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Everything posted by Callmeishmael

  1. 5 months after I started the process, I have succeeded in renewing my Thai Teaching License. I was going to post some helpful hints about how to do the process, but since the entire process seems to be changing, I don't think that will be particularly useful. I haven't received my card and printed license from the KSP yet, but I have printed out a copy from their website. It is for the full five years, so I will be able to teach unit 2028.
  2. Once. I was sailing a boat from Marina Del Rey to San Francisco with just a 13 year old nephew for crew. I was motor-sailing upwind when the engine cut out. I spent the rest of that night, all the next day and all of the next night sailing the boat up to Monterrey. The kid was a real trooper, even if he was sleeping below decks he would wake up and help pull on a jib sheet when it was time to tack. As for the effects of lack of sleep, I did see some strange hallucinations out of the corner of my eyes during the second night, but they vanished if I looked straight at them. I also stacked up some cushions to sit on, so that I would fall over and wake up if I drifted off to sleep! I was in my early 40s and very fit then, I wouldn't try to do that now.
  3. While this is good news for many teachers, before celebrating too much I would like to see more information about these 7 modules... Who is going to teach them? How much will they cost and where will classes be held? Will those of us who already have Teaching Licenses be grandfathered into the system or will we be bumped down to the 2 year P class license? It sounds like the KSP decided to muscle in on the Philippine Diploma/PGCEi action and substitute their own equivalent courses.
  4. You should take a look at this thread! https://aseannow.com/topic/1287602-foreign-teachers-no-longer-required-to-do-an-education-course/
  5. Gone downhill? As far as I could see it was always an overpriced tourist trap.
  6. They just told a Police General to investigate police corruption. ???? Either he already knows about the corruption and has been participating in it for years, or he is hopelessly blind and incompetent! Having the police investigate themselves is just a farce.
  7. What does she need it for? Are there iPhone Apps that she needs to use at school that won't work on an Android phone? (It is usually the other way around.) She probably just wants it to show off to her friends.
  8. Actually, the current government has emphasized that foreigners should be charged more, increased the cost to enter national parks and encouraged hotels and attractions to have dual pricing.
  9. I presume that she paid Thai price for the hotel, so she shouldn't expect the same level of service that hotels give to their more profitable foreign customers. As long as hotels and tourist attractions practice government approved dual pricing, of course the foreigners will be more welcome than Thais.
  10. I wouldn't say that this is actually a boat, more of a floating house... or rather a formerly floating house!
  11. She's a Police Colonel and the daughter of a former Deputy Prime Minister. They might as well quit the farce of trying to prosecute her and just give her a few wais and let her go.
  12. ^ Many of them might have Covid, but all of them will have money. The Hotels and restaurants will probably all be rolling out the welcome mat.
  13. I'm fairly certain that guns are limited to 5 bullet magazines in California. Which would be more than enough for a hunter or target shooter.
  14. Actually, was this even illegal? When we go on school field trips the buses are always escorted by police, usually a car and two motorcycles.
  15. I noticed that the lights were flashing, then stopped for several seconds, then flashed again just as the accident was happening. Also, he probably would have made it through the crossing, but he did slow down just before he was hit.
  16. Thrown out the of pickup.... This seems to happen amazingly often here in Thailand. I wonder if she was wearing a seat belt?
  17. I have been doing 90 day reports for almost 20 years and have had a work permit for about the same time. I have never been asked for anything related to my job or may Work Permit when making the 90 day reports. I suspect that: 1. The official quoted in the BP was speaking without engaging his brain. OR: 2. A requirement that is on the books but unenforced for decades. OR: 3. A new rule that may or may not come into effect as a knee-jerk response to the Chinese gangster problems.
  18. I noticed that in the last line of a BP article about Chinese setting up illegal businesses. My guess is that this requirement has been on the books for years but hasn't been enforced since the 1970s. It's not unusual for the high ranking officials to have no clue as to what the day to day procedures actually are. Either that or this is going to be a new requirement that will be imposed upon everyone because of shifty Chinese gangsters working in Thailand.
  19. ^^ I remember using VMS well. We called out inter-office emails 'VMs'. Back in the mid-'90s I moved from VMS to XTree!
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