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Everything posted by damo1967

  1. Totally agree.. you didn't mention the alcohol content in her system? (apologies of she was bone dry sober).. but as you say, if she had the proper insurance, she wouldn't be in this mess. 0thb coming from me to help in any GoFundMe etc! Really is just plain STUPID how people do not have insurance especially in Asia.... She should be the front for a campaign alerting people of the fact that it is actually SMART to always be covered with the appropriate insurance whilst in Asia.
  2. Another one who doesn;t get it LOL.... hahaha
  3. 100% absolutely no contradiction anywhere.... you just appear incapable of thinking logically or analytical.. do not worry.. it is not your fault!
  4. GEEZ.. the contradiction may be stuck between your ears! I will try to explain in simple terms ok simpleton? Quick to the scene - you must understand that bit right? Fast/speedy/responsive etc Neutralized the threat (ensure safety of all etc) means a Police presence around the surrounding area and ensuring that the assailant (I will explain this word for you later simpleton) was at least no longer there to be a threat. (even though it appears he escaped the scene until arrested the next day he was no longer 'present' to be a threat.. thus neutralising the chance of further violence) He was tracked down the next day at a nearby Inn. (I will explain for you simpleton, that an "Inn" is the same as a "Bar") and I think you understand what 'Next day' means? (think of today as 'Thurday'.. tomorrow or 'Friday' would be the 'next' day from today. Hola if you do not understand or comprehend (look this word up yourself in dictionary.. along side the word 'sarcasm') ....
  5. My math is not that good.. but I think she has left him 1% of his fortune going from 1,000,000,000 to 10,000,000? If she was a real bad person, she would have taken the lot
  6. Damn! I didnt think of that... Sorry you have a wife! LOL
  7. For you it is.. have you ever had a real experience with someone that you didn't have to pay for? I am betting 'NO'!
  8. At last.. someone with some actual facts and reasoning.. I commend you on your reply. Too many old sad lazy gits just waiting to have a whinge about ANYTHING... those people should take a look in the mirror, and get out more...
  9. Sounds like you could solve world peace and hunger you know-it-all ps. they say 20 minutes... NOT 20 seconds you dill
  10. Brilliantly said! Old fuddy duddy's LOL! Are some of these people (who just absolutely reek of 'success' in their lifetimes) now worrying about the regular 'handouts' from their government because they have not been mature enough to manage their lives financially in the past? They can't have their cake and eat it to lol.
  11. The quote in the article stated what the guy said... NOTHING about transphobic... so, my comment stands, and you just wanted to publish something? OK.. you published your nonsense.. you need to move on lil boy.
  12. How can you tell if someone is transphobia? Sorry, but your comment is a bit off.. way off actually.
  13. I agree... totally irrelevant that they were 'trans'... would it read 'two heterosexual women'? if they were hetero? Of course not!
  14. FOBS! You would not be Russian would you 'Dmitry'? ???? ????
  15. He should start re-learning 0 to 10... should we help him? soon... neung... song.. saarm.... hmm nahh let him re-learn himself haha
  16. 'Personally', I think Thailand can do without you. Why dont you go back to where ever you came from (probably English whinger) and go be the depressing sod you are there.... ?
  17. Give us proof a Pom/Yank/Aussie has beaten up and vandalised cars, and we will pick on them! Sounds like you may need to go back to the 'front' in your inane efforts to topple Ukraine@ Ukraine way too smart for you lot.
  18. For some-one to fall off a 3rd floor balcony... hmm alcohol.. drugs.. sky-larking.. or just a plain 1d1ot? Would not take an insurance company long to get some CCTV footage, and blood test results. Why should innocent people have to pay good hard-earned money for such 1d1ots? GoFundMe's was not set up for people in crisis due to their stupidity... sorry but leave him where he is. A lesson learnt the hard way. Let the family go to the Bank and take out a loan or a mortgage on their property.. then this twit can re-pay the family back when he gets better.
  19. Before deporting him, parade him around in public with a huge sign saying what he did! Also Blacklist him for at least 10 years!
  20. Yes Really! Did you have a problem reading it? A little slow are you?
  21. Because they happen to be transgender? People get reported as 'male' or 'female', so why not transgender? Nothing discriminatory about that... What do you call your current partner? ladyboy or transgender?
  22. I was thinking similiar.. would this jerkoffff even say thank you to the silly GoFundMe people who paid for him, when it appears he had no insurance? Leave him in the Thai hospital.. and stop all medication until the bill is paid~!
  23. They will not lose the remainder of the time on their old visa.... the new extension will be effective at the expiry date of the old visa. Stop spreading FUD haha
  24. Leave him where he is! He made his bed.. now let him lay in it!
  25. Yep! You got it.. I was waiting to see the 'Go Fund Me' request.. why should people who do the right thing have to donate to brainless twitts who go out 'in the middle of the night' for food, riding a bike wityhout a helmet? Alcohol/Drugs involved I would bet my left one on! Things should clear up once blood tests become available.... I will donate my usual 0.00 thb for these morons!!!!!!
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