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Everything posted by Grecian

  1. If only we could see pics of the old men tapping away at their keyboard probably shirtless as they try to talk as if they're young. Lol
  2. Your diet is very similar to mine. I agree about weight issues. Same here. pls pm me to Robert, happy to be on this mailing list 😂
  3. Its about being able to get two points higher, not about ethnicity. 2 points using wealth in the normal sense of being a good provider. Man who can pull a 5 at home can pull a 7 here. and then there is using wealth in the more blunt sense. Man who can afford a street hoe with a meth problem for an hour at home can get a live in hoe here.
  4. My extremely introverted brother who would have been a shut in on benefits became a millionaire selling on eBay and bagged some high quality eastern European ladies (vegan niche sites) back in the day. ......it was good for him. I was adventurous and was in asia before the internet and made lots of money and girls. The internet age greatly reduced my successes . (Plus aging of course) .....social media has been Carp for me. There's always winners and losers.
  5. A good looking young guy will do very well in both countries. a charming guy funny guy will do well in both countries. a guy who doesn't mind buying girls affections will do well in both countries. the problem arises when the last group expect to be treated like the first two groups.
  6. Feels like a million years ago, but I taught university classes in japan and faced a room of girls that really did look like that.
  7. Just curious, if you already have everything you want, well done, but then, what would you do with the million? And a follow up question that is asked in good faith, how much do you spend a month in thailand to have that everything you want lifestyle?
  8. To have my life savings (modest for many) but wake up 25 again.
  9. Do you actually enjoy this music? Played it while reading the posts and the after 5 minutes found it quite unbearable.
  10. Imagine you were put on trial, who in your life, from workplace to "friends" if you have any, even from this forum do you think would stand for your defence? come on GG, you can be better than this!
  11. I don't know what childhood scar you are carrying. Neglect possibly. I recommend sorting yourself out first before trying to have an "impact" on others.
  12. Omg! This is the perfect IELTS essay!!! Should be given to every student. 😊
  13. Disagree. If I were (uk example) a 67 yr old 40k Thai bht a month state pensioner. I'd take my chances and live healthy in thailand for as long as I lasted. Many pensioners live very isolated lives in the uk. Better to be in thailand and accept the risks.
  14. Most people, but maybe not some of the misanthropic posters on here would say that being loved is the most valuable thing in the world. Beautiful people are loved easily. Women's lives are especially determined by their looks. Genetic inheritance seems the quintessential example of luck.
  15. At least you don't have 6 months of British winter.
  16. Women dream of finding love, just like men. Broken women treat men as a means to an end just like broken men do. Broken men come to Thailand find broken women, often in a bar and extrapolate that the rest of the Thai population are just like them.
  17. Oh dear. If ever a post gave away a poster being a bit of a knob this is it.
  18. Do you follow any youtubers? If so, how many women to how man men? On the whole I find older men much more interesting than older women.
  19. Why do you spend your time getting to know post menopausal women well?
  20. How old are you Goat? Guys who can't attract never understand that some guys do. But I wonder how you'll feel the day you are relegated to this second group.
  21. Divide the world into <deleted>, ok and nice (for you) and after that it isn't where you live but how you live. I bet there's plenty happy and also depressed people in Monaco and my guess is the ratio would be the same in chiangmai.
  22. where to buy chickpeas in thailand?
  23. In UK have Amazon unlimited for music. Great and only equivalent of about 200bht. can I bring the echo dot to Thailand and keep my subscription or even get new one? if not what equivalent speaker and service should I buy?
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