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Posts posted by way2muchcoffee

  1. Thank you guys.   To clarify. 

    1) This person is presently on an extension of his original Non-B Visa.  He was working at his previous school for 3 years. 

    2) He will not be applying for a Non-B outside of Thailand.  He will simply do a border run.  When he comes into during the border run he will have a Visa Exemption (he is from the USA)

    3)  His previous school will cancel his Work Permit in Phitsanulok on 27 July.   

    4)  He lives in Nakhon Nayok and it isn't convenient to travel to Phitasnulok to cancel his Non-B Visa and then try to get to a border within 24 hours.

    He would prefer to just go the border without having to go to Phitsanulok first.  I am worried about any repercussions from this plan.

  2. A new teacher at my school (in Nakhon Nayok) was previously employed at a school in Phitsanulok province.  He currently has a Non-B Visa and Work Permit from his previous school.  For reasons of necessary documentation regarding his education he is unable to transfer his visa from his previous school to our school.  Therefore he will exit the country and come back on a tourist visa or visa exempt.


    The questions I have are these:   

    1) Does he need to travel to the Immigration office in Phitsanulok in order to cancel his Non-B Visa before leaving the country?   I have heard stories of people not being allowed to exit the country at the border until they have properly cancelled the Non-B Visa.   

    2) If he must cancel the visa first, is there a way that he doesn't have to travel to Phitsanulok to do this?


    Thank you in advance for your replies.

  3. A friend is in this situation.  His travel insurance will soon expire.  He has accepted a position to teach in a school in a semi-rural area, where driving a motorcycle is practically mandatory.  The school will provide private medical insurance and enroll him in the Thai Social Security system, but those will not begin until after he passes a 3-month probationary period.

    He will be legally working in Thailand with a work permit, and he therefore will be unable to renew/extend his travel insurance.  He will rent the motorcycle, and so auto insurance is not an option, and he does not feel comfortable riding a motorcycle without medical insurance.  But he only needs to be covered for 90 days.

    Does anyone have any experience with this, or any other useful advice?   Your comments are most appreciated.

  4. Right, wrong, or indifferent.   Corporal punishment is the norm in Thai schools, regardless of any law in place.   It is condoned by teachers, school administrators, police, and just about every parent.   Throughout the world there are a wide variety of beliefs and practices with regard to punishment of children.  It is the right of each country to determine a position that is consistent with tradition and cultural values.  It is not my place to judge.

  5. Assignment to an inactive post is something equivalent to suspension.   There are time honored traditions and principles in the west called 'due process' and 'innocent until proven guilty'.   There is nothing wrong with the inactive post assignment.... it is par for the course in many nations, including western ones.   It is the ultimate prosecution and finding of guilt that is the problem here.   Just my two cents.

  6. ANYBODY with any common sense would have known she was not going to be held if they read the Thai laws regarding the treatment of minors accused of a crime. They were posted her by a mod. Funny thing is they didn't mention anything about wealth or eliteness and simply made clear that Thailand observed the same types of treatment that are internationally accepted when it comes to minors.

    And you are being deliberately disingenuous if you fail to realise that her relative wealth and social position will help to get her the most lenient treatment possible - leniency that may well not be given to those not enjoying her privileges.

    The case as quoted by Newermonkey is far from rare - my 15 year-old stepson did 6 months for stealing a motorcycle. Are our families not loving and caring enough to provide a safe home? At very least, neither child left a trail of corpses and grieving families.

    I would argue that stealing a motorcycle is a far more serious crime than speeding a few clicks over the limit without a national driving license, and being involved in an 'accident'.

  7. Yes.

    For sure.

    And why not ?

    I'm not so sure. I will change my mind if you can provide a similar picture of your country's prime minister or president in a magazine published by the opposition party.

    If such a picture were published in my country the lawsuits for such an action would be numerous and costly. Public interests groups would be hysterical. Public protests would be likely.

    Any organization that published something along these lines would be hounded and/or sued out of existence. I doubt there would be criminal charges though.

    So I think it would be allowed, but not tolerated.

  8. I must disagree. A high school diploma and good English speaking skills will earn a person as much as double the salary of someone without the credential and language skill. Not only will the salary be higher but the working conditions will be much more pleasant/comfortable. This may be limited to Bangkok but there it is. Who wouldn't be happier with twice the pay and better working conditions?

    What is a "high school diploma"? The one from the American education system? That is good enough to become a English teacher here and no higher or real education required? And the other dudes don't even have that kind of "diploma". OMFG.

    Get a grip SergeiY. We are talking about Thai people learning the English language and the employment benefits that are accrued to them in the Thai workplace.

    Well, jayjay0 "Teaching English would keep some of them out of the bars thats about it." comment was about the idea that some foreign retirees or veterans of american wars 'could' 'teach' English on a voluntary base and not about the future job of some Thai students. ...

    Apoligies SergeiY. I didn't get all of jayjay0's quote in, in particular the part I was responding to. Your reaction was understandable. My mistake and a sincere apology for the not so nice retort I made to your post.

  9. I must disagree. A high school diploma and good English speaking skills will earn a person as much as double the salary of someone without the credential and language skill. Not only will the salary be higher but the working conditions will be much more pleasant/comfortable. This may be limited to Bangkok but there it is. Who wouldn't be happier with twice the pay and better working conditions?

    What is a "high school diploma"? The one from the American education system? That is good enough to become a English teacher here and no higher or real education required? And the other dudes don't even have that kind of "diploma". OMFG.

    Get a grip SergeiY. We are talking about Thai people learning the English language and the employment benefits that are accrued to them in the Thai workplace.

  10. Bout, guilty in this case or not, was framed. That's a fact.

    Do you mean he was a victim of entrapment? Entrapment is not the same thing as being framed. A case could be made for entrapment I think, but not a good one. He was set up, yes, but the circumstances don't meet the legal criteria for entrapment.

    Sorry LaoPo. Wasn't trying to beat a dead horse here. Looks like this was already covered. I was just catching up on the thread and responded to an earlier post.

  11. Teaching English would keep some of them out of the bars thats about it.

    I must disagree. A high school diploma and good English speaking skills will earn a person as much as double the salary of someone without the credential and language skill. Not only will the salary be higher but the working conditions will be much more pleasant/comfortable. This may be limited to Bangkok but there it is. Who wouldn't be happier with twice the pay and better working conditions?

  12. Ah ...... the amerikan dream!

    Or nightmare?

    Does it not all start with education?

    Long way to go in thailand.

    As my wife - she is thai - says: some people go to school a long time, but they did not learn anything.

    Shall we blame ---- thai culture?----- poor thai? ----- or thai schools, that are controlled by the amart? (red or yellow, same same)

    I believe the failure of the school system is mostly due to Thai culture. Motivation, discipline, and maturity is seriously lacking in the land of sabai sabai.

  13. That's why I wrote: "Do I smell a sense of hypocracy ?"

    Hypocracy...from a country that desperately wants a notorious Russian arms dealer but at the same time is selling weapons for $ 60 Billion themselves to the country which delivered the 9/11 hijackers killing so many innocent people on the selling countries' soil.

    Go, knock the doors and explain that to the families who lost their beloved ones on 9/11.

    Very hard to swallow.

    ALL arms producing countries, factories, dealers AND buyers are hypocritical @ssholes and it's all about money and power.

    The dream of a weapon free world is far away and will probably never come...:(


    As long as there have been humans (and longer than that) there have been weapons. Nothing will change in that respect ever.

  14. Random says:

    As ex uk police I am more than aware what an autopsy consists of having been to quite a few over the years myself, an autopsy will show the weapon and calibre, and elevation of fire, of course this will help in proving who was responsible, along with an in depth investigation.

    And later Random says:

    At no point did I claim to be an expert or have in depth knowledge....

    And one final quote from Random:

    Anyway like I said, keep it up, normally I like to make people look stupid when they are, but you guys are doing a good enough job by yourselves :whistling:


  15. I wonder where he gets his 'news' and 'facts' from.

    As far as i know there are not much of official statements about investigation results what had caused all the death.

    The only journalist where there is proof thus far is the one in the video who was taken out by redshirts along with a few military personnel next to him writhing on the ground covered in blood.

  16. These guys are in the current government. They are not the nicest once as we know it.

    But the statement from Abhisit came not to bitch about the BJT, but just to establish some 'self-esteem' and to declare he isn't just together with them and sold his soul to the devil because he wanted to become the PM. He 'could' do it without them, he says.

    But don't wait for the day that he will prove it, Abhisits conjunctive moods will never have consequences, is not followed by action that will ever occur.

    He has proven his clean image and aversion to corruption multiple times over. He has proven through his policies that he cares for the entire country in ways seldom seen in Thai politics. Evidently you don't follow the news or read any posts that don't fit your ideology.

    I think you are competing with that other poster on here for the comedy award.

    if he is so averse to corruption why would he appoint Suthep and his deputy when suthep had to resign as an MP over his financial irregularities, or is he just against it when its not one of his own party, and why did his party accept an illegal donation and also break another EC law and rather than face the music the try and influence the courts to find in their favour?

    I look forward to your propaganda on this also.

    love makes blind, they say.

    As does hatred.

  17. he is also one of the most impressive politicians Thailand has ever seen.............Yes,you tell that to the families from all the people who were killed last april.

    What has he done in the south??????Every days killing?You must be a top joker.intheclub.gif

    For the deaths in April and May the entire blame rests with the UDD and PTP leadership.

    Suggestion: Don't bring rifles, pistols, grenades, broken bottles, spears, knives, machetes, rpgs, and homemade bombs and projectiles to a 'peaceful protest'.

    and even if you don't bring one expect to get blown away by the army anyway

    Yes. Particularly when your job is to reload the weapons for your cousin who is standing next to you firing on police, journalists, civilians, and military personnel.

  18. he is also one of the most impressive politicians Thailand has ever seen.............Yes,you tell that to the families from all the people who were killed last april.

    What has he done in the south??????Every days killing?You must be a top joker.intheclub.gif

    For the deaths in April and May the entire blame rests with the UDD and PTP leadership.

    Suggestion: Don't bring rifles, pistols, grenades, broken bottles, spears, knives, machetes, rpgs, and homemade bombs and projectiles to a 'peaceful protest'.

  19. These guys are in the current government. They are not the nicest once as we know it.

    But the statement from Abhisit came not to bitch about the BJT, but just to establish some 'self-esteem' and to declare he isn't just together with them and sold his soul to the devil because he wanted to become the PM. He 'could' do it without them, he says.

    But don't wait for the day that he will prove it, Abhisits conjunctive moods will never have consequences, is not followed by action that will ever occur.

    He has proven his clean image and aversion to corruption multiple times over. He has proven through his policies that he cares for the entire country in ways seldom seen in Thai politics. Evidently you don't follow the news or read any posts that don't fit your ideology.

  20. Nahh, now its proven that the BJT are the bad guys, even in the eyes of the PM. But the PM is such a nice guy, friendly to everybody, so he will be not so mean to kick them out.

    Agreed, noting of course that the BJT politicians were among the most influential groups in government during the Thaksin regime. Newin was Thaksin's 'right hand man'.

    Abhisit knows this. I suspect he resents having to work with this bunch. I interpret his multiple recent comments expressing discontent with the BJT as the equivalent of a shot over the bow.

  21. Usually with gold stores - don't pay for the workmanship, just the weight of the gold - so that is difference between here and the west.

    Not exactly true. Most gold stores will charge an additional 500-1000 bt over the gold price for a jewelry item. I will agree it is a nominal sum though.

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