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Everything posted by damo1967

  1. Great point there.... "whatever point" you are trying to make... ejiet... Another looks 40? haha you should refrain from making useless posts...
  2. Yup! It is fairly obvious right? Have you always been slow in life? pfft.. absolute DADS... google 'acronym' for DADS... you are a lughing stock mate.
  3. I think it would be too much hard work to explain it to you.... no offence to your lack of intellidence though.. good luck in life.. fingers crossed for you.
  4. 100% correct.. if you can not afford travel insurance then you can not afford to travel.
  5. Here we go again.. another one.. pfft. If he had insurance, but 1. not wearing a helmet, 2. didn't have a proper bike licence, 3. had alcohol in his system, 4. even speeding etc... then he is screwed. He needs to accept the fact he rolled the dice and the GoFundMe should be removed. I will donate the exact same amount as I did for the last 1d10t... 0thb. What if by miracle they get a full insurance payout (which I will bet my 'left' one will not happen)... but if a full insurance payout.. what happens to the GoFundMe contributions? Will they fully refund to all who tried to help, or will they pay off their mortgage? LEAVE HIM WHERE HE IS... A HARSH LESSON TO BE LEARNT.. I DO NOT FEEL SORRY FOR THIS GUY... MAYBE SOMEONE SHOULD PULL THE PLUG.. WILL END UP BEING CHEAPER.
  6. You have the choice to buy a ticket back home... why the need to whinge like a 5 year old girl?
  7. They should shut that GoFundMe request down... just for the pure stupidity.
  8. 100% right on. As sad as it is... His travel insurance should cover him.. But if he was drinking... not having a licence... no helmet... even some drugs in his system... he gets ZERO baht from me to his GoFundMe. I do not help idiots. I am sure this GoFundMe app was not set up to help absolute idiots.
  9. For gifts to individuals who are not the taxpayer’s parent, descendant, or spouse, the exemption is up to 10 million baht per year per recipient, with a 5% tax rate on the excess.
  10. I would vote it is Pattaya.
  11. Some-one should tell this drunken phat pos, that not only is it rude to throw ashtrays etc at a Thai.. but also rude to point a finger in their direction. Obviously no respect all around.. I see the only option is to have him charged with assault.... maybe 30 days in the clanger.... and then blacklisted from Thailand for a minimum 5 years. Thailand does not need him here!
  12. 100% - if people take a back-pack into a small family run business.. can always buy alcohol 365 days a year.
  13. Can you leave now (with your negativity too please?)
  14. How do you use sign language to say "BEND OVER"?
  15. Correct! If aa family has pitched in with the financial burden.. why the need for the fundraiser for this 1d1ot?
  16. What if she had 'different' airlines? She would have to go through customs, exit out, get her new boarding pass with the new airline, and then re-enter through customs. The main point is she should have been aware that any damage to any part of a passport could cause a problem.. ps. I will not contribute to this f00ls stupidity with her fundraising...
  17. You have issues I think. Go see a Doctor.
  18. You keep the fiat then.. and let the fast growing population of crypto holders flourish. You are missing the boat because of your ignorance.
  19. He slipped, and his leg raised 2 feet? haha.. i hate this POS.. send him away NOW! Just get rid of him.
  20. I can only hope this guy's days in Thailand are numbered. A coward.. a woman basher.. a weak bully.. a poor excuse for a man. He does not belong in Thailand. I can see many protests if this POS is allowed to remain in Thailand. A bully will never pick on or fight some-one of equal strength or greater strength. This is what this coward did.. kicked a Thai lady innocently sitting on some steps minding her own business. I have said this before:- "Would he have kicked a man in the back? Would he have kicked a man with a 'muay thai' shirt on? OF COURSE NOT... He needs to be removed permanently from Thailand. (not even going to mention the 'ambulance' video).. a POS that needs to go!
  21. The airline is keeping this lady-basher's seat warm... D.E.P.O.R.T.A.T.I.O.N is coming.. what a coward! I hope he gets a sounding send off at the airport... I still can not believe he kicked a Thai lady in the back of all places. Can not get more gutless than that! question:- would this hero have kicked a Thai man with a 'Muay Thai' shirt if sitting on 'his' (now demolished) steps? Of course not.. cowards only pick on and fight the weak and frail.. send him HOME ASAP!!!!
  22. What a naive comment.. no guessing your nationality right? Do you beat up on women as well? Let you and me meet.. I will kick you in the back.. BUT I will give you a wai and then we will continue on with our day right? No need for you to pursue me for a real apology or compensation right? I can tell you are misogynistic.. I feel sorry for you.. I really do...
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