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Everything posted by chalawaan

  1. I was told the movie "Rocket Angels" was great, it's on Netflix. I found it juvenile and cringey. Like those dreadful variety shows on daytime TV. Two thumbs down.
  2. I read the post. I was just offering related info, as I wish someone had told me years ago. A lot of my info is relevant and practical to either visa. Now, do you need the police and health checks and insurance for the Retirement Non O? Also, does it convert to extension of stay, or is it an annual pilgrimage? Thank you.
  3. What about police and health checks? I've only done the multi entry marriage visa here, and it's a piece of cake, can get 17 months out of it too! You have to download the form and have the paperwork it all perfect beforehand THB cash only too. They operate FAST there, get it wrong and you go back next day!
  4. Savannakhet are the best for so many easy visas that everyone else makes hard! The only drawbacks are no way to fly there, and you need an umbrella in the line no shade! The tuk tuks can get you to the front of the line for 200thb. But you still have to wait until the gatekeeper arrives then you're sneaked in the side driveway. All the Chinese do it!
  5. It's all in the marketing. If he had told the locals he had borrowed it from a dead friend, they would have said "shut up and take my money!"
  6. I thought he was 81 at first and a typo. ???? The younger ones must have been on speed or meth to have been too loud for an 18 year old, and then attacking him. I'm going to be very meek down at my local sewen if I even see a group of boy scouts from now on.
  7. Her legal and health challenges aside, this is a perfect example of the benefits of travel insurance I know we rarely buy it for domestic trips, myself, never! But it exists, and a trip is a trip, frontier or not. The older I get the more travel paranoid I am.
  8. And tomorrow he'll be let loose in the tourists again, hating everything and everyone even more, feeling wronged, supported by his brute tribe of drivers, and unlikely to mend his thug life ways. You won't have heard the last of him until someone is killed. ????
  9. Yes, I became very clause sensitive after my hospitalisation, Here's the twist in my tale... The fall I mentioned in the wet bathroom? It was Chiang Mai and I was pissed as a newt! I landed on that Asian splash strip they put at the door, and broke a rib! (But didn't know it then). Then two years later, Singapore Airport installed those electronic passport gates, never having used them, I hesitated, they closed on me smashing the same rib, again, I'm still oblivious that it's busted, but it hurt so much I nearly collapsed, I think at this point, it starts bleeding microscopically into my lung, two months later I get pneumonia, they x-ray me and find the rib broken, but I still didn't make the broken rib connection until months after I had been paid out, and since broken ribs rarely mend, and I didn't present to casualty with that complaint, just pneumonia, which I didn't know I had, either, only that I felt I was dying. And my lung was filling up with muck! So there you have it.
  10. Reasonable is probably close to responsible national guidelines as per each gender. I noticed your ski insurance is World Nomads, they paid for my $17000 ICU stay in Clark, Philippines. This thread can get complicated quickly, because there are so many variables, and we don't know exactly what happened. It could be he was stone sober, and the insurance company are satisfied the balcony was sound and high enough to prevent a topple. Since the lad is in no state to speak, and likely shock has erased all memory of the event, insurance have to operate on the evidence. If it's just not possible to fall from that balcony when using it safely, what else are they left with? Yes I've fallen in a wet shower in a hotel, but not OVER a balcony railing, and if that was the case, they'd know it was wet, and low, would they not? So all they have, is suicide or extreme silliness. I've seen a video of a young guy run up a wall, flip over then immediately throw himself over a balcony hundreds of metres high, grabbing the rail from the outside with one hand. Utter insanity! Stone cold sober, doing it for "likes".
  11. How many beers does it take to do really silly things? A lot. Insurance companies get these tragedies by the hour, they crunch the numbers to oblivion. I once side swiped a lad who was in a line of stationary cars. Nothing too serious, paintwork. I swore in all honesty he had turned into my path, insurance were adamant I had grazed him, on the phone they told me they knew by the pics of the damage who was at fault, they see it hundreds of times a day! Same with the nature of the accident, I've been drinking on hotel balconies several times in this life and never managed to fall off. You're just not going to have that fall unless you're being daft and dangerous. I doubt he'll pull through in that state, pneumonia will get him if the injuries don't. A just a bleeding lung and pneumonia nearly killed me, but it was not due to any hi jinks and travel insurance paid out every penny.
  12. You can go with a Thai car, there's a simple form she can fill, which I believe covers for limited insurance. It's inexpensive and is explained in a YT video, BUT your wife will have to search for it as it's a Thai blogger. Remember they drive on the Right, as an ex French posession. Your wife is also the best placed to google her border passport options on Thai travel blogs about Laos.
  13. Strips in the middle of the road are a bit much. Even for Pattaya. ????
  14. Fake reviews and similar dodginess are coming to an end. And Google is "cracking down" in a big way. New Google lawsuit aims to curb fake business reviews. https://www.reuters.com/legal/new-google-lawsuit-aims-curb-fake-business-reviews-2023-06-16/
  15. You can use aliases on You Tube etc and they encourage it. YT is owned by Alphabet, the Google parent company. The thing is, the vast data they collect. It's often not clear how much data these companies agree to share with Thailand for the right to operate here. I use a VPN rigged so if it goes offline, I can't even use the internet. That at least hides my device IP. Also, do take a look at your Google account and make sure you have alternative ways to log back in, that they're all up to date. I had some Chinese jackass somehow log in to my Google account from Central Thailand. Luckily I have login alerts switched on. After that, I used 2FA or biometric logins as well. Getting locked out of your Google account without up to date email addresses and phone numbers can really ruin your week.
  16. I'm so glad mine is only addicted to candy crush and endless MFP rants on you tube.
  17. Self censored because sadly things are still far from ideal here to have a little jibe about something as simple as... Nevermind.
  18. He seems increasingly obsessed with the ground, if he's not staring at it, he often almost takes a dive for it, saved only by young fawning grovellers. One day he will make contact. Likely the only "contact" he will ever have in his long undistinguished military career.
  19. These fools in power focus too much on Pita. And they don't understand compromise. They can screw Pita, but the millions who put him there will be very angry indeed. If they push too hard, they will have a Myanmar on Thier hands. Then what?
  20. All Google products link to your Gmail. And your account. It's not that hard to find you with that one bit of info.
  21. Never leave a negative review. IED the managers Mercedes instead.
  22. Does it matter if their theories are off? She's lying, and mood swings are a giveaway gambler on a losing streak. Or a woman who hates being there because she's dreaming of her new ride! Oops I've jumped to the same conclusions. Maybe he could keep an open mind until the loan sharks or crazy lover shows up?
  23. Agree! This could get really bad for the OP. She's moody because she's losing her shirt at some country gambling den.
  24. Nothing like official xenophobia to warm the cockles of an expats heart. I'm sure this policy has many western fans, wishing their own homeland was as hateful, not realising Thailand can kick us out tomorrow if the wrong guy gets to be PM.
  25. Yeah, there's a full blown civil war going on, anarchy and lawlessness, fighter bomber strikes on border towns, Chinese Casino Gangsters with their own electricity grid, and slave-scammer boiler rooms operating, and likely lads are giving it: "The border's closed, I wonder why?" ????
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