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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. As you aren't a tourist , I don't see why you should be privy to any income for tourists . I can see the retirees appeal though , they come to Thailand once and pay 300 Baht and they are full insured throughout there lengthy stay, all funded by genuine tourists who just stay for a few weeks . Tourists fund retirees medical expenses .
  2. Right, so a felang can come to Thailand , illegally hire a motorbike without a licence , illegally drive whilst drunk and illegally drive with no crash helmet and illegally break the speed limit and if the crashes , then the Thai Government will pay his hospital bill ?
  3. That doesn't account for the expenditure though . Thailand doesn't make US$ 883 Billion profit from tourists. Tourists may spend that much , but that money isn't given to the Government , so the Government cannot pay felangs medical bills out of that money, because they do not receive it .
  4. So people who need open heart surgery within six months , they can come to Thailand and get the surgery done for 300 Baht ?
  5. People who have paid to be fully insured at home , would they also have to pay 300 Baht on arrival to be insured again ? Is the 300 Baht for all tourists or just those not already insured ?
  6. Yam, the female in the photo has been found safe and well But there is another young Female who is missing . "Ben's first girlfriend, Yam, has now been found and she is safe. Police have ruled her out of the case." https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/british-boy-16-found-dead-in-thailand-as-former-sex-crime-convict-admits-murder/ar-AA1aZ7YA?ocid=mailsignout&pc=U591&cvid=4ad285229f194dc5bdb75fe13629120c&ei=24
  7. You can easily get 4.% interest rate on savings in UK banks these days
  8. It wouldn't work at all . Would everyone be covered ? What about people with pre existing conditions ? What about people who break the law and insurance would invalidate their claim ? Would it encourage sick people to go to Thailand for free medical treatment or for them not to wear rash helmets and drive bikes drunk ? What about people already insured ? Would they have to pay again to be insured again ?
  9. O.K . So who should pay the uninsured felangs hospital bills and where would that money come from ?
  10. If people don't want to receive large hospital bills in Thailand , then its their own personal responsibility to make sure that they are full insured and that they comply with all the insurance requirements , and that includes reading all the small print and finding out what they are covered for and what they aren't covered for .
  11. Tourists are able to pay for the medical treatment of others be willingly contributing to the gofundme pages of the accident victims . Should the Thai government introduce a tourist tax , where tourists are taxed, to pay for the medical treatment of those uninsured ?
  12. Its practically impossible for Thai hospital to get the funds from people who have left Thailand and are back in their home Country or they would have to hire foreign Lawyers to chase those non payers down . Giving non insured people the same treatment as non insured people will just encourage people NOT to get insured, because it wouldn't be worth it . Yes, it would be nice if everyone could be treated in the best possible way , but someone needs to pay for it all
  13. Many Females work these days , sometimes earning more money than the male and they pay their way in a relationship . Other guys who stay married do not lose everything or anything at all actually, to their partner . So, get a partner who can pay their way or don't get divorced
  14. British people have voted for Brexit , Voted for Boris Johnson and voted to keep Scotland in the Union . Are you really sure that you want to give British people more things to vote about ?
  15. I was replying to the claim that she had been kidnapped . Her current fate is unknown and there are numerous scenarios about what could have happened to her (and she may have been kidnapped) , but its incorrect that state that she has been kidnapped because her fate is unknown
  16. If Kings could be voted for , would you stand in the election to be the new King ?
  17. Lets be realistic, they would still moan and complain and protest if a new King was elected by the people
  18. Self attention seekers . Its all about him and his right to protest and the unfair actions of the police against him . He doesn't mention his cause , the reason why he wants to protest . Self attention seeking , rather than seeking attention for his cause
  19. If you join and they send you a T-shirt with their opinion of the monarchy written on the T-shirt, I suggest that you don't wear that T-shirt in Thailand
  20. The Tories did actually oppose Brexit . The Conservative Government tried to convince the public to vote remain before the vote . It was only after the Brexit vote that the Conservatives agreed to follow the will of the people and to get Brexit done and then due to all the Brexit voters across the Political spectrum voting Conservative , they were elected . Had Labour agreed to follow the will of the people and get Brexit done, they quite possibly would have been elected . Brexit wasn't a Conservative policy , it was just that the Conservative party were the only political party to accept the democratic vote
  21. I fully support the Police . The protestors are annoying and disruptive and cause a nuisance . Attention seekers
  22. Yes, giving Females bits of paper and they allow you to put your body parts inside their body parts seems a bit strange to me
  23. So that's how watches work . I have always wondered how watches work and how people can know the time when wearing a watch
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