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Everything posted by Grecian

  1. Moving to Thailand in 2022 all being well (covid) Worked in Asia in my 20s and 30s. In that Asia and at that age I found I was never single. All I used was a nice smile, friendly attitude and a bit of the local lingo. (Not Thai) 2022 and I'm middle aged. Mohammed Ali on his third come back. Lol. Probably bit less friendly, the smile now shows the wrinkles and Thai is a helluva language to try to learn when you're older and tone deaf. still,gotta look forward to it. I'm excited things will go well as long as the touch of prostitus I've been getting doesn't get in the way. ???? So, what romantically does the wisdom of the forum awaits me? I'm talking gf not p4p.
  2. are you comparing the CBD of Bangkok with Birmingham? Take the bts to the last stations in bkk even and watch the office ladies mill about! what a come down after lower sukhimvit!!!!
  3. Nobody pushes the merits of evolutionary psychology more than me and I have used the same argument. But isn't being human in part trying to overcome our base desires? If I invited you around for Christmas, popped out for a bottle of wine and on return saw you engaged in a mild chat up of my late thirties cousin i would consider you brave but maybe a over optomistic fool. Lol If I came back and saw you alone in the dining room trying to flirt with my 20 year old niece. I'd consider that bang out of order. Would you understand this reaction?
  4. Great op. Your paragraph on dating very welcomed. If a 54 year old guy who hasn't gone to seed and was a bit like the local architecture; had a bit of fading charm, rocked up looking for a wife, what would you predict he would get? Socially where does a US1500 a month place you? How easy is a vegetarian lifestyle?
  5. Oh! Interesting interpretation Sean. I tend to view my life as a half sorted out at best. I have one friend left in the uk! Have not touched a woman in two years. and a past it's sell by date skill set that means even if I wanted to work I'd be starting at the bottom somewhere. But I cook great food. My house is always warm. Many great walks in this part of the country and enough entertainment to last a lifetime.???? The days are good but the years are a bit disappointing. Lol
  6. I'm in the uk planning to move to Thailand on a retirement visa in September 2022. I'm 54. I have a decent life here. Nice house, enough money for my simple needs and wants. Nice family. No wife or kids. Of course given up on dating! But because of years working around the world very few friends. No work cuz I don't need the money and have become a bit lazy. Comfortably numb! I tend to score it a 7/10 How about the other esteemed members of this forum? How was your previous life for you?
  7. Two????? Aren't you forgetting the biggest bargain here? The wife/gf/bf you got in your bed!
  8. You're getting NI contributions and income tax rates mixed up. NI was about 10%
  9. Didn't one of your pals get hiv from the girls of asia?
  10. What's that got to do with your claim there is better than Thailand for a single guy? I will repeat my question to you. where is better?
  11. I didn't mean love and sex at the exclusion of allelse. Lol
  12. Every guy I know is looking for love and of sex. Where is better than Thailand for a guy over forty then?
  13. Arriving in Antalya in a couple of weeks. Your post on priorities could have been written by myself. similar budget, veggie, probably similar age(53) Care to recommend any small city there? Turkish women a none starter?
  14. What's your experience of prices on the ground Simon? Because of high inflation are those numbeo prices correct?
  15. The article and list doesn't even consider libido which is strange as everyone I know who thinks about relocating considers the availability of a partner as the number one consideration! Women, cost of living, long stay visa and weather. And Canada makes the list!!!!!!!
  16. Chrissie Hynde took it from someone I can't remember who!
  17. The late 90s early 00s. The girls were starting to get !liberated in asia. The internet hadn't let everyman and his dog know about it yet. I had friends in the uk richer, taller, more handsome or harder workers than me, but because I had the coconuts to get on a plane and fly to the relative unknown I did better than all of them.
  18. Yes, I've had the same thoughts. Gecko, care to give your opinion? I'm 53, eat healthy vegetarian diet. None smoker, two beers or so a week , intermittent fasting, walk a lot. No stress, exercise, my mom thinks I'm health obsessed hahaha But I will be breathing in Bangkok air! Like BM2 I am not afraid of dying and don't need expensive treatment of diagnosed stage 4 cancer etc. I would accept the end. I avoid motorbikes and have a good assessment of risky behaviour in general. if treated no need for luxury hospital. So, saying all that. Sorry btw ????, what's a good level of funds needed to self in sure with say covering 95% of all probabilities?
  19. Those regrets. By the names I'm guessing it's women you wished you had never met as opposed to had.????
  20. That's the life! How much can a wise spender get away with that would have a lifestyle youd consider in the same ball park as your own? Thanks, from a probably less cashed up 53 year old.????
  21. May I ask? How much longer did you mil live and with what quality of life? Ah...already answered. Yes, I agree with BM2 If it were me if rather have spent that 2m while I was young.
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