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Posts posted by khunjamespittman

  1. Some posts were edited or deleted due to excessive formatting. Just because your font is bigger, does not make your post any more apt. If you need to blow it up to five tiomes normal size to make a point then maybe you need to rethink your post.

    Could you give some consideration to deleting all posts of persons who can't master the quote function? Either that or come up with a quote function that even an idiot can master.

    Good idea! I can't fathom it and I'm pretty computer literate and received a post-degree education - so I must be an idiot too (you do not need to confirm this point thanks) - but no matter - it is esoteric, arcane and not user friendly and many of us can't figure it out - it should automatically delete the earlier posts OR highlight those posts that should be deleted.

    Bow 3 times for all the little Einsteins here in TV.

  2. Keep toting that Nation line everyone...

    I love how so many people here honestly seem to think the only people in the country that have been 'brainwashed' are the reds. Certainly there is an element of uneducated people being brainwashed and taken advantage of to suite there higher political masters, but there are also very many people who truly believe in what there doing and have valid concerns. Everyone in this country (and you could argue everywhere in the world on different levels) is inundated with a different kind brainwashing propaganda from birth and dont forget it.

    Also, cool it on the blood lust comments, I dont want to see people get killed on the streets of the city I live in and love no matter what and my apartment is inside the Ratchaprasong red zone, I work in Sala Dang and probably have dealt with this on a day to day level more than most of you. Keep a jai yen even when those around you dont na.

    It would be good if we could have rational discussions with red supporters, but they rarely bring out any facts with any basis, go around in circles, and finally end up with "coup" or "elite".

    Maybe you could point out all those facts you made in your condescending post?

  3. yet another " we are only guest and not entitled to have an opinion " post YAWN!!!!!

    They had to change tactics

    The letters that spell "double standards" were worn out on their keyboards

    It's a fact Sabai! When was the last time you showed your Thai ID card and voted? You can pump your self up with all your bravado but your opinion means nothing here except to your own ego.

  4. To those farangs who for the last two months have been calling for the use of lethal force I say be careful for what you wish for. You just might get it and you may not like the outcome.

    There seems to be a deep seated hatred of The Red Shirts by many on the Forum, I wonder where they get all their news from on this site.

    The Nation is so biased that it's absurd to think anybody would fall for their stories.

    The Government propaganda machine has been working overtime, and many Farangs have jumped onto the bandwagon, whilst fiercely slamming the Redshirt propaganda machine

    The hatred being spouted out by many Farangs here is quite astonishing.

    I wonder how many Farangs will have been casualties of the Redshirt protests by way of heart attacks and burst blood vessels as they hammer away at their keyboards slagging each other off, solving all of Thailands problems as only Farangs know how to, with some good old keyboard advice safely tucked away in their condos or houses. :)

    I think some you old timers should relax a little. :D

    Thaksin was a proven fraud and tyrant before I ever picked up a Thai newspaper.

    Wouldn't you agree that at least 95% of the posts on TV are crap pretending to be fact including what pretends to be news. That's the biggist fraud!

  5. You are not a very respectful guest here. You obviously would like to tell the Thais how to run their country. That's pretty arrogant of you. Why not go home? Maybe no one their respects you?

    Will you get over the guest crap.

    We live in Thailand. We support Thai families. We have Thai friends. We pay Thai taxes. We work with Thais. We employ Thais.

    We are not guests.

    Maybe on your next border run you will discover the door can close for you. You don't seem to comprehend that it doesn't matter if you work or pay taxes orhow many times you've renewed your visa. Everyone with a bank account pays taxes even if they are not residing in Thailand. Only when you have been granted Thai citizenship can you claim to be Thai. Where you reside temporarily only make you a temporary guest. You're visa only gave you a right to enter the country not a say in how it is run. Get over it. Face it, you're just visiting here!

    If you don't like the rules, pack your bags and go back to your homeland.

  6. if the reds are fighting for democracy, why have they been told to vote Phua Thai by their paymasters?

    I talked with people inside the demonstration area earlier. They wanted people on the outside to know that the water had not been shut off as was reported. The news being reported form the Nation has in very many cases been false.

    You make baseless accusations to try to inflame the situation,

    You are entitled to your opinions but please stop your lies. They are not helpful.

  7. I was planning to sign a 3 month contract for a condo tomorrow, which means that I probably have to pay both the deposit and the rent for the first month (50.000 baht totally). When I read these news, I was questioning whether it will still be worthwile to stay here. But it seems that many of you think it will not affect daily life in CM that much? Do you think it makes any sense to reconsider my plan, based on what is happening?

    Hmmmm it wouldn't change MY plans. Then again I have a very busy life here in Chiang Mai. I, currently, am not nervous at all and I live close enough to the red shirt's base that I can hear them at night. Then again, this could break out into a more sustained insurgency for awhile.

    You'll have to judge for yourself. Anything any of us post about the future will be a guess. It may be an educated guess or just wishful thinking.

    If you have any questions you could ask JD to look out his back door and report what the reds are doing. He believes he is an expert on it.

  8. Hmm, is anyone modding this thread? There are several posters who should be banned for their comments


    With you on that Simon.

    Love it how farangs always think they know whats best for Thailand.

    Wonder how many of them actually live here.

    Perhaps they should bear in mind we are nothing more than guests here.

    Hopefully immigration will tighten up the visa extension rules in the near future.

    No, we are not guests. Guests get free room and board. Tourists are customers, invited to come here by the government and one of its embezzlement arms, the TAT. Many residents, like me for example, are investors in the country, providing jobs for Thai people. In fact without foreign investment, our "Hosts" would still be getting around in rickshaws on dirt roads. I also support my Thai wife and members of her family and have paid more in company tax than most average citizens pay in the lifetime. So if I want to complain occasionally, I feel I have paid for the right to do so, financially, emotionally, spiritually and educationally - the latter meaning I have actually done a lot of reading on the history of this country and its society and have a pretty good idea of how it works and reasonable notions of what sort of direction the country needs to take. Yes, there are those who whinge and moan without having a clue, but this is by no means all foreigners.

    That maybe so but unless youre a Thai citizen youre a guest.

    I agree we are guests. Where I come from we call people looking for free room and board either bums or leeches. I'm surprised the guy hasn't injured his shoulder patting himself on the back.

  9. Video is on the way, but we are experiencing technical difficulties.

    Update: At least 20 security officers injured when confronted by red-shirt protesters at Huachiew Hospital; officers agree to retreat from hospital

    Why didn't they send him to Chula Hospital so they could refuse him treatment due to closure by the red shits - sorry shirts....! :) At any rate dead is dead, thousands of hurrahs have been heard from the yellow camps in Naratiwat, Nawamin and most of Bangkok. RIP a**hole....

    What a miserable example of humanity!

  10. a life lost even from your enemy is always a sad news.Sae Deng is a warrior, trained to kill, and as often for this kind of men "drugged by war" and as already said "living by the sword, dying by the sword". But a life is a life.

    However, the day is not finished, we may have some surprises. So I suggest to stay calm.

    Personally, I am not happy when I see somebody leaving this earth and I wish casualties to be a minimum but also, knowing Thai people, their stubborness, their revenge mind, I wish that we are not entering in Civil War. This night is going to be very long.

    I expect Good Will will prevails and that we will find the Peace.

    Will you please stop with this "sanctity of human life" crap. It is a Judeo-Christian concept and totally foreign to most people on this planet.

    Every human will die, and the only reason some survive is because it is illegal to kill them. When that restriction is lifted, they don't last long.

    This man was an @r$ehole who certainly didn't share your views.

    As you like quotes; "The body of a dead enemy always smells sweet." Titus Flavius Vespasian.

    Some lowlife ran down my dog today. More tears will be shed for the dog than for Seh Daeng.

    i am very sorry to hear about the loss of your dog

    a good dog is the best friend you can ever have

    may he rest in peace

    What a great example of the worst in humanity!

  11. [

    Why care about the delicate feelings of supporters of a terrorist?

    Civilized people respect human life. You obviously donot. Too bad!

    I respect human life ... and this came FAR too late. It should have happened in Nov of 2008 when Sae Daeng first started his grenade attacks. MANY people would still be alive if he had been taken out (into custody and kept ... or killed) all that time ago.

    You respect human life? Looks like a lie to me.

    Any evidence that Seh Deang did the grenade attacks? That is only another proaganda lie.

    JDs in CM. and he can look out his back door and determine right from wrong. Killing people is OK if he decides so. His "taken out" line is from many of his conspiracy movies. Maybe bowing 3 times is appropriate now.

  12. There is really nothing to cheer about here.

    Sadly its only going to trigger a wave of political assasinations - Abhisit, Suthep, Kasit, their family members, others responsible etc - will end up victims of a bomb / grenade / sniper attack.

    News Flash Russell, they were ALREADY being targeted,

    and Sea Daeng was considered as the leader of those doing that.

    He got his own coming back.

    My condolences to his daughter for her loss of a father,

    but that's as far as it can go.

    It's sad. A friend of mine knows Seh Daeng very well. His biggest problem has been being a bit smarter then those around him. His wife passed away a couple of years back and she was reportedly the only person he would really listen to.

    I'm sorry to see anyone shot in the head (neck, they say now) but I guess he had it coming. Pretty much every Thai believes he was responsible for assassinating the military commanders on April 10th.

    I believe the official government report said "only" they were killed by high velocity weapons. Where would you say that "Pretty much every Thai" obtained their information to formulate such a conclusion?

  13. Defending a terrorist. What a peach you are.

    Please refrain from mis-statements about what I said. That is deceptive and dishonest. I stated that civilized people respect human life.

    If you prefer killing people that's your problem.

    In which case you are saying that Seh Daeng was not civilized since he was inordinately proud of personally having killed 20 "communists".

    Where did I say anything about "20 communists"? I suggest you take a remedial reading course in "Excluding personal prejudices when reading". Maybe that will help understand clear statements without inserting your own contrived false interpretations.

  14. What morons you are here? It's not funny when somebody gets shot, especially in this fragile environment.

    And apparently most of you overlook the risk involved if he should really pass away.

    its a pity he is not conscious

    i would ask the doctors for 5 minutes with him and give him the option to tell all about the Red movement and implicate Thaksin or move along to the gates of hel_l

    I am reallyimpressed by how brave you are, threatening to kill a wounded man in a hospital bed. Is your next target the first grad at the neighborhood school? You seem like a really tough guy in the dark.

  15. Lots of the Reds think Sae Dang is a legend and protects them from the army. A bit of psych ops for the masses ! A tactical masterpiece by the army taking him out, give the red rumour mill time to work and people will be losing their will to fight leaving a smaller number of hardcore protesters left.

    A HV round to the head, the guy is 99% dead !

    Get a life! You've been watching to many movies.

  16. Urgent: TNN reporter said Seh Daeng has been hospitalized after getting hit by bullet.

    Great news! Now, arrest him, no bail, trial, if found guilty...cigarette and blindfold.

    Brave little boy speaks from the comfort of his rental room. Beer gives him a lot of bravado.

    Hope the civilized world is united in stopping this madness. Killing is useless.

    Hmmm Are you really defending a man that has ALWAYS called for violence? That is the leader of the Ronin* that killed so many on April 10th? That is reported to have been hit AFTER he fired a -79 grenade at the army? That has an arrest warrant out for him for terrorism?

    yeah .. I guess you are.

    No! Please refrain from speaking for me. I am defending a human life as most intelligent civilized human beings should.

  17. Shame on the red supporters for even beginning to believe that the government wishes to kill innocent people, even more shameful is that the propaganda photos featuring little tykes and the elderly are being used to show that these are the terrorists.

    The real terrorists and the ones that have created the bloodshed are these red shirted terrorists. You know the ones without weapons and striving for peace.



    Yes, these reds are a very peaceful and loving lot.

    how do you know the army were not killing red shirts for no good reason???

    who lost more ppl?

    they've got a history for killing protesters, havent they?

    At this point the better question would be ... who really cares?

    My guess is the civilized world. Sorry you're not included.

  18. Maybe you didn't read my posts. Please let me explain what it says.

    1. My post doesn't address Samak or Thaksin not does it say anything about Parlimentary elections of a PM. It merely points out that with interrventon of the court that the Thai citizens were given no voice in the election of Abhisit.

    2. I didn't say anything about who fired first. I merely pointed out that the Thai government used its army to kill fellow Thai citizens.

    3. I don't see what any party affiliation has to do with my post. I merely pointed out that the UK government was capable of making a peaceful transition of government to an opposition party in a very short period of time contrary to the contempt that has been demonstrated by the Thai government.

    4. I was only pointing out that the government made many public pronouncement in media about ahhving told so and so to do such and such. I was reflecting on how their communication was largely ignored. You seem to have an axe to grind but it doesn't apply to my post.

    I hope it is clear what I said now. If you want to rebut a statement please try to rebut what is posted and not what you want to rail about.

    Nice backpedalling, but you still left a few strings.

    1. NOW you are blaming the courts. Before you didn't mention them. Elaborate a bit, your answer is a bit ambiguous.

    2. So it's wrong for a nation to defend itself against an armed insurrection?

    3. Yes, the British did things the democratic way - through voting, not by holding a city hostage, holding voodoo blood rituals, forcing the evacuation of hospitals, threatening to destroy the transit system and lying to media and the government.

    4. No sources? Shocking. Not.

    Is it possible to have a real discussion here.

    I pointed out a few facts that are uncomfortable for you. There was no backpeddaling. I didn't change anything that I said. My facts were distorted to allow a rabid group to make false accusations.

    I don't endorse any of your statements above but in fact they don't have anything to do with my post. Please read my post. I eloborated to help my. If you don't want to understand I can't help you. If you want to rant and rave about something please don't try to change what I said in your efforts.

  19. The rest of the world has observed as the UK has now installed a new PM after holding their election in a civilized manner while the Thai government has continued to delay the disolution of the parliment and hold a new election. The rest of the civilized world has watched as the Thai governement has used lethal force on Thai citizens and refused to respect the claims of Thai citizens for a legitimate election. The Thai government continues to threaten Thai citizens to try to coerce them into allowing the current government to treat them as inferior people without the human rights that should be accorded to all Thai citizens.

    The current Thai government has irreparably damaged the reputation of Thailand in the community of soverign nations. They may hang on for a while but they will always be remembered for their disenfranchisement of many Thai citizens and the use of the Thai military to kill their friends and neighbors.


    when are you red sympathizers going to come up with some new material?

    please give us some sort of challenge and not just post the same dribble that has been shot down so many times here.

    I calmly read your post. It said nothing.

    Facts which I included:

    1. The Thai people had no voice in the election of Abhisit.

    2. April 10, 2010 will be a day of infamy in Thailand as the The government ordered its soldiers to fire on their friends and neighbors and fellow Thai citizens. Hopefully there will be time for a trial in the Hague sometime in the future.

    3. Uk has demonstated how a civilized nation transitions peacefully to a new leadership. They showed real class while Thai goverment only showed contempt for its citizens.

    4. The current government has made many public requests of other nations to help them which have been ignored and have made no diplomatic requests that have been acknowledged. This speaks loudly about the pitiful reputation of the current Thai government.

    Sorry you were unable to rebut anything.

    I'm not sure why I bother responding to this, but I will anyway.

    1. The Thai people DO NOT directly elect the PM. MP's elect the PM. I doubt you were crying for elections when Samak took over for Thaksin, and then Somchai took over for Samak. No elections then.

    2. Someone from the crowd fired first. Soldiers died. They were defending themselves.

    3. Thank you for pointing this out. See point 1. You dont see the Labour supporters taking over London because they didn't win.

    4. Why should the Thai government ask for foreign help on a domestic matter? When the US had their election issues in 2000, You didn't see them asking Thailand or any other country for help mediating that. It was settled by the courts.

    Game, set, match. I suggest you understand how a consititutional monarchy works before you post again. See here:


    Happy reading.

    Well, I see you took the opportunity to discuss some things.

    Maybe you didn't read my posts. Please let me explain what it says.

    1. My post doesn't address Samak or Thaksin not does it say anything about Parlimentary elections of a PM. It merely points out that with interrventon of the court that the Thai citizens were given no voice in the election of Abhisit.

    2. I didn't say anything about who fired first. I merely pointed out that the Thai government used its army to kill fellow Thai citizens.

    3. I don't see what any party affiliation has to do with my post. I merely pointed out that the UK government was capable of making a peaceful transition of government to an opposition party in a very short period of time contrary to the contempt that has been demonstrated by the Thai government.

    4. I was only pointing out that the government made many public pronouncement in media about ahhving told so and so to do such and such. I was reflecting on how their communication was largely ignored. You seem to have an axe to grind but it doesn't apply to my post.

    I hope it is clear what I said now. If you want to rebut a statement please try to rebut what is posted and not what you want to rail about.

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