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Everything posted by damo1967

  1. He was braindead as soon as he got on his bike <deleted>, on the phone, no helmet, no bike insurance.. no hope lol... Fundraisers were not created for idiots!
  2. I dont think anything went over my head... you are obviously trying to make excuses for your lame post... I thought (and still think) I was replying to a simpleton, so was trying to be nice.. I am very well versed with humour... but not with stupidity sorry... See you.... you 'funny' person you hahahahaha
  3. You are 100% correct - as nothing is proven yet ???? I was just saying I would 'bet' that the Policeman would be in the wrong. Of course, it depends what 'evidence' there is... that is why it was a 'bet' as no one is sure at this time. ????
  4. My money is on the Policeman tossing and turning all night.
  5. Great reply! But if only it made some kind of sense, or was relevant to the topic.. ahh well.. good job on trying. Keep it up.
  6. You should read the 'full' article.. there is mention of a GoFundMe. https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/people/fareham-familys-heartbreaking-ordeal-after-loved-one-died-in-thailand-bike-accident-and-the-journey-to-bring-him-home-4008124
  7. I just knew this article was going to end with mention of a 'GoFundMe'.. pfft.. Why the need for this GoFundMe? Let his 'insurance' cover all the repatriation & funeral costs etc. Why should innocent people continually get asked to donate to these such causes? Grandpa surely:- 1. would have taken out adequate insurance before going to Thailand to cover his unfortunate death, 2. would have had a legal proper motorbike licence to be able to ride in Thailand, and 3. would not have gotten on his bike if he had been drinking. If 'yes' to all the above 3, then there is no need for a GoFundMe. (GoFundMe's were not designed for people to donate for 'idiots' who did not take out proper insurance etc, and to do stupid things in Thailand) If 'no' to even one of the above 3, then Grandpa made his bed, so let him lay in it now. I will be donating 'zero', 'zilch', 'not a damn penny' for Grandpa as there should not be a need to. Solution:- cancel the GoFundMe and burn him at one of the local temples.
  8. It appears that 'foreigners' can come to Thai and work as English teachers without a proper work Visa? I know it is not taking jobs away from Thai's, but if they were serious about catching illegal foreigner's working without a work permit, then they could easily:- Go to any school that hires foreigners as teachers "during class time" and ask the foreigner to show their respective Visa. (Viet Immigration did this a few years ago, and caught many off guard)
  9. I definately do not need to see any footage of this terrible accident.
  10. Great ???? I wish your travels well
  11. If people can self-insure, then that is great.. almost all people will not have a problem with that! I was mentioning those who roll the dice by not getting any insurance and expect to get hospital treatment without any insurance 'or' self-insurance! It is those people who can not self-insure, or bother to pay a few bucks to get some insurance. YES, all insurance companies scrutinize every claim.. they are a 'business'. But if you have a legitmate claim people should not have to worry. I am really worried now explaining this to you.. because you obviously did not understand the original thread of the post, and you will come back with some other trivial unrelated <deleted>. Please let it be known to yourself, I will not be replying to you from this point.
  12. Why not let those who choose not to take out any travel/CoVid insurance when visiting SE Asia learn the hard way about the 'special' treatment they will receive as soon as the Hospital realises they have no insurance at all. ps. GoFundMe's should be banned for any international traveller who refused to get some basic cheap travel insurance.
  13. No need to worry about me.. he is an imbecile and dumb because he did the wrong thing.... and now wants people to pay for his stupidity... no thanks.
  14. Classic story of a guy from Australia who didnt think he would need travel insurance.. his foot was hanging off his leg after a motorbike accident.. 1st country hospital put a bandage on it.. then transferred to International hospital who wanted payment before they did anything.... classic fools... all of them who do not have insurance especially in Asia.
  15. I beg to differ. I will refer to him as an imbecile. Just dumb that people do not have adequate insurance or 'think', hang on.. would I be covered riding a bike.. no helmet.. <deleted> on changs? With no licence? Ahh it wont happen to me... haha.. BUT, it does happen... I refuse to contribute even 1 thb to these people on GoFundMe.. most are cheap charlies as well! If I was the Doctor in his hospital, he would be waiting OUTSIDE until he could afford to pay for any treatment.
  16. That is not 'uncommon' for those imbecils that do not have proper insurance and can not pay the hospital. He was lucky he got any treatment.
  17. Exactly.. who else was going to tell the taxi driver ????
  18. Free Credit Card Insurance = basically no worthwhile coverage... A decent travel insurance contract can be like $100 - $200. Just a small amount for total peace of mind. I will also not contribute to any GoFundMe for these people who think they can skimp and then rely on GoFundMe requests.. pfftt.
  19. I also think in very poor taste! You are correct.. a guy young has lost his life, and it should not matter what his nationality was... I wonder if this keyboard warrior would have made that same comment if it was his young brother? Most people on this forum are still just plain sad.
  20. Sounds good.. you can still do the 90 day reporting at Blu Port... only when you extending your Retirement Visa for another 12 months do you have to go to the IO 7km away ????
  21. You can do 90 day reporting online, and it literally takes 3-4 moinutes.
  22. Ever thought about actually finding out whether the online 90-day reporting is working or not properly before you spread your negativity? I can tell you it works perfectly for me, and I get notification within 24 hours...
  23. aint your bro! Your humour did not go unnoticed... I was not complaining about anything. I did say it was sad to see so many complainers.. I have not said to them 'stop' complaining etc... YES, you also need a hobby! In ending:- I am not fitting in anywhere... especially in here with people like you! To each their own. (no need to reply again, as it will not be read. Great sunshinee today, so am going out to make the most of it)
  24. People complain in these posts because it is in their nature... really sad! Maybe you can suggest a hobby for the complainers?
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