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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. My figures are for people born abroad , your figures included people of Asian ethnicity born in the UK
  2. Well yes, even your figures show that there are more E.U Citizens in the U,K , than people with a Indian/Pakistani heritage . ( I was replying to Candides claim that ........................go back and read the claim)
  3. Do you have a fan club that I can join ?
  4. There are about 1.3 million people in the U.K of Indian/Pakistani origin . Over 6 million people from E.U Countries received U.K settlement visas before Brexit
  5. You could do a degree in blowing your own trumpet ?
  6. 92 % of British people have been abroad to foreign Countries ...................and quite often, you do get foreigners living abroad . Seems odd that foreigner hating Brits go abroad to places where foreigners are . You claim that "many British people dislike foreigners" is untrue , because if Brits hated foreigners . 92 % wouldnt have gone abroad
  7. https://fullfact.org/immigration/refugees-first-safe-country/
  8. There is a UK domestic law which allows the government to refuse to consider an asylum application if it is judged that the person could have claimed asylum elsewhere.
  9. Not everyone has sex immediately and she could previously had used an excuse as why not to have sex
  10. Yes, I waked past a hotel in the U.K yesterday , a small 50 bedroom hotel which often hosted weddings and things . Its been closed for the past three years and houses asylum seekers , hotel is full and not open to the public . Often see the young middle eastern asylum seekers coming and going often with designer clothes bags , standing out side all having a cigarette together and our Council tax has been increased to pay for them . Its a nice hotel , although I never stayed there , its a bit expensive for me
  11. How did their claims for asylum in France get on ? Still being processed ?
  12. Entering a Country illegally makes them illegal immigrants , if they then claim asylum, they are illegal immigrants who claimed asylum
  13. Who are these people ? I keep hearing about British racist bigots shouting and making all the noise. Who are these people ? Anyone who starts spouting racist nonsense in the U.K is usually very quickly silenced . Its usually Brit haters who just use that as their excise for their own xenophobia
  14. But they entered the U.K illegally , which makes them illegal immigrants who claimed Asylum . Just because they claim Asylum, that doesn't detract from the fact that they are illegal immigrants
  15. And there's very many Foreigners who dislike The U.K. Constantly criticizing the U.K and its people and cannot see the hypocrisy in saying things like "I hate all British people because they're all racist" , they cannot see that its actually themselves who are being racist/Xenophobic
  16. The people who are getting sent to Rwanda are people who entered the U.K illegally , so they illegally immigrated . "Anyone entering the UK illegally" after 1 January could be sent, with no limit on numbers, UK prime minister Boris Johnson said. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-61782866
  17. You really need to write something, rather than just posting links with no comments . What are you trying to say ?
  18. I thought that you had spent a lot of time working in the UK building industry . If you had, you would have known that constructions workers get paid much more than the Union rates and union members rates
  19. What a terrible (and untrue) thing to suggest . British people do not dislike foreigners , you are just making false allegations
  20. I do think that you are playing the race card . People have shown a willingness for the U.K to take genuine refugees and to deport bogus refugee . The U.K is accepting refugees, the ones getting deported are illegal immigrants . As there is a war going on in the Ukraine , those people are genuine refugees . Its about genuine refugees and bogus refugee. Nothing to do with skin colour
  21. Why should the U.K have to shoulder that burden while Rwanda gets a free pass?
  22. Where did they arrive from ? They seek Asylum because its unsafe for them in their home Country and they are granted Asylum , they lose the claim of "being unsafe in their home Country," when they arrived from France . They are seeking Asylum, they arent going on a vacation
  23. Well make your mind up, ore you going to marry her or not ?
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