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Kevin Taylor

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Everything posted by Kevin Taylor

  1. Wow, you love this covid stuff don't you. Most people on your side of the argument now say the science has changed. This of course is not true but it's a way of justifying there bad behaviour in vilifying people who were not vaccinated or dared to exercise outside without a mask. You seem to just double down on all those covid narratives that the msm was perpetuating. Good for you then if it makes you happy to keep the narrative going. Most people however have moved on and don't believe the narrative.
  2. Jeez I wish these people would just steal whatever money they are going to steal instead of this constant charade of roadworks where they skim money off the top. At least then we wouldn't have to put up with perfectly good roads dug up and left for years.
  3. What does the average thai voter think ? I feel like it's just the vocal minority that want it illegal again. Those people I think would just be shouting about something else if it it weren't for Cannabis. We will see I suppose but for me the last year just proves all the reefer madness stuff was complete rubbish.
  4. I feel your pain sir. Pesky media bringing up the thing your organisation does in this country frequently. Perhaps buy off the media sir, it works in other countries, or perhaps smeer people who use the word coup as racist and far right, that seems to work in other countries.
  5. That's all the same nonsense some people were saying at the height of covid. All of it was proved false. Masking doesn't work it only causes social problems for kids. Move on the natural immune system is a wonderful thing, let it do its job.
  6. Yep I have watched the video. To me they are stood in the middle of the road, doesn't really matter that they are standing on the white line. Don't do that, Lane discipline isn't for <deleted> here. Don't assume people will drive in their lane and be paying attention. That being said I feel bad for the guys and yes now I see the video the driver was not paying attention. My point is don't give anyone the chance to run you over. Seriously if you have to wait 5 mins to get a gap to cross the road then wait 5 min. If the traffic is too busy then cross somewhere else otherwise your putting your life in the hands of someone else. If your dead it's not really relevant who's fault it is your still dead. Anyone reading this can cross the road however they want I However do not trust Pattaya drivers so I won't give them the chance to kill me.
  7. Most comments on here seem to automatically blame the driver. As someone who has driven here for a long time I can tell you some tourists actually walk in front of cars to try to make them stop so they can cross the road. Never understood that myself. Thai people for the most part do not do this, they will wait for a gap as would seem sensible. Don't know what happened here but it's a daily occurrence driving in Pattaya that some tourists will just walk across a road expecting everyone to see them and then stop for them.
  8. Here's the problem. I take it you read that article and believe everything they write to be true. I do not. That article says at 250 deaths a day covid is a leading killer. Google annual death rate USA and it is around 3.5 million annually so that's about 9 thousand 500 a day. 250 a day is a small percentage of that and that's if you believe they all died of covid.
  9. Experts eh. Thats just another word that doesn't mean what it used to.
  10. 5 covid deaths is really nothing compared to the number of road fatalities during the same period. Keep banging on about covid though if that's what makes you happy.
  11. 2 mile swim in open water is seriously impressive. No need to make up the bit about him being drunk. If he was a bit wobbly on his feet maybe it's because he just swam 2 miles in open water. What do I know though I am not a journalist.
  12. On the Thailand forum today a proposal of a bill to legalise prostitution. It could happen, it would then make a mockery of these arrests. The present law I suppose was intended to protect the women. Like many such laws it seems to do the complete opposite.
  13. Yes similar experience to you. I can't really explain it. This attitude also occurs in many of the car showrooms and big bike showrooms. Unless your heart is set on the Honda maybe consider a different brand. I see a few Vespas around now days and have seen them in groups like they are riding as a club. Don't know if they are any good but worth a look. Up to you really. There are plenty of other shops around if it was me I wouldn't do business with a shop that's giving me attitude when your trying to give them your money.
  14. It's a shame. A lot of people believe what they are told by people on TV be that media or politicians. Unfortunately that is not the way the world works now. You have to put the work in yourself finding independent journalists on YouTube or rumble or similar. As to masks my own take was that the hospital type ones might have some benefit. However studies done could not find any statistical difference between those wearing masks in hospital settings and those not wearing them. I think that was Dr John Campbell s you tube channel. As to the way people actually wear them, it's ludicrous if that mask isn't an air tight seal how can it possibly work. If your a Westerner walking around outside with a mask it indicates to me that you are most likely politically left and that you believe what the main stream media tells you. You probably also like doing what authority figures tell you and you want to belong to a group who all do the same. Up to you I don't care but if you are wearing a mask to not get covid again then absolutely pointless.
  15. Does anyone know why they dug up Thepprasit. For me it was the best road, didn't flood nice and wide. Also I don't buy this laying asphalt on top of concrete to build up to the new drains. I have never seen drains that are built higher than the road they are supposed to drain from, kind of defeats the purpose. I reckon they just installed the wrong drains and instead of fixing that came up with the idea of building the road up to match the drains. We will see maybe it will work but I doubt it.
  16. A few years ago now, there were some people who would walk out on the pontoons that mark the swimming area. Some of them falling off the pontoons panicked and drown. My point being if someone who can't swim still puts themselves in that situation, then you can't help them or warn them. The Darwin awards is a real thing.
  17. Amazing. Clearly it won't be long before it's jumping the wall. I'm still a bit gobsmacked that this is actually happening. If you stay in the same village could you post occasional updates on what happens. I guess it's possible it grows up to be a friendly Disney type lion but I doubt it.
  18. It's a crazy story man. Even more so that you live in the area and have seen this lion cub. I can't really get my head around it. The original story said he bought it from a white lion breeder in the North somewhere. How is that even a thing ? All the moral and safety issues aside its the most interesting story I have read on this forum in a long time.
  19. A question for those that know. Can testosterone be taken in pill form ?. Testosterone clinics give injections which I don't really like. When I asked about it they seemed to say that injection was the only way to give a measured dose and pills were not accurate due to how much or little would be adsorbed into the body. Does this sound correct?
  20. It's a knocking effect from those offices being closed much of the last 3 years due to pointless lock downs. Apparently those in charge did not consider their actions would have consequences.
  21. I agree with pretty much everything you said. I bought a bike 4 to 5 months ago and was initially happy enough looping around Jomtien beach road and second road. Last 6 weeks or so the traffic has just gotten worse, if your doing it for exercise and putting your head down and peddling it just seems too dangerous in high season and weekends. Like you I have started putting the bike into the back of the pickup and driving out to Maprachan and more recently Cheechan Budda Mountain area. Lots of good roads to ride out there. The forest trail you linked to is on my list to try aswell. It's a bit of a pain but I think it's the only way to do it safely and once your out there it's much nicer and more enjoyable than riding in town. I see plenty of people riding bikes in Pattaya but to be honest most seem to take a don't care attitude. So you could always do that and hope no one runs you over otherwise go for bike paths and exercise parks.
  22. A terrible incident. I would urge people to consider what do you get if you win the argument against what you might lose. In this instance the British expats honking his horn and kicking the car might have caused the car to pull out into traffic and he might have got home 5 or 10 seconds earlier, that's it. We all now know what happened when he lost the argument
  23. Unless your wearing a gas mask or rebreather or something like that you are not protected. The best hospital grade masks are only partially effective if a perfect seal is made over the face and maintained at all times. Reality is no one does that because its uncomfortable and hard to breathe. The whole masking rules have been a fiasco in my opinion. If they don't work don't wear them, it's just giving people a false sense of security.
  24. I would call <deleted> on that statement, what countries are overwhelmed by covid.
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