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Everything posted by Callmeishmael

  1. The last time we visited California I took my wife to my favorite taqueria and ordered one super burrito. She was puzzled as to why I had ordered only one, but when it arrived she understood!
  2. A few years ago I realized that I didn't have my passport while we were driving to the airport! I gave them my Thai DL and got on the plane with no problems.
  3. Before the coup I could just show my Thai Drivers License and usually get the Thai price. One of the first acts of the Generals was to put a stop to that!
  4. I'm sure that schools will be among the last places to go maskless. I was thinking that the mask rules would be relaxed for next year, but quite frankly, I don't know when we will ever be unmasked. Even when covid is just a memory, Thailand still has seasonal flu outbreaks, hand-foot-and mouth disease and chronic air pollution. I don't know if teachers and students will ever be free of masks. ????
  5. The dogs were wagging their tails while barking, which usually means that they are excited, but not hostile. However, anytime you have an excited pack of dogs like that you have the potential for trouble. A pack of dogs usually follow the lead of their most aggressive member, so all it would take would be one angry dog to set them off. A pack of dogs is like a mob of humans, but worse, as they cannot speak or try to reason with each other.
  6. The good old Spicy Club... well before 2008 I recall an acquaintance I met there complimenting me for my relatively good morals... I left with the same two girls I arrived with!
  7. Are you talking about a lowered car like a low-rider? In Bangkok the issue isn't hills or even speed bumps, but floods. Bangkok has fairly frequent floods in many areas and a very low car could literally float away in some streets. A lot of people buy SUVs, not for going off-road, but for driving safely in the city after a heavy rain.
  8. I don't know if I can post this link here: https://www.gammaco.com/ This is where we get almost everything for our lab.
  9. Why don't they just design a plane of their own? They did it before!
  10. Not really relevant, but the father is 54 and the daughter is 37? So he became a father at age 17 and is now a multi-millionaire? The inside story would be very interesting to hear.
  11. And all that money spent did not prevent the soi at the end of my street being hubcap deep in water!
  12. I'm no fan of Anutin, but he's 100% correct this time. We don't need more poison spread about!
  13. No mention of the fact that heavy rains last night resulting in some roads being flooded this morning. I can usually get to school in about 20 minutes, but today it took closer to 40. Fortunately I always try to arrive at least half and hour early.
  14. International School teachers also need Thai licenses. However, most of them have licenses from their home counties, which will qualify them for Thai licenses.
  15. ^ I'll let you know if I am indeed a grandfather about 11 months from now!
  16. This one's the cheapest and easiest. http://saintrobertsgroup.com/ANNOUNCEMENT/ You get what you pay for, but it is recognized by the TCT. Signing up for this course should get you one more waiver. However, anyone getting a diploma or a PGCEi now will still have to take a TCT test that NO-ONE seems to have passed, in order to get their teacher's license.
  17. 9 more days until those annoying signs that make driving in Bangkok eve more dangerous than usual will start to go way!
  18. I'm fairly certain that masks will have to be worn at schools long after they are no longer required elsewhere.
  19. So, are we going to have floods or a drought this year?
  20. I would bet that one of the opposition parties will be disbanded for the usual reason, but not until after the election registration deadline, so that party will be out of the running entirely. Future Forward would probably be an easier target, but Pheu Thai might actually be more of a threat to the PTB!
  21. If installed correctly is the important phrase here. Many of mechanics here are not properly trained and just learn the basics on the job.
  22. "the gas power car exploded' CNG or LPG are both very flammable. I have never heard of a diesel car exploding or burning, but almost every week we hear of people dying in fires when gas powered cars explode or burn. Is saving a few baht when pull up to a gas station really worth risking a horrible death?
  23. Yes, but they can still get 3 waivers, right? So that means that there will be a constant turnover of new faces every 4 to 6 years. The only losers are the foreigners who have Thai wives and kids and will have to either take them back to their home country or leave them behind. Of course, if someone stayed in Thailand long enough to get married, they may find getting restarted back in Farangistan a bit difficult.
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