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Everything posted by damo1967

  1. Dont go to those places if you do not want to pay the entrance fee... You come across as wanting to change a country's culture just because you live in a country where it is cheap!
  2. If you want to say something to me in person, I suggest you get down to Tira Tiraa in HH. Happy to talk... ps. Only thing you should be sure about, is that I know your mom!
  3. All you negative people are focussing on this 'demon' that deserves no mention. There is no good now in condemning him.. it is over.. try to forget this evil inhuman monster. Has anyone asked how to donate to the families of lost ones? OR, do you wait for a 'poor' uninsured to raise a GoFundMe? I would gladly donate to these families, but I will be met with more depressing negative <deleted> from lonely people... ???? If anyone can let me know how I can donate to the families it would be appreciated.
  4. as young as 2 years old ???? A gutless weak inhuman person... if he had problems and a real man, he would have just killed himself... RIP innocent people.. condolences to all the families
  5. haha.. No I do not suffer from tourettes... but thank you for your concern... I have previously been 'banned' sorry.. for telling some people some home truths about themselves.. that's all.. seems you can not have freedom of speech on Aseannow haha
  6. Another sych lovely negative person... are you getting some attention at home? (ps. waiting for the admins to delete me again from so many depressing people)
  7. So negative.... maybe time foir you to go back home!
  8. Think we know what if 'didnt' do... that was to get some insurance..
  9. Are you seriously saying people will not come to Thailand because of a small 300thb fee? Hmm, maybe Thailand will be better off without those tourists!
  10. One of the few positive worthwhile comments to actually read! Well written. Only reason I wear my mask still is because majority of Thai's are still wearing them.. I am in their country so I choose to do likewise.. [for those negative people about to attack my post... 1. I will not give you the time of day or gratitude of replying, and 2. you should go out and get a hobby that actually makes you feel good and a better person.
  11. I have actually seen your face! I very highly recommend you wear a mask permanently.. even when CoVid has been wiped out!
  12. He was under-cutting the other dude... 0.75 thb for a bead
  13. I dont think I need to see this clip ????
  14. Lot of farang still want to roll the dice.. when it comes to drinking and riding a motorbike! Sometimes the dice dont roll the way you want them to.
  15. Or the cost of the caddie tip if you decide to play a round of golf haha.
  16. You are fully entitled to your opinion.. just as I am as well. Have a great day.
  17. Can not put it any better. It really is not that hard to understand haha
  18. I am also an ex-pat who flies regularly to Vietnam... it is what it is! And that is a small fee you have to pay... So my 4 - 5 trips to Vietnam will cost me 1,500 thb a year.. hmm ok.. I can not get out of it, so will be positive and accept it ???? Have a great day.
  19. Really? You are asking 'why'? ???????????? Take your blinkers off and re-read the article. (hint:- could the money she was bringing belong to the 'accused' murderer.
  20. I would also contribute a little per month if I was assured 100% of it was going to Jaa. ASEAN, are you able to guarantee 100% every baht donated will go directly to Jaa? Also, can the money be accessible by Jaa when she turns 18? Sounds like the 'trustees' will be managing her affairs forever ????
  21. I think it is great to see positivity in this thread without the usual negativity BS! Hoping all these donations can change her life for the better.
  22. I just donated 1086.52... a worthy cause... Best of luck to her.
  23. The million baht that the wife had in cash for his bail should have been confiscated and given to the young girl who witnessed her parents being murdered ????
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