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Kevin Taylor

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Everything posted by Kevin Taylor

  1. Don't really know if Ivermectin is useful in treating covid but at least there are no side effects. Unlike the covid jabs.
  2. I am pretty much done listening to governments and the like telling me what's good for my health and what isn't. If we have to go back to being discreet and buying it illegally so be it. They have zero interest in your health or mine only to exercise control over the populace for there own gains.
  3. I don't know much about the drug but it seems like a huge waste of resources. 50 police to bust a party where no one was hurting anyone but possibly themselves.
  4. He says it's a threat to the country and brings more negatives for the economy. Proof of that please sir, you've had about 2 years of it being legal so there must be plenty of data. It doesn't seem to make any difference to society that I can see those that want to smoke will, those that don't won't.
  5. Dr John Cambel is an interesting man. I followed his channel all through the covid nonsense. At the start he was very pro masking pro lockdown and pro vaccine he would basically repeat what the health department were saying. Over time he did a 180 on all those things. To the point he did one episode where he made a formal apology to all his viewers apologising for repeating wrong information and said basically his whole career he had been taught to trust the so called experts and beuracrats in the health department. Since then he has been on a bit of a tear questioning everything the government said. For those that doubt him he always quotes his sources and adds the links to the studies that he is quoting from. All in all a good man who is trying to educate the public on health matters. Which more than can be said for most media and governments.
  6. Does anyone actually think Jomtien beach needs "fixing ". I understand the officials desire for stuffed brown envelopes but howabout send the contractors to fix roads that actually need fixing and leave Jomtien alone there's nothing wrong with it as is.
  7. I think the nay sayers are just complaining for the sake of it. I personally don't like karaoke, but I don't bang on about making it illegal. You don't like the smell or you don't like seeing shops selling cannabis, get over yourselves some people do and absolutely no one is forcing you to partake.
  8. There was a case about a year ago of a Chinese guy with a pet lion living in a housing development on the dark side somewhere, not sure what happened there apparently he had a permit so it was legal. Hard to believe but apparently you can have a pet lion too if you have the money. Rich people are weird.
  9. During the height of the covid lockdown madness they were trying to buy 3 subs. I guess 1 is an improvement on 3 take the positives where you can.
  10. I have watched those guys pulling boats out there. To be honest I was pretty impressed sometimes they would hook up 3 tractors in tandem to pull a boat. The article says his tractor tipped to the side, when I have watched them pulling in tandem they were always in a straight line so I am not too sure how they managed to tip it on its side. Just a dangerous job I guess.
  11. How about a lawsuit for the muppets that put it on the controlled substance list in the first place.
  12. So this is the cost of getting the military senators on board to form a government. Now they want their toys.
  13. I thought people had gotten past the covid fear mongering, maybe not after reading some of these comments. Seriously people you do not need to get stats from the cdc or who or whoever just look around you everyone you see has been exposed to covid everyone.
  14. Funny to me that the Woke fools are trying to virtue signal by calling the man's post racist. I don't think it is and I have seen similar things many times. It's just a fact the majority of Indian tourists in Pattaya are very low rent.
  15. Have we stopped calling them Katoys ?
  16. I had a Bombay cat aswell, it was really my maids second cat but I ended up with him. I was very surprised how people friendly he was, not being a cat person I googled his looks and found a description of him saying he was a Bombay. Honestly he was more doglike than cat-like would follow you around the house from the time I woke up. Highly affectionate breed I honestly didn't know cats behaved that way.
  17. You know what for me her predictions are no dumber than the so called expert class of globalist at the wef and who who claim they know best for us plebs and claim to know what's best for the world. Actually maybe that's who she is talking about.
  18. Good for them. The system is rigged against them so yes they have every right to feel betrayed.
  19. Are senators here in Thailand normally elected somehow ? The story speaks of the unelected Senate. I take it these are cronies the General installed after seizing power in 2014. Strangely they seem to have turned on him aswell.
  20. Quite true I think. Its not just Thailand though, institutions have been captured worldwide
  21. Are you able to rent equipment at these archery clubs and sort of have a try for 20 mins or so ? I have no experience in this at all but feel it would be something I would like. I went down the rabbit hole a while ago with ancient archery and was surprised to learn that their techniques were more draw the bow look at target and release. No real sighting just muscle memory I suppose.
  22. She's not wrong. I think people here are institionalised into this type of thinking, booze bans being just one example.
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