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Everything posted by Callmeishmael

  1. A couple of friends have signed up and neither of them have heard anything from the TCT either. I believe that the courses are starting no later than September, so I wouldn't worry unless you don't hear anything from them by August.
  2. ^ Yes, if he has a current license from Canada, he can apply for a Thai Teacher's License. This is what most teachers at International Schools do.
  3. Teachers at International Schools need waivers or licenses just like everyone else. One of they ways you can get a Thai teacher's license, is to have a license from your home country. If you are a qualified teacher from Canada, or the UK or the US, you can just present proof of your qualifications to the TCT (along with a lot of other paperwork) and get your Thai Teacher's License.
  4. I tested + last Wednesday morning, spent the day in bed and tested - Thursday. I didn't go to a hospital and so I won't show up in any statistics.
  5. I think you need to turn your perspective of this AI revolution around: 1. 300 million jobs lost. 2. 7% increase in productivity. So 300 million people will become poorer and maybe 3 million business owners will become richer. So the real question is 'Which group are you in?'
  6. You probably already know this, but you will need to scan all of your certificates and combine them as a single, multi-page PDF document that is no bigger than 2MB. I actually found this to be the most difficult part of the whole application procedure and finally bought a copy of Abobe Acrobat, as I couldn't get the correct size from the free PDF editors.
  7. There is no such thing as 'semi-private' schools. There are private schools of varying quality and price and then there are Government Schools. However, not all Government Schools are equal. Many have EP programs or Gifted Programs or Mini-EPs, which require Entrance Exams and extra tuition payments. Some Government Schools are 'famous' and require entrance exams for everyone, not just the EP students. Getting into a 'good school' is very important, not because you get a better education, but because students who graduate together are often friends for life and can help each other with jobs or business contacts later in life.
  8. Actually, foreign students in the US have limitations on how much and where they can work. They can work on campus for no more than 20 hours per week.
  9. I friend used to joke that she was sending her daughter 30K baht a month to go to university so that she could earn 20K a month after she graduated!
  10. Didn't know how to put the car in neutral!!!??? I don't think that he deserved the kicking, but what a numpty!
  11. I don't know about the rest of you, but I would rather pay the 20K baht than go to jail! ????
  12. My Landlord wouldn't know a visa from a hole in the ground. I did the TM30 for her, just had her sign on the correct line.
  13. A friend called the TCT, he said that it would be quite reasonable - no exact figure, but cheaper than St. Roberts.
  14. I'm fairly sure that many of those countries have oil. Oil trumps human rights!
  15. Regardless of how many people deny it, climate change is real and the billions of tons of fossil fuel that we burn every year is contributing to it. Difficult choices will have to be made in the not-too-distant future: do I continue driving my SUV and watch the numbers of hurricanes and droughts increase? or do I sweat my way through the tropical heat and humidity to work on a bicycle? I would oppose a law mandating the above, but I would support urban planning and zoning and tax structures that would encourage people to live/work/learn in a local area.
  16. ^ I forgot to add: the sign-up deadline is 31 March of 2023. No mention of cost.
  17. A new announcement for teachers who are currently on waivers has been issued by the TCT: http://site.ksp.or.th/content.php?site=englishsite&SiteMenuID=1888&Action=view&Sys_Page=&Sys_PageSize=&DataID=9457 This link clarifies the new 'modules' that teachers will have to do in order to get a license. 7 modules x 60 hours per module = 420 hours or about 8 hours per week!
  18. I wouldn't be surprised if AN gets a memo from the Chinese Embassy correcting the story to read: There were Chinese, Taiwanese also Chinese and French nationals taken off the Thai streets.
  19. My first car was a Triumph Spitfire Mk2. It was the most fun a young man could have on 4 wheels... except when one fell off and literally rolled down the road ahead of me. That car was a great education for me, pretty much anything that could break did break. I learned a lot about fixing cars!
  20. Let my repeat that: "The panel has no authority to interrogate any responsible persons in accordance with the penal code", he said. So they are outright saying that the panel will do nothing??!!!
  21. Universities in Thailand need a certain percentage of their faculty to have PhDs. If you find a University (probably outside of Bangkok) that needs someone with a doctorate you can pretty much name your price,
  22. When speaking Thai they use the same floor numbering system as the US. That is, 1st floor (chan neung) is at ground level, then second, etc. But when they use English, it depends on whether the owner learned the British style of numbering or the American, so the only way to tell is to ask them or go see the hotel.
  23. I'm sure that someone more knowledgeable that I will be along soon, but I believe that someone who lives in that school district needs to add them to their Tabian Baan.
  24. So you can be denied a visa if you were given a ticker for having a broken taillight???? ????
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