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Posts posted by chalawaan

  1. Here's what I think MAY be going on...


    The flour seller Promprow, a govt fixer of note, was sent to visit him, we know this because he Promprow was photographed in the EK lounge at swampy. 

    I think the plan is for Taksin to be "fake" arrested, and this arrest supposedly used as a "hostage" tactic to force Pheu Thai to renounce Move Forward, and go with the army losers. 


    This coalition of the cursed will be unanimously approved by the military senate, Prawit then installed as PM by same senate, and Taksin then immediately released on good behaviour.


    If he's under house arrest, that's your red flag he is involved in something close to my hunch. 


    Let's see how close my theory is as this plays out. 

    • Confused 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, mark131v said:

    Mmm, don't really know how to reply to this without insulting your intelligence so I will try to keep it simple


    If you are unusually wealthy and publicly flaunt that unusual wealth it is right and proper to ask questions, it would be exactly the same if he was sporting a pair of diamond encrusted gucci knickers every day. Now there's a picture I will struggle to remove....

    That's probably why he keeps falling over, it's the weight of the diamonds on his knickers. 

  3. On 2/6/2023 at 3:34 PM, Trippy said:

    Wow, tough crowd.

    Poor guy loses his home and many on here just make fun of his appearance.



    Lotta guys here are doing it tough. 

    Few are in 20 squid homes with grand pianos, some of us probably PAINTED those mansions back home.


    Given the working class are being screwed again since the 1990s after our dads won the postwar rights that gave them the better lives they deserved, and now we've lost it all again, there a bit of shade coming any wealthy business owners way. 


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  4. 11 hours ago, brianthainess said:

    What Country's Passport will he travel on, Montego's, Nicaragua's ,  or what? He holds up to about 6 different ones,:unsure::coffee1: :unsure:

    You have to enter your citizenship nation on that same passport, and that applies everywhere. UK/US/Australia/Thailand. 


    I know a Thai who came in on his US Citizenship, extremely stupid (his only reason was face!????)


    Of course, he had to get a retirement visa, 90 day report the whole farang tyrrany thing!


    Tiring of this after being fined frequently for missing his 90 day reports, he flew to Singapore as an American and returned next day as a Thai, well the dip hit the fan then! 

    Detained, interrogated, fined some more! 


    Why they never picked him up prior, given he was a Thai speaking fluent Thai at immigration, and with all the paperwork we submit, and with that paperwork and his US Passport saying he was born in BANGKOK is a mystery to me! 


    TiT immigration. 


    • Confused 2
  5. I would love to see this motor-mouth shackles and scrubs. 


    He was never for the poor, he just was the first to realise his baht went a lot further by bribing them directly, via healthcare etc. instead of the usual village standover men. 

    True, there was enormous good from that, but he is still a toady, even though the elites were too stupid to love him back, now they're really up the creek as a result! 


    But like most leaders here he has innocent blood on his hands too.  


    Most of all his arrogance that he's too big to collar. 

    • Love It 1
  6. On 6/12/2023 at 1:37 PM, ujayujay said:

    Do you naively think that the Chinese don't already know everything about the F-35?

    They can't even make the balls for the ball-point pens they assemble. Their space program is Russian, as is their best fighter, basically with "Chinese characteristics" They could get the manual for the F-35 presented hide-bound and signed by Trump and they still wouldn't come close to what the US have built.

    It's not that the Chinese don't have brilliant minds at their disposal, it's that they are so rigidly constrained by party interference, innovation just dies in the <deleted> there.

    So they are reduced to theft and copy. 

    They don't even improve on things, like the Japanese do. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. On 11/21/2022 at 9:03 AM, Paul Catton said:

    25 seconds visiting a website and updating a spreadsheet, conversely gives peace of mind. 

    Yeah for a week. 

    Like he said, if you're not selling now, it's pointless, regardless which way the market moves. 

    The price will be the price on the day and that's in the future, it could include selling after an earthquake, selling under one hundred reasons of personal financial duress, or great good luck. 

    I would do the same with shares, eventually its mostly boring in either direction, but it's not going to mean squat until the sell by date. 

  8. Never gonna happen. And I don't own property there.

    The price could drop by 30% Armageddon case. So long as you're paid off, who cares?

    The only people who will lose are the newly mortgaged who then have to have forced sales, maybe some tragic death of one partner or something. 

    But there's no glut, so a price correction will only be a Skyfall story to the media, but everyone 99.8% will be just fine. 

  9. I'll get back to you right after this bowl ...


    But seriously, it's a rewarding recreational substance in moderation. 


    I use for pleasure, usually in the evening.


    I've also been though a year of hammering it, before the law changed,  and it lost a lot of the more profound pleasure. 


    I try and not do it daily now. 

    Just four days off, and I find the initial fifth day buzz is very very good! 


    I was away for a year last year and coming back, being able to legally walk the streets, stoned for the first time in twelve months was unforgettable!


    PS I used to be a big piss head too, got a liver scare overseas, and quit, my liver rebounded in four months from off the charts readings, and the weight melted off. 


    Although I've been able to stay off the booze, I also accidentally found that one dose of magic mushrooms can kill  the urge to drink for up to a year. 

    • Like 2
  10. Yes! He/she wants you to shake their tree baby! 

    Giving you a complete papaya salad means they are making you honorary Godfather to their Buffalo, the gift that will never stop giving -giving them your fortune till the Buffalo dies. 


    Then you'll be ceremonially sewn up inside it's carcass while alive, and cremated with it.  It's the highest honour a foriegner can receive.  

    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    Why such poor treatment for the heroes of the Russian nation? Fleeing a horrific war, waged by a madman, serial killing dictator, and refusing to slaughter women and children, is something to be very proud of.

    Surely sarcasm? Even Navalny, so called hero victim of democracy, is known to be down with the re-Russification of Ukraine and other former Soviet states.


    They're here, Understandably, for pure self-preservation, maybe there's a handful of wealthy liberal Russians at best. 

    Also, poor Russian males, are not here, they're refugees in Europe, or they are dead men walking. 

    • Like 1
  12. But... all those predictions! 

    From various billionaire run authorities and councils!


    The Chinese ???? mostly crime syndicates and celebrities.

    The Russians ???? mostly crime syndicates and rich men's draft dodging sons.


    The Kazakhs ???? god knows what brings them here en masse suddenly, either government officials mass laundering money, or did they find oil in Borat's village?

    The Indians, dripping in gold and yet wandering around in packs sharing two bottles of chang at every bar. 


    I'm sure the real upper end are doing well for the elite hotel franchise owners, but they don't feed the mouths here that people who arrive in Economy class do. 

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