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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. They are a Right wing party, not a far right party, besides even meeting Politicians from another Country doesn't make you a far right person
  2. That is not true . The person who asked the question was not "far right"
  3. Biden made a campaign promise to nominate a Black Woman to the supreme Court and his three nominations for this post were all Black Woman, K Brown-Jackson, Leondra Kruger and Michelle Childs
  4. I suppose in the 1870's they would only take white males into consideration for jobs , that was when the USA was racist
  5. Although it was necessary to be considered for the job . Had She been of a different race, she wouldn't have been considered for the job
  6. Choosing a person solely because of their race , treating people differently according to their race , is the very definition of what racism is
  7. As people have been stating that She was the best candidate , I would have thought that they would have known who the other candidates were, in order to make their observation . I cannot fathom how some people can claim one person was the best candidate , when they have no idea whom the other candidates were
  8. I have no idea, that is why I asked the question . If I knew the answer, I wouldn't have asked the question
  9. Was She chosen solely for her race and gender or was She the actual best qualified person for the job ?
  10. Is in inappropriate to mention that She is a She ?
  11. She is hetro sexual though, they should have chosen someone a bit more diverse
  12. We did send them the money and they gave us some money back in the form of a rebate
  13. Where did you get that info from ?
  14. Yep , people shouldnt be concerned about staying alive , because everyone dies anyway , may as well make a rocket and blow myself up
  15. You were deceived because you couldn't understand what it meant
  16. The increase in spending is because of the concerns about Russia
  17. It was a suggestion . You misunderstood the suggestion to be a promise
  18. You have reached an age in life where you aren't supposed to be in relationships with younger females . The days of looking for partner to reproduce with have finished and you re at an age of when you should be taking care of your grandkids
  19. Females enjoy sex as well and they're willing to participate without being given cash after the event
  20. You misunderstood what was written on the bus
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