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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. Chripes thats so late, ill be asleep by 8-3o i'm certainly not going to this lawless place
  2. every time i get in the car, every time i go to immigration
  3. Hate to disappoint you I dont have a tv, guess youre not up to speed on the latest viewing tech, dont worry youll feel better soon
  4. I did post a photo of her but it was deemed too offensive for delicate souls.............again!
  5. well i did here that Mary was a virgin so you should be ok............ although virgin on the ridiculous would be my opinion of that
  6. Yeah well "Jackie" will easily sort out any problem for me , get in the way and her of an insect and your life may as well be over
  7. and about 60 times the energy density and the simple FOX FACT ( wel I had to throw that in) that burning fuel = less weight with fossil fuels as the miles increase whereas batteries for flight = dead weight all the way
  8. Actually he has posted after pictures a while ago, still witha mighty fine beard if I remember correctly
  9. Youre not up in your electric jumbo jet yet then?
  10. Can we trust the Thai government to keep its word on "anything"
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