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bangkok blue

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Posts posted by bangkok blue

  1. If so you may be interested to hear that LIVETV (Which WETV broadcast some of their channels) have now brought out a new footy channel called "football plus".

    It shows 2/3 championship matches live, per week. Live French Ligue 1.

    Also has magazine shows for Arsenal and Man city as well as 4 Italian clubs.

    It's also gonna show football league highlights as well as other footy shows.

    BAD NEWS is that WETV don't wanna put it on yet, despite showing every other channel LIVE TV offer (Variety 1, Live Pop, Movie Plus etc...) They still haven't got round to pulling there finger out!

    Called them up and spoke to a lady called Mind (Customer services manager). She said she'll see what she can do but would have to canvass customer opinion.

    Tried to sweet talk her, but if there are many championship footy fans out there things may speed up if you give her a call.

    WETV phone number is 053418720, Mind is the customer service manager and speaks perfect English.

    Fingers crossed....

  2. Hi all,

    Anyone know if WETV will show the Newcastle Vs Leicester match tonight, last season they showed a few live matches, but not seen anything yet this season...


  3. Had True Internet before in BKK, very efficent, is it available in Chiangmai? I live on Huay Keaw near Kad Suan Keaw... Fairly central so reckon there might be a chance.

    If not who would you recommend? Was gonna go with Maxnet prem but heard it's having problems of late.

  4. Can anyone recommend a good travel agent in the Chiangmai area?

    What sort of prices are around now for a return trip to London or preferebly Birmingham? Need to fly back in a couple of weeks.

    Any advice would be appreciated.


  5. Anyone had any experience in obtaining a ED visa in KL, I'm enrolling on a course with Chiangmai Uni' so not anticipating any problems.... Looked on their website only thing that worries me is they want to see a financial reference! Often here they demand seeing these for tourist visas, but rarely ask for them....

    Also they ask for a letter of recommendation from a cambodian school!!!! Obvioulsly this must just be for Cambo' students!

    Also ask for a reference from someone in Thailand and a copy of their ID card.... Again can't see them asking for this but if anyone has obtained a visa from KL I would be interested in hearing your experience.

    Many Thanks

  6. Pretty sure Thai TV will have it, they have done a good job on covering the last olympics and Euro 2008

    All group matches kick off at 1:30pm, 4pm and 8:30pm S.A time. S.A is 5 hrs behing Thailand so not bad kick off times here. 6:30pm, 9pm and the latest being 1:30am.... Knockout rounds only have 9pm and 1:30am kick offs with the semi finals and final all 1:30am kick off times.

    Those living in Chiangmai should be able to get all matches Live via supersport on WETV as was the case when Euro2008 was on.

    Fixture list below....


  7. Ye some great deals to KL Chiangmai - KL return Direct!!! 2500bht... amazing! Flying 8th - 11th July! Cheaper than going Loas IMHO as Malaysia visa is free!

    Kevc, Where can you get the airasia bus? Sounds like a good deal 80bhat into KL for an hour, is "Sentral" the heart of the city? Also any reasnoblely priced hotels you can recommend? My mate said to stay in red light district! hahaha, with my gf so not sure if that's a good idea....

    Also is it easy to take public transport to the Embassy from down town KL?

    Any advice appreciated, thanks

  8. Got an e-mail from Stuart Turner today confirming that they have struck a deal with True to show the semis and final!

    Although he didn't go into details on the length of the agreement it also covers England matches. By all accounts TRUE showed the Ukraine match last Wednesday, however I didn't see it advertised anywhere!

    Enjoy the footy folks!

  9. Well as my contact, Mr Stuart Turner has gone into hiding thought I'd contact Jintana who works for the Nation and has been covering this.... Her respnse below....

    Dear Clive,

    As far as I know there is no hope to watch the FA match this year. The latest I talked to a guy from TRUE he said we may be able to watch the final match as TRUE is trying to get the license.

    Two weeks ago I have read an executive of the ADAMAS firm's interview in a Thai newspaper. He admitted that he cannot find a channel to broadcast the FA matches. He blamed the economic reason. He said he had to lost Bt40 million collateral.

    Let's keep finger crossed!


    Load of cack imo.... Not to mention that it effects England hom qualifiers! Although have noticed that Supersport 3 will cover the Man U Vs Everton match 9pm Thai time... so at least that means it'll be more accessable in bars.

    If I have any more news will let you all know...

  10. Seems there are loads of companies here that all offer hi-speed interenet, however heard some are more reliable than others. Wanna be able to download movies, Lost, prison break and hopefully live sports streams such as the EPL and cricket.

    What speed and what company would you recommend is the best for doing this? Thanks.

  11. Not looking promising as all England Home qualifiers fall under the agreement that the FA Cup come under, which as most of us now has been cocked up completely and left us without any cup coverage so far and all England World cup matches "Not available in Thailand" according to the ad on UBC!!!!

    I have emailed head of broadcasting Stuart Turner to see if anything has been resolved regarding this, but I'm not holding my breath.

    By all means drop him a line to vent your frustration [email protected]

  12. Mr Walen,

    Thanks for the reply, yes I am aware quality is an issue. I would like to go with a reputable company like your own then risk my money with a new and possible "Mickey Mouse" company. But I also have to watch the bank balance. Yes, what you offer is good value for money, I never questioned that. two chunks of 14,000bht would be more manageable than one big chunk of 28,000... Hence the reason i asked the question.

    Incidently CMU also offer a 1 year course for the same price as yours (again though full payment in advance) would a Thai course Cert from them look more favourable with prospective Thai Employers?

    Rest assured I have watched the growth of your school with interest and fully believe you are doing a good job with your method of teaching. Once you open in Chiangmai be sure to let us all know and I will look forward to attending a demo class.

    Good luck and all the best

  13. Hi,

    I have recently noticed a company in Bangkok called Thai Language solutions.

    They offer a 6 MONTH Thai Language course for 12,500 bht which also allows you to obtain a 6 month Education visa (an initial single entry extended by 90days at immigration)

    One of my friends has enrolled with them on this 6mth option and obtained an ED visa without a problem.

    However I live in Chiangmai and I cannot enroll with them. I know you are opening a school in Chiangmai soon. I would like to enroll with you when you do that but the fees for the whole one year are a bit much to pay in one go.

    Will you be able to start offering a 6month course similar to Thai language solutions in the near future?

  14. Usually 20bht anywhere mate, although if from one end of town to the other and he has to go out there way can be 30-40bht. If inner city though always 20bht. I sometimes go from Lanna 3 condo, near Chiangmai Uni on Huay Keaw to my school near the train station and it's usually 40bht as it's at least a 15min drive and not many people go out as far that way.

    Never paid as cheap as 15bht and never seen Thais pay that unless they have a small child with them.

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