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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. Trump did tell all his supporters to remain peaceful and he did tell them to home home when things became a bit rowdy . It was just a legitimate demonstration that escalated and some of the demonstrators over stepped the mark a bit
  2. I do think that you missed the sarcasm . Joe Mancini is a Democrat and he was mentioned to point out corrupt Democrat Politicians
  3. That's a bit like getting plain boiled rice with Plain boiled noodles on top and seaweed on top of that and serving it to a White person and asking them how they like Yellow peoples food
  4. No, he did go to immigration and will get deported and banned from Thailand . The days of just paying 20 000 Baht for any length of overstay have long gone , long overstays these days are blacklisting from going back to Thailand for a number of years
  5. Thanks, that's handy to know . I was going to sell my property and flee to Thailand without telling or paying the taxman . I dont have to do that now
  6. U.K law says you should . Do you intend to not go back to the U.K ?
  7. If she's drinking large amounts of Lao Khao , then she will have a short life expectancy , many people are dead within three years of daily drinking that stuff
  8. What are you going on about ?
  9. Did you declare the income to the taxman ?
  10. Afghanistan was the Country where the terrorists had a safe haven and could arrange terrorists events and 9/11 was arranged by terrorists in Afghanistan . The invasion of Afghanistan was not a revenge attack for 9/11 and (that's why Saudi wasn't attacked) , it was to remove the Afghan terrorist sympathiser Afghan Government .
  11. This is a story about USA attacking Iran . Do you think that Trump/USA should have attacked Iran ? (Need to take into consideration how the USA attacking Iraq and Afghanistan went )
  12. How do the maga cult members feel about Trump running again in the next election ? As he has been POTUS for two terms now , wouldn't that means he's unable to run for third term in office , as two terms is the maximum ?
  13. I haven't been following the news much recently Is Donald Trump still USA President ?
  14. But at the end of the day, Trump did leave the Whitehouse voluntarily and he conceded his position to Joe Biden . This isn't the behaviour of a fascist , fascists remain in power and jail the opposition
  15. Well I suppose that Donald Trump was successful in his self coup, because he got rid of the then current President and Biden took over . Trump did a coup on January 6 th and removed himself as President . Would that make him a fascist though ?
  16. Trump WAS the Government on January 6th , he was the President at the time . He wasn't trying to overthrow himself, was he ?
  17. Fascists are dictators who take complete and full control of a country and do not have elections and suppress all opposition As the G.O.P participate in elections and cede power in elections , that means they aren't fascists
  18. I consider a debate to be a discussion between two people , rather than just one person talking and the other person just firing links back as a response , and not saying anything themselves
  19. I think that the baby should have a say in the process They should wait until the Child reaches 18 years old and then the Mother, Doctor and Child all discuss whether the now adult should be put to death or not
  20. Coincidently enough, we were just discussing what Fascism is and one of the definitions of Fascism is forcible silencing your political opponents
  21. If more ice is melting, wont those people be getting MORE water and not less ?
  22. And a quote from George Orwell from your link "'Fascism' has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies something not desirable."
  23. It isn't . Abortions aren't even mentioned
  24. Here is a a fuller definition : "a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition" https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascism
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