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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. Real world figures nothing like whats quoted, couple of tests in Thailand of the ora cat 500k as more like 400
  2. Good luck with the new gwm showroom in HH I found them sheite as Chevrolet and Ive been in there recently and they didn t know how to change the clutch fluid shared with the brakes through the bell housing of the transmission. Told me didnt change it would be ok to do just the brakes and it would "mix" with the total fluid volume in the clutch line...............this despite a bleed valve on the clutch cylinder inside the bell housing for just that purpose......and here it is. Just like Chevrolet...where will the service be in 20 years, thats how long Chevvy lasted
  3. Lets put it this way, how many Thais do you know who daily buy a 30+ baht bubble tea drink, when they could drink water, how many of them have a phone they dont need, how many have a motorbike when the bulk of their trips less than a km could be done on a bicycle, ulitmately its a lack of responsibility by the Thais. 300 baht is perfectly do able without the above frivolities, however almost all Thais will not work for 300 a day and around here less than 500 a day and that almost all field work is not done by Thais as theyre too lazy, I live in a rural location. I pay my one Burma Boy 15000 a month + free accomodation , motorbike, water electric rice. Thaisnot interested..............thats over a 16 year period.
  4. Too right, the only people responsible for their debt is themselves reminds me of gamblers who blame advertisers when its them that dont have any self control, If I couldnt save up to buy it, I didnt, iTs not hard to understand, the stupid thing is unlike many western countries they dont have to in general get a mortgage for 25+ years many of them have land and a "home" already Combine that with the fact they are too lazy to do a lot of manual work but happy to sit and moan how they aint got any money, always want the easy lazy way. Impossible to find anyone to work on the land these days who is Thai. What actually needs changing is the mindset of many Thais
  5. erm that aint my house in the 3rd photo.........so to answer.....no problems hahha..
  6. Its grown a lot since then and even since this photo, the trees cover the gravel with their canopies
  7. And dont expect it then, these days its seems they dont give a sheite, Ive flown Business not first for years and trust me the service really aint that good, then I tried Air France............ booked dec 2019 flight may 2020.cancelled by them, ok asked for open ticket, they said ok, mailed them a few times asking if my ticket is still ok, yes but if fly after december 21 you have to pay any cost difference in fare..........last week asked them hows my ticket.........ticket cancelled, no refund, Never flown with them ever , first time, and thats how they treat you. Fought with them for 10 days, two refusals for refund on the website, nonsensical answers from them via emails in Thailand, sent recorded sigend for letter to Air France PARIS, they called me in Thailand, refunded.
  8. I just dumped hundreds of tons of gravel 6 inch thick on the ground as live within 3 km of the quarry and its dirt cheap and maintenance free, also dug correct drainage channels, the main aim is not to stop the water but to slow down its progress, also totally stops any weeds at 6inch thick
  9. i used "floorplanner"it was ok as I didnt need any permission where I was, it was soley for my use only , tried sketch up just couldnt get on with it at all
  10. yeah, they all do that, assure all day long, right up until paid
  11. If I wanted a bike "I" had to buy it, no one was going to buy it for me, parents buying their kids cars are sick, make them work for it stop giving it them on a plate................. she probably wa s looking at a phone, seems it MUST be looked at about every 20 seconds in case they miss the total cpra such as tik tok . simple solution, phone or bike NOT both. I dont have any sympathy
  12. I havent found it worthless its quietens rain noise better than none and does offer some protection form heat, I rely mostly on the ceiling insulation not the roof, out of interest I just went into the loft space of one of my houses to see how it was holding up after 3.5 years, looks fine to me
  13. Nearest Bluescope to me 100km away and on another house ordered from them arrived battered and dented............oh but they did replace it and charge us re delivery, always that good ole customer service.
  14. I maen your second photo, wasnt available by me had to be made elsewhere even though they had the steel forming machines they could only add the thin foam and was expensive, maybe just my location I dont know, did my roof in January on one of my houses
  15. I think were talking different things, this is the metal sheets with a very level layer of about 4 inch thick hard foam stuck to them
  16. I ran 2 x 4" steel beams welded togethr across all my wall tops so I cna traverse the roof space when building, can only do it during construction as they were 6 metres long
  17. I got a price for both and the panels shown with it applied at the factory was way more expensive, the thin stuff is fine and concentrate on thick fibreglass over the ceilings
  18. Thats stuffs expensive. an alternative is the same roof with6-10mm foam, spray glued on though have seen the stuff delaminating in some places
  19. Got my hole dug for free 10 years ago 1 rai, soil sold to someone who wanted it, good if you can do that
  20. Takes thought and planning, heres mine dug by makro and concreted by hand by myself during monsoon downpours, took me a bout 3 months alone mixing by hand is about 250metres length overall, grasded down to a lake and by pass down the road if required when lake is full. SWouldnt waste my time with most Thai workers, 90cm deep and still gets full rain.mp4
  21. They arent the only ones judging by a google search airlines have had a field day witholding refunds wordlwide, I myself am owed 65000 baht by AIR FRANCE, nope not paying, ticket expired they say, really they cancelled my flight not me I asked for an open ticket, cant find there ticket rules anywhere certainly well hidden if on the website, Told me ticket open for re booking, I kept mailing saying couldnt do it due to covid, last e mail said ticket expired eff off no refund.............BUT please book another ticket with us.........clueless and couldnt give a flying ( pun) fark about their customers. Contact almost impossible as many companies now make it so. Disgraceful daylight robbery. My sole aim in life now to mention AIR FRANCE
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