to be frequent in Thailand
  16. No Time to Die, shot in a coal hole about time JB bit the dust, I think they filmed the whole thing in a dark basement, if they took out the endless gun battles there would be no film left
  17. same with the cretins who remove their rear bumpers, the damge in a small shunt will be way more expensive to fix than just a bent bumper
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