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bangkok blue

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Posts posted by bangkok blue

  1. Sports bar at the top of that newish shopping complex in front of D2, where Pizza hut is will be open til 5a.m every night according to the owners wife.

    It's on Channel 3 for sure.

    Can you def get BBC commentary? I tried for 4t round FA Cup and no problem, 5th round last weekend they blocked it for Thailand!

    Talksport said they were covering the manyoo game tonight.

  2. Rose Cafe wins hands down for the best English Brekkie in Chiangmai. Fried tomatoes, hashbrown, mushrooms, beans, sausages (British), bacon (British), Eggs (fried or scrambled) two slices of toast, orange juice and two cups of tea/coffee, 140bht!

  3. It's on Thai TV, with Thai commentary; Ch3 and 7. If you have WETV then they will have English commentary on the supersport channels. App UBC had the English audio available if you watched the Thai channels via their platform for 2006. I don't trust them to do the same again. but all games will def be on!

  4. You have to pay to get into Fabrique but the coupon is redeemable for a free drink, if there are a few of you then you can put it towards a bottle of whiskey or vodka.... Why would you go to a club and not drink???

  5. Sorry Nev and co, worded my post badly. I know that Me Jobacharim (or whatever his name is) owned the player. I just felt that Fergie seemed to bench him a lot in the 2nd season and he wasn't given a fair run. Bringing in Berbatov must have shook Tevez up a bit, judging on Berbatov's form (maybe carrying an injury) he looks no better than Tevez. 140k a week is a lot, although if United wanted to they could have paid it. Isn't Rooney about to get 120k a week?

    Should be a belter tonight! Enjoy :)

  6. As a United fan surely you must regret selling him? Never got a fair run in the side at Manyoo... Now he's showing what he really is capable at when a manager gives him regular first team footy. (I'm not a Man City fan btw) But it truly is set up for a fascinating 2nd leg!

  7. Never heard anything so ridiculous in all my life! After the Canadian tourist who got a shoeing from a tuk tuk driver over 50bht and now this load of hogwash, I will not be setting foot in Phuket anytime in the near future!

    The question does have to be asked as to how the young Kiwi caught the attention of the old bill in order for them to find the Valium in his possession?

  8. Fear not, my source at the Nation got back to me today to inform me that TRUE have signed a new 3 year deal but have just not made an official announcement yet.

    The new deal will last from next season 2010-2011 through til 2012-2013. Happy days!

  9. You're getting download speeds at 1162kps??? Yet your package is 3MB??? Sounds like TRUE have made a mess of your download connection. I had the same problem, was getting 12MB when I only subscribed to 8MB. Internet kept becoming slow and dropping out all the time. Tech guys came out the next day and corrected it saying that the Modem was programmed to take my actual amount. If it's more than it should be it can cause these problems. Give them a call and they'll come down and sort it.

  10. TRUE seem very reliable so far, stream live video / sports 99% of the time with no problem, occasionally goes off for 2mins, maybe they reset the server at their HQ, but it's only once in a blue moon and only for 2mins. I'm usually on line from 4PM til midnight or later and weekends.

    download 8.36MB/s, upload at 0.50MB/s rarely falls below 6MB during busy periods and that's very seldom. Only pay 1200bht and that's great value for money IMO and they chuck in free 2MB WiFi so my gf can use her laptop at the same time. Very consistent speed for international sites. Think they are trying to expand in Chiangmai as quickly as possible. I'm on Huay Keaw road and a new port opened up in August with 10 lines available and were snapped up in double quick time. I got the last one!

    In the name of god don't go near TOT they went off at work for 2days leaving some people tearing their hair out!

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