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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. Imagine drinking at a bar. After a few hours partying, you won't see if there is a zero too much.
  2. A million more please. Even 7/11 driving deliveries around. At my local shop, cashiers are busy with warming up food and others delivering it. It amazes me how lazy some people are. At my condo, 7/11 often seen, delivering a bottle of water, a coke etc. It just takes 1 minute to walk across the road.
  3. They drove to the local prison to let Ferrari Joe have a look as a potential buyer.
  4. Or show some of the daily stabbings in London.
  5. Seems that the "necklace wearing, rich Indians" and " Arab motorbike racers trillionaires" are not bringing enough money to spend here. Now let's try the Russians. After that, maybe the Chinese again. And if nobody comes, please farangs come back, we always loved you.
  6. and the USD is the strongest in decades against the EUR and £ They could discover Europe instead of Thailand.
  7. Strange we don't see any high ranking police officers on the picture.
  8. Yes, that was the holiday season in Europe. School holidays for 2 months. Inflation sky high in Europe and US. Approaching winter and people are more worried how they pay their utility bills, ever rising food prices then thinking about a trip to Thailand. On a daily basis, we can read that bakers, butchers etc are closing down because they can't afford anymore the energy bills to produce their products and aren't able to pass on the 100% increase in cost to their customers. Keep dreaming about big figures. The only ones I see are the "Indians" on a small budget and a few Arabs.
  9. That's why he is on my "ignore" list. He has a deep obsession defending everything and anything, Thai related. Something is not right with him.
  10. Hi all, For a few days now, I get now constantly the following pop-up on my screen. What's that and how to get rid of it? Thanks
  11. And one morning, the "maid" turned up, spoke to her boss and said: Khun boss, I buy your house, cash. What do you think? Deal?
  12. Waking up one morning and seeing every 50m an Indian restaurant and every 100m a Chinese "20Baht" store and seeing an Arab every 3 minutes.
  13. I know that Chinese have still very strict restrictions but not even 40k tourists? What about the Arabs? Indians, there are too many for my liking.
  14. We were waiting for a taxi yesterday, leaving school at 5.30 Traffic was ok. In 20 min time, at least 15 taxis drove by. I counted 8 of them with no passengers and none of them stopped. Are they all so rich that they don't bother to take passengers? Stop complaining about not having any work. Just stop and drive people to their destination. As Richard said: Bolt is a no go. Grab is also more and more difficult and getting expensive.
  15. I have a Wildtrack for 3 years now and zero problems.
  16. I am also fed up with this constant bombarding with adds from "Noblehome". Can't see one of my favourite channels on youtube without getting bombarded from the above.
  17. Probably a new word created now: "Frikney. (front kidney) With cars, they use now words like:" Frunk".
  18. They are all still sleeping. Al night out drinking and making the ladies happy. BTW: It's Bueng Kan and not Beung Kan.
  19. What a smart cookie lol She warned ladies to always lock the door. She must have a uni degree.
  20. He borrowed from his friends. 800 of them. They were all in the same plane and share 25 rooms at the same hotel.
  21. New menue: short time: 1000 baht Long time: 2500 baht Touching: 200,000 baht Soon to come: looking at her: 150,000 baht (negotiable).
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