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Everything posted by chalawaan

  1. ????????... and AI AI AI will always love yooooooooo!
  2. How to wreck your global welcoming reputation by being a pack of corrupt, litigious, face-saving imbeciles.
  3. The pigs that will fly in these fantasy millions are all fed and ready for take off.
  4. How did that policy work for Rhodesia and South Africa? Yes, they have been ruined, but it's not an acceptable solution in the eyes of the world. I'm pro Israeli, against Palestine, but it's not an acceptable solution in the eyes of the world. Also, may I kindly point out Malaysia side of the border makes Thailand look like a meth county! M'sia side is clean, maintained, and civilized.
  5. Give back what you wrongly took, Thailand. Every one else has had to, yet your elites think they're above the global consensus. They need a proverbial boot up the jacksie that lot.
  6. I'm seriously looking at this past 62 now, here are my reasons: I may well not reach 82. When the visa expires. If I do, overstay will be the least of my worries! The classic retirement visa was once a no brainer until it was "adjusted" now you're technically, robbed of B400,000 for life, if you want to keep it. And it simply can't stay at B800,000 forever, with inflation. I'm surprised it's hasn't jumped already! Besides, because of seasoning every year, you even need more than that, I bring in B600,000 a year, to cover any emergency and just living costs until the extension "can't touch your own cash" rule is over, then there are the re-entry ripoff fees too. And showing up at immigration every year, more grumpy and less patient with the groundhog day BS they put us through. The only thing is, can you trust them to keep their word for twenty years? No legal comeback here if they do the dirty! All being fair, this would certainly make sense, and buggy rides at Swampy means I'd get to not need a leg amputated catching a plane.
  7. The irony lost on finding vile dead things in a "sauce" that always smells like vile dead things... And yet there she is reportedly "vomiting the taste away?" ????????‍♂️
  8. Most western governments travel advisory emails are advising against all but essential travel to Myanmar. People think a pack of thugs in a truck can't snatch them for ransom, and possibly execution after years as a hostage? Look up what has gone on in the Southern Philippines. Or if you think that's just Islamic terrorism, consider the poor devils out pleasure sailing, captured by the Cambodian Navy in the pol pot era. They ended up tortured to death on a bedframe in Teol Sleng.
  9. So the big Thai nationalist doesn't trust the best Thai surgeons? Unless they're all overseas too? Nevermind, his watches are fast winding down, there's only so much stenting they can do until it's off to the knackers yard with him!
  10. That old CP auntie figures she can buy her ticket to heaven, it's not even true teaching, just superstitious nonsense, and some Abbot now has a gleaming Fortuner in a Sparkly Saffron paint job. No thought of having a modest send-off that Lord Buddha would appreciate, and donating the rest to people like these.
  11. 34 year old Chinese national in a dodgy Bentley? 100% Princeling son of CCP Top Brass or a member of the "Black Societies". One thing that China is on top of is it's Black Society (Triads are HK Macau and Taiwan based) the B.S. can nothing without severe blowback unless they have CCP blessing. Such as scamming foreigners.
  12. The only people that are endlessly going on about overthrowing the Monarchy, are the Monarchists! MFP have repeatedly stated they only want to amend Section 112 so that the people featured in the above story can't politically weaponise it. And also to make the punishments realistic. A fine should do unless someone shows intent to harm.
  13. Let's all remember it was the yellow shirts who shut down the nation's airports while the cops and army handed out showbags. Amazing Thailand.
  14. The CIA just recently guesstimated Kim Jong Il is about 160KG and likely has sleep apnea. I don't think they are worried enough about the sleeping watchman to care about his health at all. It's always fun to see him totter over, maybe one day they'll fail to steady him and then som nam na! No sympathy for him or his poorly hidden malarkey.
  15. Thats it! I'm getting my stamp done someplace else.
  16. So those in Chiang Mai doing a muti entry visit Thai family Visa run to Myanmar can forget about it? I'm not on the list of VOA countries. But that seems to be Air arrivals only, does anyone know what's happening up in Mae Sai/Tachileik this month? So it looks like a day flight to anywhere else is a better option. I'd rather spend the money than risk a disappearance, or even a wasted trip. Only the paranoid survive!
  17. They are very tight with the Burmese military, it's no secret. You know its bad when the normally meek ASEAN group of nations collectively condemned the toothless dog and pony show in Pattaya last week that was supposed to mediate a way forward in Myanmar. The rest of AESEAN except the China-backed dictatorship in Cambodia distance themselves from the illegal regime.
  18. These irrelevant old bootlicking blowhards coming out from under dead things is just proof of sheer desperation. I wish this country could lurch into the 20th Century, so they can set their eyes on this Century ASAP!
  19. You are here by virtue of their annual grace, with no legal avenue to appeal if they decide its all ending tomorrow, and you're getting older each year, which could eventually make your forced repatriation catastrophic in many cases. Just remember that!
  20. The law says if you're widowed from a Thai national, without dependent children, and you cant find another B400,000 to put into a bank account, for a retirement visa, you're going home alone after that marriage visa expires. Nice and humane.
  21. Mr. Anuchit, aged 54 the Porche driver. A rather unfortunate, if apt, name when rendered in English with a bit of imagination. A case for jail time here, lets see if we ever get a follow up story.
  22. Don't worry! There are 250 retired Generals sucking up public funds, and who knows what else besides, as they deny Thailand any hope of light at the end of the tunnel. They will arrive on their white steeds to save the day! More subs, or maybe another useless military park, will be just what the doctor ordered! They will still have the best private health care money can buy of course.
  23. Nobody lives forever, billionaire Sumner Redstone died trying. He was so deluded he even said he would never die! And all those frozen guys are being scammed beyond the grave too. If it ever does happen, I think their minds will have been wiped clean of all memories, language, identity, even how to toilet themselves. Won't that be a fun re-animation scenario? From master of the universe to adult baby!
  24. Reminds me of the drunken old Priest Fr. Jack on "Father Ted". Drink! <deleted>! Girls!" Can you imagine such a great comedy about Monks here? Maybe a century from now...
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